PROTECT THE FUTURE OF GODOLPHIN GIRLS.The Governing Board of the Charity “The Godolphin School” (Charity No 309488) have stated their intention, as of 01 February 2024 (in six weeks), to: i) Amalgamate with and transfer all the school’s assets to UNITED LEARNING (including significant valuable land in the heart of Salisbury). ii) Terminate Elizabeth Godolphin’s 300 year legacy for an all-girls education, by taking the school co-ed. This plan and longstanding negotiation has been carried out behind closed doors and with no consultation with parents or, it would seem, appropriate due diligence and we suggest this represents poor business practice and gross mis-management on the part of the current school leadership. Further, we contend that it is highly questionable whether UL are an appropriate organisation to whom to surrender the assets, independence and future of Godolphin School. Moreover, it is our firm view that the current financial and educational position of the school in no way warrants such extreme, reckless and irreversible action. We suggest many parents chose Godolphin because it is independent and over nearly 300 years has crafted a singular culture which enables Godolphin girls to flourish. We believe that to now subsume this into a huge national state-and-private academy trust without consultation is a betrayal of the trust placed in the school governors. There is a significant body of research that unequivocally shows that girls in an all-girls environment out-perform those in co-education. Notwithstanding commercial considerations, as parents of Godolphin girls we believe this is worth fighting for. We believe that there are no pressing reasons to take such a momentous and irreversible action. As we stand on the very cliff edge of this critical decision we demand a 12 month period of investigation and reflection in order to achieve the best possible future for Godolphin Girls. The Governing Board have quite deliberately announced this massive decision at the last minute and just before the Christmas break giving, it would seem, as little time as possible for this to be challenged. It is vital to act now to create time for the future of Godolphin Girls to be given thorough and objective investigation and consideration, to achieve the very best possible outcome.498 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Elena Oderstone
Support in Schools for Grieving ChildrenStatistics show that on average every 20 minutes a parent dies in the UK; this leaving 46,300 children in the UK bereaved of a parent before the age of 18. This will allow children to feel comfortable settling back into school after suffering a loss of a loved one. Teachers to be trained to support the grieving child so they can slowly adjust back into the education system. Many children do not get the support that they need during this time of their lives which could lead onto more problems later in life; a study in the UK showed that 41% of Young Offenders had experienced a bereavement. They are a part of the 78% of 11 - 16 year olds that have been bereaved of a close relative or friend.73 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amelie Szeto-Clarke
Statutory guidance to ensure local authorities and schools address peer on peer abuseAll children deserve to grow up free from fear and abuse. Too many children are suffering sexual abuse and their parents are unable to protect them.49 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wendy Smith
Remove blanket ban on toilet breaks for children at Wroughton AcademyWe, the parents of children attending Wroughton Academy, need to show solidarity for the immediate reconsideration / update of policy that should already be common sense. Having researched the subject, it appears that schools do, in fact, have the ability to introduce policy to prevent children using the bathroom during lessons. This doesn’t mean that they HAVE to, or that it NEEDS to be a blanket ban. I would challenge the teachers to have some empathy and put themselves in the children’s shoes. How would they feel if someone denied them access to the bathroom if they were caught short? We’ve all been there, at some point or another, and this is as adults who are very used to dealing with bodily functions. Unfortunately the body doesn’t always do precisely as we wish it would, so how can this be demanded of children. I thought that we were passed the dictatorship days of classrooms gone by, but apparently we are not. Under no circumstances am I condoning the abuse, or misuse of this proposed change, but if a child is a “repeat offender” or it is suspected that they are just being disruptive, the matter can be brought up with the parents on an individual basis. The recent change in how the children enter the school in the morning has been touted as a way to give the children more independence / agency over their actions. I propose that this independence/ agency is also extended to unplanned bathroom breaks.143 of 200 SignaturesCreated by James Goldsmith
Let ALL parents access free childcareBy September 2025, most working families with children under the age of 5 will be entitled to 30 hours of childcare support from the Government, which is vital support when the average nursery place is an unaffordable £14,000 per year. But thousands of children are locked out of most of this support right now - forcing parents to give up work, denying children vital opportunities to develop and pushing families into poverty - all because of their parents’ immigration status. Even if children are British citizens, they are still locked out - it’s completely unfair. This Government are stopping parents from standing on their own two feet by depriving them of access to vital services, leaving families struggling even more during the cost-of-living crisis. Every child, no matter their race, class or immigration status, has the right to a fair start in life. Yasmin’s story - Yasmin’s first-born son didn’t get the chance to go to nursery because of nothing more than the fine print on her visa. The Government’s exclusionary rules locked Yasmin and her son out of this support. However, her daughter did get the chance because by the time she was old enough, Yasmin could benefit from government support with the costs. The impacts on her son have been long-lasting. His teachers have told Yasmin how he struggles more to make friends and interact with his peers than her daughter because he was robbed of this vital early years support. No child should be deprived of opportunities that are so important to their start in life, and no family should be forced into poverty because of government action.17,417 of 20,000 SignaturesCreated by Ella Abraham
Start taxing private schoolsPrivate schools are classed as charities despite being run as businesses. Schools like Eton - who charge an eye-watering £45k fee - can get tax breaks of up to 80%. But Labour have promised to scrap these and use the funds to improve state schools instead of boosting private profits. If Labour were to get into Government at the next election, they would tax private schools as businesses. It would be the first step in levelling the playing field and ensuring that no matter what your background, you get the same start. But already opposition is mounting from these schools and the elites that support them. A huge petition to all political parties showing them how popular the plans are could stop them listening to the private schools and pledge to end the tax breaks.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Campaigns by you
Sign the Horizon Deal and save scienceWe need to ensure the deal - which is ready to go - gets signed. Horizon allows scientists to work on protecting bees and build upon work from the Covid vaccine to protect us from future health emergencies. If we want a better future, this type of research is vital. 15 Nobel Prize winners and scientists across the UK are asking the Prime Minister to sign the deal. If he rejects it, that compromises the future of science in Britain. That’s why we need to put pressure on Rishi Sunak to put pen to paper.64,633 of 75,000 Signatures
Breaking Down Barriers: Ensuring Education for All Young People.According to research, young people with additional needs are significantly more likely to experience barriers to accessing education. In fact, a study by the National Autistic Society found that 63% of children with autism are not in the kind of school that their parents believe would best support them. Schools and other educational institutions need to be designed and equipped to provide an inclusive environment for all students. For example, schools can ensure that classrooms are accessible to students with physical disabilities, and that teaching materials are presented in a way that is accessible to students with learning difficulties. In addition, there needs to be greater support for teachers and other education professionals to ensure that they have the training and resources they need to support young people with additional needs. This can include providing training on how to work with students with specific needs, and ensuring that teachers have access to appropriate resources and materials. There also needs to be greater awareness and understanding of the needs of young people with additional needs within society as a whole. This means challenging stereotypes and promoting positive attitudes towards people with additional needs. For example, campaigns can be launched to raise awareness of the challenges faced by young people with additional needs, and to promote the benefits of inclusion. Finally, there needs to be greater investment in education for young people with additional needs. This includes investing in appropriate resources and facilities, and ensuring that funding is available to support the needs of these young people. By investing in education for young people with additional needs, we can help to ensure that they are not deprived of an education, and that they have the opportunity to reach their full potential. It is important to address the issue of inclusion within the education system, as young people with additional needs are often deprived of an education due to a lack of resources and support. By promoting inclusion, we can help to ensure that all young people have access to the education they need to reach their full potential. People should join our campaign because it is an opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of young people with additional needs. By working together, we can raise awareness of the challenges faced by these young people, and promote positive attitudes towards inclusion. We can also lobby for greater investment in education for young people with additional needs, and work to ensure that schools and other educational institutions are designed and equipped to provide an inclusive environment for all students. Joining our campaign is an opportunity to be part of a movement for change, and to make a positive impact on the lives of young people with additional needs. By working together, we can help to create a more inclusive education system, and a brighter future for all young people.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roismi Rajakumar-Mangrove.
Stop Leeds Conservatoire’s proposed staff restructureThe proposed staff restructure would drastically impair the world-class educational experience currently provided by Leeds Conservatoire thanks to the personalized academic structure and expert leadership. As a student body, we are aware that you are currently exploring various options to tackle the increasing strain upon the conservatoire’s finances. We understand that the scale of the current pressure is not something to be taken lightly and that action must happen. However, we are aware that one option being explored involves serious staff restructuring within the conservatoire. We have seen that there will be nine jobs at risk of redundancy across both schools; this will massively impair the educational experience of the students of all pathways. The prospect of the programme leader and curriculum manager being made redundant for the jazz would be greatly concerning for the future of our education at Leeds Conservatoire. This same concern goes for all other at-risk pathways. Not only do these course leaders set and manage the well-designed curriculums, but they also offer educational and professional guidance whilst remaining approachable and visible members of staff. We are concerned about how the personalized education currently offered at Leeds Conservatoire would be maintained under this staff restructure. While a ‘Head of Music and Education’ may be able to manage the admin work of the jazz, classical, film, and junior courses, they will not be able to provide the same curriculum level and quality for the individual pathways, and will not be available to provide educational help and guidance to students. This will undoubtedly lead to less competitive degrees compared to other institutions, decreasing our future employability. We are also concerned about the lack of detail currently being shared with students. Whilst we acknowledge that the finances and business of the conservatoire are private and complex, we feel that proposed changes of this magnitude should involve student voices — as ultimately it is us, the students, that will be the most affected. Section 4 of our 2022/23 Terms and Conditions states that ‘where a change is more significant, student consultation will take place before any changes are made that will impact current students.’ As a cross-pathway student body, we do not believe that this is currently being upheld. We understand that the issues you are facing are not simple or easy, but we feel that restructuring the staff in the currently proposed way would negatively affect all students at Leeds Conservatoire and hinder its largest selling point that helps it to be a world-class college and that other options need to be explored with the inclusion of the student voice in an open dialogue. We want to understand why this action is necessary, what will be done to mitigate any effect on our education, and why other options open to the institution are not viable.781 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Thomas Houghton
Petition to make school uniform affordableSchool uniform in our local area costs anywhere from £100-£200. This is highly unreasonable, especially considering the current cost of living crisis. Many families are struggling to fund their child's uniform as most schools have strict policies on jumpers, blazers, bags and PE kits which makes it difficult to accumulate for as each item of clothing is expensive. To solve this problem, my group has come up with an idea to help families who need support. This involves encouraging students who have outgrown/no longer need their uniform to donate it to their school which will go towards the new year 7s and any other years who need it. Another way to help ease the stress of uniform costs would be to simply lower the price tag. Around £30 for a school jumper is outrageous when you could buy a similar one from a clothing shop for a lot cheaper. Many families are already struggling in the current cost of living crisis and school uniform prices are only adding more stress. It is important to help this problem because people shouldn't have to worry about whether they can afford their child to have clothing or not. The government website also states that it is important for schools to have a way for their school uniform to be available to everyone. Things need to change.37 of 100 SignaturesCreated by diana diac
Education support workers need a pay riseSchool support staff have suffered more than a decade of pay cuts and are some of the most undervalued workers in society. Added to this, support staff at Ash Field Academy have been significantly underpaid when compared with comparable roles in LA maintained schools. They need a pay rise at least in line with inflation.253 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Tom Barker
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