• Childrens saftey matters
    Every parents worst nightmare is their child being hit by a car. The segway karts are seriously leathal and accidents waiting to happen due to how low to the ground they are and not supplied with a flag for bikes cars and trucks to see them. This is a very serious concern and these products are not supplying safety features with the items
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Donaldson
  • Let my wife remain with me in the UK
    We have been married for over 8 years, both in our 70,s and simply want to spend the balance of our Golden years in the peace and tranquility of the English Coutryside, without having to go through and over all the hoops and hurdles that we now faced with. We may not have contributed much to this world, but what we have done, we are proud off.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Bates
  • Protect the right of children to play
    We agree with Peabody that: “The sound of children playing is not considered anti-social behaviour. All children need to play inside or outside of their home in order to have a healthy upbringing.” We also agree that it is best for all residents that play should be respectful, both in times it occurs, and not to be of excessive volume or disturbance, and clearly self-regulation is the only effective enforcement. The families of the estate already abide to a set of informal guidelines around this - for example the time children may be outside playing - and are in constant communication and monitoring on this matter, a fact those without young families may not be aware of. We want to protect the children's rights as they have no voice themselves. We want to encourage dialogue between residents both for effectiveness and for the good of the community, and for all residents of all ages to enjoy living here 😀
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Painter
  • Foreign Spouse Visa (As a sponsor)
    Because in February 2018 my Filipino wife was denied a Visitors Visa to the UK, to carry out this vital process which has to be carried out in person by my wife and myself at the Philippine Embassy London so that I can Emigrate and join my wife in the Philippines, in this case according to Philippine Law, my wife is the sponsor, and I want to apply for a 'None-Quota Immigrant Visa to the Philippines so that I can join her and our 3 year old Daughter, it is astonishing that my wife was refused a Visitors Visa, yet we married in the UK, my wife gave birth to our Daughter here in the UK, she lived for 23 months in the UK, and was handed a Residency Permit and the right to work following an uncompleted 3 stage 5 year UK spousal settlement visa which was not completed because she returned to the Philippines following chronic home sickness, so now I cannot emigrate and join them, and my wife cannot visit the UK to start off the process of my Immigration plans. I'm sure we are not the only ones put in this situation.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geoffrey Taylor
  • poisonous plastic peril
    Non biodegradable plastics and packaging are poisoning the seas, killing animals and entering the food chain on which we depend. We are a part of this wonderful world; not apart from it. But time is ticking. The old, outdated materials do break down. And then join the soil along with the leaves and other organic matter. Petrochemical plastic is a silent assasin which we have unleashed upon our dearest friend. There is simply no other choice but to phase it out fast. We have all seen the news. Isn't it a pity and isn't it a shame that we can't watch the Blue Planet without so many horror stories at the end of every episode. This maybe the most chilling tale so far. Anyone who watches the world closely will have noticed this menace creeping its way into the ecosystem and choking its innocent inhabitants. What we cannot see is that is also seeping into the very lifeblood of this planet and becoming a part of us and our children...
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Stork
  • Continue to Remember our War Heros
    The trees were planted after the end of the first and second world wars to commemorate the dead soldiers. Unfortunately some of the trees are diseased and the local council are going to remove them. They say they will not replace the trees. It is the centenary of the end of the first world war and therefore shows a lack of respect for the men lost from our town!
    173 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Janet Sharp
  • Save Buckinghamshire's Children's Centres-Delay decision - new council should decide in 2020
    The option to invest in Early Help Services and keep all children's centres open should be considered now that a decision on the unitary authority has been made. With the council said to make savings of £18.2m per year (Net 5 year revenue of £45.4m) when the new authority is formed, the decision should be delayed until then. By closing all 35 children’s centres, the Council wish to make a saving of £3.1m in early help overall. However, if they are saving £18.2m per year with the unitary, then why not wait until this is in place and look at investing in Early Help services to improve them? All options on the current consultation involve making cuts and are inadequate. In addition, there is no 'other' option (see question 18 consultation) when having to decide what their preferred choice is, people are feeling as if they have been forced to chose an option they don't necessarily agree with. Investing in children, prevention and health will lead to savings overall and in the long run. Closing children’s centres in the long run will affect children, their families and could lead to isolation and an increase in mental health issues. For more information, see link https://www.buckscc.gov.uk/services/care-for-children-and-families/improving-early-help-services-for-children-young-people-and-families/consultation-process/ (public consultation closes 11pm 13th December 2018)
    588 of 600 Signatures
    Created by alka dass
  • Keep Lisnaskea School Bus Depot open
    Education Authority plans to close Lisnaskea School Bus depot as a cost-saving exercise are unacceptable and a threat to OUR children’s health and safety! When Lisnaskea school bus depot is closed (and sold off?), the closest bus depot will be in Enniskillen which will mean school buses will either have to travel there for refueling or refuel in commercial fore courts in Lisnaskea. This will be very wasteful and bad for the environment and will further increase congestion in the county town. Closing the Lisnaskea depot is yet another local service being removed from our villages and towns but there's no reason for this to happen. Once it is closed all the school buses operating from Roslea to Lisbellaw will be based out of Enniskillen. This risks delays of up to one hour in getting replacement buses in event of a winter breakdown - the distance for a spare bus to come out could be more than 22 miles and there's no one on duty to even take a call before 7am. What's more there is no mobile phone coverage east of Lisnaskea so a driver might have to walk a considerable distance, leaving children on an unheated school bus, to the nearest house to use a land-line. If there are delays in getting a school bus to replace one broken down in the cold - not only are children put at risk but parents who rely on school buses being on time could have to arrange childcare at short notice or risk missing work. The uncertainty over bus provision could cause children enrolled to take exams disruption. The last thing the Education Authority appears to be thinking about is the needs of children or their families. But this is not all - the school bus drivers are hugely concerned about the risk of accidents from school buses which are too big to refuel safely at local commercial service stations hitting children or even adults leaving the service station. The Education Authority bus drivers are very concerned about this move. While the EA tell us that it will save money - we don't understand how this could be the case. Sending buses to the Enniskillen depot for refuelling will cost more – the only possible explanation is that EA are looking to sell off Lisnaskea Bus Depot! We are asking that you help the School Bus drivers in their fight to protect the children and keep open Lisnaskea School Bus Depot. Please take the time to sign our petition and share with your friends online.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donal O'Cofaigh Picture
  • Abandon the Library Consultation
    Libraries matter to communities. To make informed decisons about libraries the Council needs to know what people think. But this consultation will not do that. The consultation is stuff full of jargon. The language is confusing. It should be in plain English. Readability of text can be measured using a SMOG test. That's "Simple Measure of Gobbledygook". The Sun newspaper has a SMOG value of less than 14. The Express is less than 16. The Guardian and Telegraph is around 17. The SMOG value of Worcestershire County Council's consulation is an amazing 44! Ordinary people have little chance of understanding it. But a good consultation should be about getting ordinary people's views. The Council should therefore abandon it and do it properly!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Barlow
  • Lower the Speed Limit on the A6 in Westhoughton to 30mph
    The stretch of the A6 between Wingates and Chequerbent roundabout currently has a 40mph speed limit. This is a built up area which in recent years has had a lot more housing built nearby thus making it very busy with school children and families crossing the road at peak traffic times. Remember the advert which stated "at 40 miles an hour, there’s around an 80% chance I’ll die. Hit me at 30 and there’s around an 80% chance I’ll live." In 2016, 2186 children aged 15 or under were injured or killed whilst walking during morning or afternoon peak times. Under Section 6 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, our council has the power to make a traffic order reducing speed limits where people live, and where children walk and play. Please sign this petition to ensure that cars are driving at reasonable speeds which allow a much reduced stopping distance and a vastly reduced danger to our children.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Woodworth
  • Save the Newington Library
    Libraries are a vital source of learning and education in our communities. They are a vital public good we cannot do without. It is deeply worrying that the Council plans to cut the hours of Newington Library and all Thanet libraries per year drastically. This means forced redundancy, early retirement and non filling of vacant posts. In effect this would mean losing people who are passion for what books can bring to people's lives. We call for the Council to halt its plans and rethink its approach. We must protect our library services.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chloe S
  • Myvisamyrights
    This is important because this is affecting the family ties and causing emotional breakdown of the couples separated because of the inaction of the Home Office. Also, the children are unable to receive the love and affection of their parents which is depriving them of their right to live in the company of their parents.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Abha Goel