• Part time hours for Primary Children
    It is unhealthy for young children too be working adult hours. My reasons for this petition as follows. In other European countries like Finland, Norway etc children do not start school until the age of 7 and these countries are higher academic achievers than England. The physiological effects of these long hours that primary children are doing is very dangerous for their short term and long term health. For example, as an adult. We all know what it fells like to wake up early and come home late. Our stress levels increase in the start of the day. If we count how many hours our children are at school sitting behind a desk or on the dirty floor is inhuman. Also they might be forced to play outside in the cold weather and are only allowed in when it is raining heavily. Ofsted should not be grading a primary on their attendance because the very idea that the government are assuming, that missed days at school will have a drastic impact on the child's future is absurd. No one knows what the future holds. As parents I do believe that under the UN convention of children's right, we are the representatives of these humans and we need to get out of the out of date policies that are still in placed. So please help to make a difference to the education our children need. Thank you!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Codner Picture
  • Blue Plaque For R D Laing
    R D Laing is one of the most important figures in mental health treatment. His important work should be acknowledged and celebrated.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ali Asad
  • Don't shut down Aspirations
    MCCH Aspirations helps at least 10 citizens of Shepway per day who are recovering from mental health issues, back into work and training. For many this is a life line, providing support in their darkest hour to gain hope to be a contributing member of society once again. They get results too.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clare Pryke
  • Stop Bullying In Schools
    This is important because bullying affects thousands of children across the UK and whether it be in, primary, secondary or college it can affect them greatly. When I was in school I was bullied very severely and it led to many future problems that I then had to deal with myself because of the bullies I had. Bullying can lead to a variety of different problems from anxiety to self harm. I myself when through self harm and am still dealing with it now, three years later, I am so far beating the urge, but the feeling is still there and I hate to think that so many other children are going through the same thing that I went through. There is a statistic that shows 1 in 30 children self harm, which works out 1 child per classroom, which to me is an outrage and if stopping bullying or at least doing more to prevent it, can reduce that statistic, I think a lot more children would be happier. Bullying doesn't necessarily mean a child will self harm, but I feel that if you are bullied is does knock your confidence, no matter who you are, it will knock you. If schools started to put in place real policies and procedures for bullying, like a zero tolerance rule and go through with real consequences then bullying will cut down. When i was in school I would often go to my headteacher with the fact that i was being bullied, and nothing was ever done about it. It got to the point where my mum would call in, but still nothing was done. I feel like this probably happens for a lot of other students, and I think school staff should take it a lot more serious than they do and actually do something when a student comes to them about being bullied. Children are often too scared to go and tell someone, children should be able to feel like they can talk to someone if they're being bullied. I would like to start this campaign against schools dealing with bullying. Eventually i would like to be able to go into schools and do talks about bullying, and maybe ask children to fill in a confidential survey about bullying with questions such as: Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied someone? Has there been any consequences for your bullies? Has there been any consequences because you bullied someone? Has there been any consequences on yourself as a person because you've been bullied? What do you feel when you bully someone? Do you get anything out of it? I could then use these surveys to get statistics to use in other talks and to help show the severity of bullying in certain schools. This is an issue very close to my heart as i don't want children to have to feel the same way that I did when I stepped into school and to have to face the same issues that I did. I know the world is never going to be rid of bullying completely, but if i can at least make a small change in some schools across the UK, it would give me a great sense of achievement and i feel like it would benefit a lot of children.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jodie Barry
    This is important because I believe there is not enough investment in either of these services and the people of our country do not need to stand by and let politicians dither over the future of them, when we, as a country can help.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Maguire
  • Ban smoking in all public places in Northern Ireland
    Non smokers should not have to breath in smoke exhaled from smokers. Passive smoking is dangerous for our health. Second hand smoke can cause cancer, Heart disease, stroke and breathing problems. For a non smoker it is very unpleasant to be breathing in other peoples tobacco.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Jamison
  • Meningitis B Vaccine Available for all Children
    I had bacterial meningitis when I was 22. I was fortunate to survive. Meningitis & Septicaemia is the biggest killer of under 5 year olds. There is a vaccine to prevent this but parents have to pay for it. Too many children are needlessly dying because the Department of Health has not funded a thorough enough vaccination programme. They and the Government, our employees, need to hear our collective voice and demand this free vaccination
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phil Cone
  • Save Your Local Pharmacy, 1000 - 3000 will close under new proposals.
    If you cut funding, the number of pharmacy will be reduced by between 1000 - 3000, this will in turn transfer their workload onto the remaining pharmacies, GP, Walk-in and Urgent Care Centres and A&E departments.The cuts will affect all pharmacies and damage the pharmacy network and all other frontline services providing patient care. It would benefit all frontline services if a National Minor Ailment Scheme (Pharmacy First Scheme) were introduced to move patients with minor ailments from GPs, Walk-in and Urgent Care Centres and A&E departments into pharmacies and provides cost savings far greater than £170 million.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George W Beardow
  • Rule out privatisation of profitable services
    Last year, the NHS Professionals department (the NHS internal recruitment agency) actually made a profit of 8 million pounds. No sooner is this information available than internal sources confirm a privatisation deal is in the works. (See link at the end) This is a scandalous betrayal of the Health Service, on a par with the deliberate alienation of nurses and junior doctors. (It's worth mentioning that the only reason a department of the NHS can generate a profit is because of the "internal market" system that exists in NHS England - essentially, it's Mum paying Dad to cut the grass, then Dad paying Mum to make dinner: it's a wasteful circle of money that exists only as a precursor to back-door privatisation) Our public money should remain in public services, not go to the cosy friends and relatives of government ministers through privatisation deals. It's our money. It's our service. It's our say. And we say enough is enough. https://www.rt.com/uk/333270-nhs-professionals-privatized-deloitte/
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Douglas Carr Picture
  • Pets 4 Well Being
    I suffer from a long lists of medical conditions of which I suffer daily chronic pain. This limits my ability to get out at times. Having a dog for support and emotional comfort has at times been the 1 thing that has kept me going. It has been proven that a pet can be of enormous benefit to someone's well being. Also it can make that person go out as they have to consider their pets well being as well.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tracy Tilney
  • Save Our 394 Glossop - Marple - Stepping Hill Hospital Bus
    The Monday to Friday service is to be withdrawn from 28th March 2014. The bus links the rural areas of Charlesworth and Chisworth to shops and doctors' surgeries and shops of Marple and Glossop and provides a link to railway stations at Glossop, Marple and Hazel Grove.The bus is a direct link from Marple and Hawk green to Stepping Hill Hospital.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Slater
  • Keep Anti-Abortion Picketing Away from Cardiff Clinic
    This petition is not about censorship; it’s not about undermining freedom of expression or about anyone being offended. It is about protecting women’s right to access abortion freely, confidentially and without fear, intimidation or public shaming. Each year 40 Days For Life picket the BPAS Clinic, on St Mary Street in Cardiff throughout lent. They gather under banners and placards and hand out unsolicited, inaccurate, pseudo-medical anti-abortion material. These tactics are intimidating, distressing and damaging to clients and staff of BPAS. We respect everyone's right to peaceful protest; let 40 Days for Life publicly state their anti-abortion views, let them be held to account and their doctrine interrogated. What we can’t let them do is operate in the vicinity of BPAS to shame, distress and intimidate women who are accessing the legal and vital reproductive health care that they’re entitled to. It is inappropriate and unjustified for an anti-abortion organisation to be allowed to interfere with women’s fundamental human and legal right to seek medical advice and care in the case of pregnancy. If you want 40 Days for Life to remove their prayer, picketing and propaganda from the vicinity of the BPAS clinic, please sign.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mawgaine Tarrant-Cornish