• I the undersigned wish to see the GP’s Surgery at Luddendenfoot maintained
    Whilst it’s great to live in such a beautiful part of the region, rural areas get a rough deal when it comes to services. I want to see the Doctors Surgery in Luddenden maintained to ensure those who depend on these services can continue to live in our area.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Owen Gilroy
  • Medication & Carers
    Carers do NOT have sufficient time to do the simple tasks & I can tell you mistakes are made SO how can they be trusted to deal with people's tablets over & above TRAINED Dispensery staff in Doctors surgeries? It I is ludicrous to say the least!! this was taken out of their regulations recently & I cannot see or know the logic of why? IT IS UNSAFE PRACTICE
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beryl Watts
  • Stop plans to cut student nurse bursaries
    This will lead to unsafe and dangerous staffing levels being further depleted in future and put existing resources under further pressure. Those attracted to the profession and wishing for a career change will be placed under further financial strain.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan Kenny
  • Wightman Road Street Party
    Residents from adjoining roads could not only join in to celebrate and enjoy the festivities, but come together to talk and get involved in workshops to discuss traffic congestion, think about possible interventions that would improve the area, look at measures to reduce traffic overall, and understand the affects of pollution upon our health. Biannually Harringay has a Food Festival, and is a great success closing Green Lanes to traffic for the day, the Wightman Road Street Party could alternate with a focus on improving residents health and the health of the eight thousand people living on the Harringay Ladder. A street party would provide a respite for residents from traffic for the day., traffic that Wightman Road face every day throughout the year. This would also allow the 28 roads on the Harringay Ladder to come together to have workshops and challenge the amount of traffic the area is exposed to. Wightman Road takes the brunt of traffic on the Harringay Ladder, and has been designated a B road, it is no different to any other residential road, it was intended as a service road by the late Victorians, not a bypass. This event is important because of the traffic that relentlessly travel up this road every day affects the health of its residents, and reflects the situation where residents have no control over the roads they live on across London.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matt Cuthbert
  • Extra Third Trimester Scan to Prevent Premature and IUGR Births
    This is important to me as my first daughter was born IUGR and we were not aware , when I became pregnant with my second daughter we were given am extra third trimester Doppler scan which detected the IUGR and Reverse chord flow, which led to a better planned pregnancy and early delivery. My Girls are in my photo Rubie was born at 32/40 @ 2lb 7oz delivered via EMCS due to IUGR and severe pre-eclampsia .. Rubie is now a happy average 5 year old at the same level as other children her age with no learning disabilities. Scarlet was born 30/40 @ 1lb 8oz due to severe early onset IUGR and reverse chord flow via EMCS only detected because of an extra Doppler scan. Scarlet is now a happy average 1 year old hitting all her milestones with no disabilities. Although both are tiny for their age.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kirsty Broadfield
  • Get first aid taught in schools! Every Child a Lifesaver - take action!
    Every Child a Lifesaver is based around a crucial goal: to ensure that all children get the chance to learn first aid in schools. The Emergency First Aid Education Bill, put forward by Teresa Pearce MP and requiring all state funded secondary schools in England teach first aid, would make that happen. Too many people suffer needlessly when first aid skills could have helped and sadly only 24% of secondary schools currently teach first aid. By making first aid mandatory in all state-funded secondary schools through the Bill, can we create a generation that are equipped with the skills and confidence to step forward.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Pennell
  • Lynton House Surgery High Wycombe - Stop plans to reduce surgery hours
    Plans to reduce hours by 30% on an already stretched practice is unacceptable. When residents call for an appointment they are faced with a 2-3 weeks wait for appointments. There is also pressure being brought to get people to accept appointments at the Cressex health centre which is not easy to access and is on the west side of High Wycombe in Cressex Industrial Estate The Ryemead area population has increased in last 10 years by more than 1000+ and this will continue as more housing developments come on stream. Some 8 years ago it was identified there was an need for an additional “ 1.5 doctors” to meet the need of the new housing estates being build in the area but this wasn’t taken up by a doctors surgery. Lynton House is the only surgery in the Ryemead ward and its hours need to be increased not decreased to meet the local demand We are calling for this reduction is services to br reversed or to be scrutinized in light of the growing need in Ryemead for an increase in Doctors services at the point of need - in the local ward and community
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trevor Snaith Picture
  • Bring back drinking Water Fountains into the Capital
    They used to have them all over London from what I understand which must have been so useful and now they seem to have almost all vanished. This is important to me as a surfer I often find myself surfing next to plastic water bottle waste which causes massive destruction to the marine life and of course uses up precious finite resources. Watching this video on the journey of a plastic spoon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg-E1FtjaxY) also highlighted to me the absurdity of using a one use plastic water bottle.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Max Pieters
  • Compel The DWP to investigate the effects of benefit cuts on mental health
    Department for Work and Pensions minister Priti Patel claimed any examination of temporary sanctions' effects would be "misleading" in isolation and should not be investigated. This is a cop out. They know that their cuts are causing wide scale mental health problems but also know that if they are forced to face up to this they will have to admit that their policies are wrong.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Stokes
  • Keep Siegen Manor OPEN
    Siegen Manor is a nursing home and day care centre in Morley. Its under threat from the government of being closed down. We need to keep it open. Its a place where dementia patients are cared for. My mum attends the day care centre and its a huge support to me as I know she is in a safe place there. Please help me fight to keep the centre open by sharing this to all your friends. The more support given the more we will be heard. Thank you, Teresa x https://www.facebook.com/SaveSiegen
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Teresa Leake
  • Create a national standard for Mental Health Services
    Mental Health services are currently a post code lottery (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34583155) and even though 1 in 3 people will suffer a mental health problem in their lifetime and 1 in 10 people are suffering with a Mental Health problem at any given moment, with the statistics rising all the time, the Mental Health service is not good enough now. Oh yeah, and every single homo sapien that has ever existed has had a Mental Health, that could be important too.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Barr Picture
  • SAY NO TO McDonalds, KFC or other fast foods coming to ELY
    We should not need to promote food that is unhealthy for young and old. Less MCDONALDS or KFC like food empires, should reduce the NHS costs to treat obesity and obesity related deceases Ely is one pf the most beautiful and unique places and should be protected from the like of the McDonald and KFC Mafia and their unhealthy form of diet
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charmen Hummel