• Reopen the A and E at Queen Margaret Hospital in Dunfermline with Immediate Effect
    With the spreading of the Coronavirus at frightening levels across the UK at the present time and with the fact that those in Dunfermline and surrounding areas at present need to travel 15 miles to either Kirkcaldy or Edinburgh for A and E services and the fact that with the rapid spreading of the Coronavirus that this puts a totally unacceptable disadvantage to the people of fife needing emergency treatment the First Minister and the Cabinet Secretary for Health should take immediate steps to reopen a full A and E service at Dunfermline's Queen Margaret Hospital that should Never ever have been closed in the first place!
    2,246 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Craig Diver
  • Make the Last Thursday in March the annual 'National Health Service Day'
    To let health care workers across the nation know how much they are appreciated all the time not just in times of need.
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dave Jones
  • Take over Brighton hotels for the Homeless
    People experiencing homelessness are much more likely to have underlying conditions than the rest of us, putting them at grave risk from the coronavirus. Millions of us are currently self-isolating at home. But you can't do that on the street. And with shelters closing up because they’re unsafe, there’s nowhere for homeless people to go. But there’s an answer. Brighton’s tourist hotels are sitting empty, their employees’ jobs at risk. Their self-contained rooms are the perfect place for homeless people to stay during this unprecedented crisis. The Council must take over the hotels and use them to take every homeless person off the streets immediately. This petition is by John Hadman (and David Thomas) on behalf of Brighton & Hove Housing Coalition.
    225 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Thomas (for Brighton & Hove Housing Coalition)
    We dont want our doctors dying as they have in italy from exposure to this virus due to inadequate ppe. 13 doctors in italy have died and 2,600 health care workers are infected. WHO have said that the kit our workers have is grossly inadequate.
    614 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kate Saunders
  • Opposition to consolidating remaining students at University of London residence halls
    We are students living at the University of London residence halls. Under the current pressure of COVID-19, the University of London is now considering to consolidate all remaining residents into one of the Intercollegiate Halls, so that the University can continue to provide core services. This request is against the UK Government's advice about reducing all but essential travel. It will put all resident's health at risk for the sake of continuing to provide so-called "core services." No one can guarantee every resident is healthy. Especially for COVID-19, the asymptomatic infection cases have been reported all over the world. Also, a crowded environment will accelerate the speed ​​of infection, as indicated in the case of Diamond Princess in Japan. It's every student's right to stay where he/she wishes to be in the face of this unprecedented global crisis. And the University should be here to support us rather than making new troubles. We consider the University's sudden advice about consolidating students together as irresponsibility and can't see any respect from the University towards the tenant agreements we sign with them. We urge the University of London stopping the consolidating action at once!!!
    494 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Feng He
  • Stop private health companies charging the NHS for beds during Covid-19
    People's health and lives are at risk. Private hospitals should not make profit from health crisis. It is inhumane.
    1,014 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Lynch
  • Provision of public toilets
    The bill was an answer to the Public Health England report ‘Taking the P**s’ which found that the lack of public toilets was a serious health issue. In light of the present Corona virus emergency, a large union has highlighted the fact that there are insufficient public toilets where the public could wash their hands.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ian Winstanley
  • Keep out of hours open in the vale
    This is a lifeline in every sense. Too many people will die as either have to travel too far or not be seen at all. There is only 1 road in and out to rah from vale/dumbarton. Takes too long to get other hospitals. Vale of leven is on our doorsteps
    4,336 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Mhairi Fraser
  • Reverse the closure of Inverclyde’s Out of Hours GP Service
    The GP out of hours service in Inverclyde has been under pressure for some time with regular closures. This means that patients routinely have to travel to Paisley or Glasgow for treatment overnight. This puts patients at risk and for many in Inverclyde means a journey of over 20 miles just to see a GP. These changes come amid warnings of further service cuts at Inverclyde Royal Hospital and many trauma services also being moved to Paisley and Glasgow. Inverclyde needs a fully functioning health service and, at the very least, that means a full GP service.
    6,064 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Martin McCluskey Picture
  • Declare a Public Health Emergency on Suicide
    In September 2019 the Chief Medical Officer Dr Michael McBride stated that there is no greater public health challenge than suicide. Sadly, in these first weeks of 2020, his statement has proven all too accurate, with the tragic loss of yet more precious lives by suicide. More families have been plunged into unbearable grief and pain and communities have been left reeling, struggling to make sense of it all. Suicide is something everybody hopes never comes to their door, but the reality as we’ve seen is that it can affect any family. Yet we know that suicide is preventable, is not inevitable and can never be the answer. Mental illness is a risk factor in relation to suicide but mental illness does not necessarily lead to suicidal behaviour. Access to the right support at the right time can prevent suicide and right across our communities there are numerous excellent suicide prevention and crisis intervention services working tirelessly to help keep people safe and to reduce the risk of suicide. More people have died by suicide since the signing of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement than died as a direct result of the conflict. Our rates of suicide are the highest across these islands, something that is receiving international attention for all the wrong reasons. Behind the statistic of 307 deaths by suicide in 2018 are individuals who were much loved and continue to be mourned by their loved ones. While the suicide prevention strategy Protect Life 2 contains many good initiatives that must be fully resourced and implemented, it is clear that something more, and of a different measure, is now needed to tackle this crisis. It is regrettable that the New Decade New Approach document does not specifically address the issue of suicide. Alarm bells are ringing in all communities. The current suicide reduction target of 10% over 5 years, equating to roughly 6 deaths a year being prevented, is wholly inadequate. Similarly, the funding allocation of £10.35 million - a miniscule 0.2% of the overall health budget - is a fraction of what’s required. Access to services is piece-meal and waiting times for counselling vary greatly across Trusts, with people being forced to wait several months for an initial appointment. Going forward, it is vital for you to ensure that suicide prevention is prioritised within the upcoming Programme for Government, not only by your own department, but around the Executive table. Given the concentration of deaths by suicide in deprived communities, commitments in New Decade, New Approach, designed to address poverty and inequality, must also be recognised as suicide prevention measures and resourced accordingly.
    5,279 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Niall Bakewell
  • Ban Dangerous Pesticides in Haslemere and surrounding villages
    The use of glyphosates has already been banned or restricted in 8 countries. It is not acceptable that ourselves, our children and the animals we share our community with are being routinely exposed to these chemicals whether we like it or not. This is a matter of great importance for those of us who care about each other's health and the health of our children, our cats, our dogs and all the flora and fauna of this city, of course including our beloved bees. Frensham Parish Council has successfully banned glyphosate and there have been no issues with excessive weeds! Let’s also help to bring our biodiversity back! Surrey County council (Highways) contracts Waverley Borough Council to spray glyphosate on our street verges, round houses, schools, playing fields and churches. Therefore we are concerned about children exposed to this proven carcinogenic herbicide. We at the Haslemere Transition group would welcome unsprayed wildflower verges as an alternative; safe havens for pollinators and insects as well as bee friendly planting in public spaces. If you don't live in this area, click here to sign or start the campaign for your city: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/start-a-pesticide-campaign
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Higham
  • Stop preventable sight loss for NHS patients because of delays to treatment
    A mother of three has lost her sight because of delays to appointments and a lack of staff which failed to treat her glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye condition caused by the optic nerve being damaged. An investigation into the problem has predicted that up to 22 people go blind each month because of glaucoma not being treated early enough. We can't stand by whilst people are treated this way. Our NHS should be there for us when we need it most, not pushed to the brink because of staff shortages and more. During the election the Conservative party made big promises for our NHS about specialist staff and reducing NHS waiting times. Now it’s time for the government to move fast to act on these commitments - and stop preventable sight loss as a matter of urgency. Will you sign the petition to the Health Secretary now to up the pressure? Thousands of us speaking out today could force him to act.
    1,605 of 2,000 Signatures