• Stop house building in Midlothian
    Our GP services are on their knees Our roads are gridlocked due to sheer number of cars, limited roads out of Midlothian and poor public transport for many areas Our schools are bursting at the seams with children being shipped out of catchment schools due to lack of space Lack of investment into community resources - there are few services for our elderly, teenagers and young children. Our green belt is disappearing - with a significant impact on our health and the environment Private housing is not a priority - we need to prioritise council and housing association accommodation
    1,795 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ann Morrison
  • Introduce Payment Plans for Young Person's Travel Passes in Kent
    Since 2013, the price of a Young Person's Travel Pass in Kent has risen by 480%. A family with two children at secondary school are looking at spending £580 per year and many more families are struggling to meet this cost. We call on Kent County Council to introduce more flexible payment opportunities to help students and parents budget around these price rises. We are also asking Kent County Council to review the cost of travel for those students in full-time education between the ages of 16 and 19. The cost of travel can put many off furthering their studies and we call on KCC to review all travel pass costs for those in education in the county.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Cornell
  • Sack Christopher Chope
    It is common decency against a lurid, obscene practises that should be outlawed.
    858 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Bill Robb
  • Protect Free Speech Online!
    The EU Copyright Directive is a proposed new law that could destroy the internet as we know it, allowing big companies to control what we see and do online. It would mean that every website would have to introduce “upload filters” that automatically block material it thinks has been illegally copied. The filters are meant to block copyrighted music, films or text, but filters struggle to tell what legal uses really are. Online commentary, reviews, art, and internet memes could all be censored automatically. This would stifle freedom of expression and speech online - everyones content would be targeted from individuals posting on facebook or writing on their own blog, to small charities speaking out against big businesses and graphic designers creating art. It is far too high a cost for enforcing copyright. We have a chance to stop this in its track. Sign the petition and add your voice to the growing wave of UK and EU residents opposing this threat to free speech online.
    2,020 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Open Rights Group
    North Lanarkshire Council intend to close the plant nursery in September 2018. This would be a great loss for the whole of North Lanarkshire, and would mean putting plant containers, bedding and floral displays out to tender to the private sector. Also, this would put an end to job placements and horticulture in this area, as well as the loss of visitors in Coatbridge. The nursery has over 100 years of service within this authority, and is used by several vulnerable groups, who would no longer have access to the support they get here. We recommend the council steps in to stop this closure and keeps the complex open to the public and available to the community. More than 1300 people have already supported our campaign by signing the petition available in the cafe at Drumpellier Country Park, please sign this petition to show the strength of support in the community for retaining this service.
    191 of 200 Signatures
    Created by GMB SCOTLAND Picture
  • Create a Fair and Compassionate UK Immigration Policy
    If your dream was to live in another country, what would you hope that country would say if you asked to stay? How would you hope to be treated by that country’s laws, when you applied to remain there? You might reply “With respect, fairness and dignity. I’d like to be given a fair chance of success”. Well, this is the dream of many foreign nationals, who apply for U.K.: - Work Permits and Visas, - Asylum or Refuge Status, - Residency and - Citizenship. Do we treat these people as we’d hope to be treated? Our Goverment can Recreate a UK Immigration Policy which our grandchildren will not look upon with shame, but with pride, as they live within the consequences of our choices.
    463 of 500 Signatures
    Created by D K Thomas
  • Highland Council Pension Fund: Stop Funding War Crimes
    Highland Council Pension Fund currently holds £5.4 million of shares in US arms company, General Dynamics, manufacturer and supplier of the MK-82 1000-lb and MK-84 2000-lb bombs that were used with such devastating effect by Israel against the people of Gaza during ‘Operation Protective Edge’ in 2014. Because of their ‘wide area effect’, the use of these weapons was condemned by the UN Human Rights Council as violating ‘the prohibition of indiscriminate attacks’; more thn 2,000 people, including at least 500 children, were killed as a consequence of the bombing of one of the world’s most densely populated areas. Highland Council Pensions Fund acquisitions are subject to explicit 'social, environmental and ethical considerations'. It is the duty of public institutions to uphold international law and human rights norms, and it is completely unacceptable that, through its pension fund, Highland Council should finance their ongoing violation! It’s time for Highland Council to examine its conscience, put its principles into practice and follow its own guidelines on ethical investment by divesting itself of its shares in General Dynamics.
    299 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Highland Palestine
  • Save Scottish Borders School Libraries!
    School Librarians are a critical part of any school’s professional staff. Their skills are needed now more than ever. With vast online resources there is no shortage of sources of information. However, the more important skill is now understanding and evaluating these sources. Pupils need to learn how to sort out fact from fake. This decision will prevent pupils from reaching their full potential. Librarians have professional skills that support children of all abilities to learn. Replacing essential staff with the unpaid labour of pupils is an absolute disgrace. Scottish Borders Council should hang their heads in shame. Follow the story: Pressure grows on education officials over school library plans http://www.bordertelegraph.com/news/16272089.Pressure_grows_on_education_officials_over_school_library_plans/ Scottish Borders Council slammed for using pupils as library staff says it will teach them leadership http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/16271266.Scots_council_slammed_for_using_pupils_as_library_staff_says_it_will_teach_them_leadership/ Playground pressure mounts on council to reverse school library cuts https://www.peeblesshirenews.com/news/17233450.playground-pressure-mounts-on-council-to-reverse-school-library-cuts/
    975 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by UNISON West Lothian Picture
  • Allow sufficient time for MPs to properly debate EU withdrawal bill
    The EU withdrawal Bill is returning to the Houses of Commons after the Government suffered 15 amendment defeats by the House of Lords. Lords spent 20 days debating the EU withdrawal bill and the government has just announced that Parliament will only be given 12 hours on the 12th June to debate the full bill and its numerous amendments. Brexit represents the most significant and complex process seen before parliament since world war 2 and the government is denying MPs sufficient time to debate the bill and its amendments by only allowing one day for debate voting. Why sign this petition? * Whether you are voted leave or remain it is in the best interests of the public to have a full, open and robust debate in parliament on the EU withdrawal bill * The House of Lords was permitted 20 days to debate this bill. Why is the Commons not allowed the same opportunity to debate a bill so vital to the future of the country? * MPs and commentators from across the political spectrum, including senior and back bench Tory MPs are highly critical of the governments decision to allow such a short time to debate this bill * This timetable only allows for 40 minutes to debate each amendment all of which will have a significant impact on the prosperity and political future of the UK * Parliament is being denied it’s sovereignty as one day is simply not enough time for a full and proper debate and this move has been described as reckless, unprecedented and showing contempt for parliament Please sign this bill to help protect the sovereignty of parliament and democracy in the UK
    785 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Stuart McCaighy
  • Come on Salfordians. A last attempt to tempt investors to revamp the Gas works
    There is growing Concern by a lot of Salfordians that this iconic cast-iron structures that many generations have grown up with will no longer be there!. There are many great examples around the UK of how they have been redeveloped into housing, public and community usage. In a sympathetic and artistic eye pleasing manner. Like the one in the photograph. In alot of Salfordians eyes they should be saved and redeveloped instead of just being demolished so the land can be built on for another high rised apartment block, in Salford So come on SALFORD, too many of our historic landmarks have been demolished to build high rise unaffordable apartment blocks , we need to join together and hopefully stop this from happening before its too late as this is a historic sites. This great historic landmark need to be saved for all of Salford to admire for generations to come.
    263 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Katrina Bell
  • Publish the postal vote count separately at elections and referendums
    Given widespread concerns about the potential for electoral fraud being easier to perpetrate through postal voting than 'in-person' voting, we propose that postal votes be counted separately from the 'in-person' vote and the numbers for each count be published when the results are declared.
    164 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Boyle
  • Save after school clubs for children with disabilities in East Sussex
    East Sussex County Council currently runs some high quality after school and holiday play schemes for 5-19 year old children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND). The clubs are due to have their funding reduced and then completely removed over the next 2 years, leaving these children without the support they need. I am working with Jane, a mum of three autistic children, that has Cancer. She has had a breakdown and also lost the use of her left arm. She needs this support to continue caring for her children. She has tried to request foster care for her children out of desperation, but there are no foster carers available. Like many of the children who use the after school clubs service, her children have been refused a social care assessment by the Local Authority - and have been offered these clubs as an alternative. If Jane loses this respite she does not know how she will cope. These cuts will put these families in crisis. The schools are unable to finance these clubs, so it is likely the services will be restricted and many will be closed. There is no "wider market to be explored", there is no other place these children will be safe, or that has space to take them. We believe that in making this cut the Local Authority is breaching its duty of care to vulnerable families. We want to ensure these clubs continue to support these vulnerable families and the local authority upholds its duty of care to disabled children under The Children’s Act 1989 and S2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970.
    4,018 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Whippy