• we want a new electoral vote that is more secure.
    It is obviously important that the Prime Minister that is voted for gets to no 10. We vote and rely on a electronic counting process that makes it easy to cheat .like everything electronic it can be programmed to give any output you desire. We need all counting stations to have more than one independent person counting each vote all along the whole process we need to go back to the old way of counting to ensure the correct person gets to number 10.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ian clegg
  • Green Party: Join Forces with Independents to Get Job-Sharing MPs
    As some of you may be aware, the Green Party tried to stand two candidates in Basingstoke (Sarah Cope and Clare Phipps), and the Electoral Commission rejected their application. Four independent people (Rachel Ling, Emma Rome, Zion Zakari, and Adam Lotun) attempted to do the same in two other constituencies. We had been in talks with the GP leadership about working together, but have now received an email from the GP's legal advisor telling us that they have zero interest in cooperating to present the legal case. I don't think that is right. I believe the Green Party should work with independent campaigners to get job-sharing as an option for how candidates should be able to stand. (n.b., I am referring to job-sharing, where two people are both committed to a single job, sometimes also known as flexible working. I am not referring to the second-jobbing that happens among many MPs currently, or the part-time antics of Boris Johnson).
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Rome
    Dear Ed Miliband, though the right wing media and the Tory party directly have pushed hard to drive a wedge between a hung-Parliament Labour Party and the SNP, and you yourself have publicly spoken against this in inexplicably strong terms, we British citizens from a wide range of parties, and even more people from none, who share broad 'old' Labour (not Tory-lite 'New Labour') and progressive green humane values call on you to GRAB THE OPPORTUNITY TO REPRESENT THIS REAL BRITISH MAINSTREAM, AND WORK TOGETHER WITH THE SNP, GREENS AND OTHERS TO LOCK THE TORIES OUT OF GOVERNMENT. Britain cannot stand 5 more years of demolition of all we value most in this country: - 'Private Profit, Public Cost': the ideological dismantling of the welfare state into private crony hands (even many MPs have snouts in the trough) must be reversed. - The American model of a privatised NHS and other public services is a disaster that only serves a wealthy elite and leaves citizens dangerously unprotected, Guarantee a Public NHS for perpetuity. - Green Action Now: stop the dangerous fracking cash-grab and tackle the fossil-fuel lobby - Internationally: Britain must be able to act Independently of the US, work for Peace and Diplomacy rather than supporting further wars, and reduce the elite-enriching proliferation of arms and insecurity. - The Undemocratic Power of the Media spreading a false and corrupting impression of public consensus (on issues like war, immigration and the NHS, say, let alone the SNP!) must be challenged, not bowed down to: how can people, let alone politicians like yourself, begin to make the right decisions for this country when the information we are fed and peer-pressured to keep in line with is squeezed into such a narrow right-leaning frame. Ed, there is a rare opportunity for Labour to form a progressive alliance with a range of sane progressive parties - SNP, Green and others - to achieve all these things and keep Cameron and his Eton chums out of No. 10. Please find the courage of your convictions to rise above the fake consensus scare-mongering of the 'mainstream' media and listen to and represent all of the Anti-Austerity and Humane Real Mainstream in England, Wales, N Ireland and, yes Ed, Scotland. Act now publicly and privately to start building the right bridges with SNP, Greens and others for all our futures in this country.
    3,094 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark E
  • Invite all parties on April 30th
    Not doing so gives an unfair advantage to the parties 'chosen'. Politics has moved on since the debates were 'agreed'. The BBC needs to take account of this move to include wider opinion and the great possibility of a hung parliament. To focus on the three parties chosen would be tantamount to vote-rigging and certainly shows favouritism. Let the people decide and give them ALL of the facts and range of parties.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by HELEN Cuthbert
  • Lord Janner must not escape justice
    Lord Greville Janner is a suspected serial paedophile who has abused children with impunity for many decades. Protected by the political elite, numerous inquiries have been buried, case files lost or stolen and now he's using his health to escape justice yet again. Repeatedly they have decided not to proceed with charges against him. Why? Why is he being protected and the rights of victims ignored? We need to send a clear message out that justice will be done regardless of your position in the political elite of this country. DEMAND HE BE PUNISHED FOR HIS CRIMES.
    1,184 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Simon Pickles
  • Bring abortion to Northern Ireland
    You can only have a medical abortion in Northern Ireland. It is only done at a independent clinic in Belfast, and only up to nine weeks in the pregnancy. Women should have the right to decide what to do with their bodies. Stopping abortion here is forcing women to fly elsewhere to get an abortion or forcing them to have a child they do not want, or in some cases seek out illegal means. A pregnancy does not only affect a woman physically but affects a woman's education, her employment, and her entire family and social life. Preventing women having the right of abortion makes women carry all the adversity and blame for unwanted pregnancies. Motherhood should be a choice.
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aislinn Mullin
  • Keep Liverpool Libraries Public
    BRECK ROAD, DOVECOT, FAZAKERLEY, KENSINGTON, LEE VALLEY, OLD SWAN, SEFTON PARK, SPELLOW, WALTON, WAVERTREE and WEST DERBY libraries are all in danger of being outsourced and/or handed over to volunteers. Mayor Anderson claims to understand the 'worth' of libraries to our communities, yet a library that is outsourced and/or handed over to volunteers is on a slippery slope to closure. We demand therefore, that our libraries remain publicly run and staffed with properly trained library staff. We make this demand because our communities and our children deserve no less. We make this demand because Public Libraries will ultimately save you money, but more especially we make this demand because Public Libraries save lives. This petition is part of a city-side petition to defend the library service.
    241 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Salmon
  • Improve Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services in Scotland
    Children requiring CAMHS services are made to wait months for initial appointment then even longer for assessment. There are NO out of hours services for children and adolescents out with Edinburgh and Glasgow meaning children in crisis are kept in paediatric wards with NO trained staff. There is currently only ONE small inpatient unit in Scotland which can admit children under 12 which cannot usually take acute admissions due to lack of beds and staff.
    746 of 800 Signatures
    Created by melanie mckeown
  • Ensure All Parliamentary Candidates Represented at Stroud BBC Election Debate
    This is the most high profile pre-election event taking place in the Stroud constituency; and has a huge potential impact on the decisions listeners to the programme will take at the ballot box. Just as it was essential to have all seven candidates represented at the national debate. It's vital that all six candidates for the Stroud constituency are represented at this event. As is happening at many of the other equivalent BBC events around the country. By not giving all candidates the same platform the BBC are undermining the fairness of the election in Stroud.
    156 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lizzie Fletcher Picture
  • Why has Broxtowe got the biggest cuts in the country?
    Broxtowe is undergoing great change with centrally-imposed infrastructure projects radically altering the area. The impact of this centrally-imposed, swingeing cut on the local council budget will destroy all hope of mitigating against such changes. Front-line services will be under threat, with the impact being felt by all residents; with the most vulnerable being hit hardest. Read more here: http://www.nottinghampost.com/Borough-faces-biggest-spending-cut-country/story-25737818-detail/story.html
    330 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Matt Goold
  • We need Housing for ALL - Stop Social Cleansing
    Evictions are at a record high. Council house building is being destroyed and sold off with waiting lists growing. Housing has become insecure, often unsafe and unaffordable Companies are exploiting workers in homeless organisations and Housing Associations, organisations which are often seeing surpluses, yet cuts to pay and important services are being cut. Companies who have blacklisted workers in trade unions are being contracted for public contracts, we say NO. All of this and sadly, too much more, are reasons for our manifesto demands at this key time: 1. Stop the cuts - Austerity for the 99% ! 2. Build and repair over 300,000 Council houses per year, incorporating improved accessibility and environmental standards. 3. Stop the transfer of council stock to housing associations. Stop the social cleansing 4. End the right to buy - We lost over 44,000 homes in 2013-2014 5. Bring in Rent Controls and establish a national register of private landlords to protect tenants 6. End unfair benefit caps and other benefit cuts such as the Bedroom tax and cuts in council tax benefit. Restore and increase the Independent living fund. 7. Protect Supported Housing - Stop the cuts and ring fence services which are vital for some of the most in need of specialist support 8. Decent Pay and conditions for workers in housing and social care 9. Bring in an £10ph National Minimum wage 10. End the Blacklist - restrict commissioning of social housing and maintenance services to providers who have signed up to the Joint Industry Board National Agreement for Engineering Construction. Act to remove approved providers found guilty of blacklisting. 11. Nationalise the Banks - Taking over the banks on a permanent basis would enable investment to be planned in line with democratically decided priorities including housing that working people can afford. We must put a stop to the disaster of austerity and build secure homes for the 99% The full manifesto can be found here - http://www.housingworkers.org.uk/readnews.html?con_id=172 Please cut and paste the full manifesto or add the link and ask your MP's and councillors to pledge their support. https://www.writetothem.com/ And if your looking to find out candidates for local or general elections please use - https://yournextmp.com
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Unite Housing Workers
  • London: Sheikh's super-car park or affordable housing?
    Wandsworth Council have approved an application by the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum to build a six-story car park in Battersea for over a hundred luxury cars. At a time when the need for affordable housing has never been more urgent and pollution levels in London are making headlines, we ask that you overturn this decision and make a powerful, symbolic statement which shows that you really care about London. There is an urgent need for affordable housing in the UK, particularly in central London. You have a golden opportunity to make a meaningful statement. Rather than encouraging pollution, obscene riches and the exacerbation of extreme social inequality in central London, you have a superb opportunity to highlight the urgent need for more social housing and move London in a positive direction by publicly rejecting Wandsworth's decision. Homes for hundreds of Londoners, or hundreds of cars for one billionaire? Boris, this is a real chance for you to prove to us that you care.
    1,042 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Solomon Williams