HMRC investigate the accounts of LionheartGB, Britain First, The Patriot Store.The Patriot Store is all pervasive on many pages on Facebook. Originally the domain was registered by Mr James Dowson (ex-BNP, ex-Britain First), but then transferred to Lionheart Products. EVERY Britain First, LionheartGB (and others) pages contain links to the Patriot Store. The newest page is Knights Templar International,which is being heavily promoted by Britain First. The website allows donations to be made (exactly the same as Britain First's), and it solicits donations from abroad. According to Electoral Commission rules, any donation of £500 or more must be returned to the donor if they are not on the UK Electoral Roll. It is urgent that the HMRC investigates the accounts of these 'businesses'. HMRC needs to find the links between the companies, just how many donations/profits are going to 'Britain First', whether or not the donations have come from abroad, and who is behind the entire 'group'.791 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Al Doughty
Amend the financial requirements for spousal immigrationThe Laws for UK Spouse and Partner immigration are tearing families apart. A requirement of £18,600 in income or £62,500 in savings is placed solely on the UK spouse. At minimum wage this would involve working 55 hours a week, which is simply unavailable in this climate. Many families and partners of British citizens are stuck from returning home due to the strict financial requirements, whilst European residents walk freely into the country. Ironically the English speaking countries of Australia New Zealand and America also fall under this bracket, unlike countries such as Romania, Russia and Poland. House owners and highly skilled workers, are all prevented from returning to the UK, despite being in well paid jobs abroad, this is due to the lack of work in the UK that exceeds this requirement. The requirements do not consider assets such as house ownership, or partners earning capacity. Those with savings are prevented from investing in the country as only cash savings count when held for over 6 months are considered. A plea to reduce this requirement to around £13,000 was rejected by the high court claiming it did not infringe on the right to a family life. However it seems obvious it is. This is clearly a move to reduce immigration that has failed, it has isolated working and middle class families, and by its own admission ''did not consider any other factors but financial, and was based solely on central London'' Its other purpose was stated as being to stop dependence on state support, however this does not prevent foreign EU residents from claiming state support, only British citizens wishing to bring their partners and family home. This is a policy from the Tory government which has betrayed our rights as citizens and further divided our ability to have family lives. Typically to Tory politics, this was based on money and favoured the rich. Please sign the petition to bring our families and loved ones home, so we may not be replaced by the new wave of European immigration.151 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Патрик Панда Холмс
councils sending fines recorded deliveryi recently received a PCN (parking charge notification) it was informing me i had not paid a bus lane offence therefore i lost my right to appeal, the fine was £60, i lost my right to a discount of £30, they added another £30 for non payment, £90 in total, i never received the original fine, the council say once they have sent it its deemed that you have received it, this is totally unfair, there is no way to prove you never received the fine, i want this changing so they have to send recorded delivery95 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jenny Morris
One rule for Bob Blackman (MPs) fraud, another for tax payersThis is important to restore faith in our politicians because If an employee, in the public or private sector, is found to have made some 700 fraudulent claims for mileage that are inaccurate or not eligible would they not be dismissed for gross misconduct. It is reported that some of these claims were up to 5 times the real mileage and that Bob Blackman had been warned about his claims since 2011.. How then does Bob Blackman merely appear to have to pay back more than £1,000 without losing his job or pension entitlement. Is it not time that the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority started to behave like an employer and guardian of tax payers money rather than a benevolent uncle.67 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave Henderson
Save Sherdil, Shafiq, Izatullah And Others From Horrific Deportation to AfghanistanUPDATE 10th March 2015 the Home Office sadly went ahead with the deportation of 32 people to Afghanistan. HOWEVER 20 people were taken off the flight though, including Sherdil, Shafiq and Izatullah. We would like to continue collecting signatures to show opposition to further deportations whilst Afghanistan remains unsafe. We have more time now to really build our opposition- if we collect 100,000 signatures, the issue will have to be discussed in Parliament. NEW PETITION: 38degrees.org.uk/justiceforafghans An Afghan government minister, Mr. Hussain Alami Balkhi, has stated that returned refugees will not be accepted and will be turned away at the airport. Despite this warning, the UK government is still willing to waste thousands of taxpayers money, with an average charter flight costing £218,617, and the government having spent nearly £4m on deportations to Afghanistan in 2011/2. Sources:https://kabulblogs.wordpress.com/2015/02/21/afghan-minister-for-refugees-and-repatriation-stop-deportation-to-afghanistan/ http://www.corporatewatch.org/news/2013/jan/24/cost-charter-flight-deportations-increased-eight-fold-over-last-decade1,501 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Lara Farrell
Don't let Cameron veto the TV debatesThe only person who wasn't happy with this arrangement was Cameron, ultimately because he is running scared of defending his record. We, the public, need the broadcasters to stand strong against Cameron's bullying. We want you to stand by the formula you have agreed amongst yourselves and with the other parties, and empty chair Cameron if he decides not to turn up. No one person should be allowed to wield power in the way Cameron is trying to do. It is wholly undemocratic. We the electorate are already feeling a growing disdain for politician and democracy in general. The debates give us a unique opportunity to scrutinise the party leaders on prime time television, not through the filter of a propagandist newspaper media. That's why the broadcasters need to be seen to stand strong against Cameron's attempt to manipulate these debates to suit his own agenda.457 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Ryan
The Inhumanity Of Benefit SanctionsBenefit sanctions so often target the most vulnerable and voiceless in our society, at a time when they most need support, and are often also imposed for the pettiest of reasons. Is this the way we want our country to behave towards its weakest citizens? Does any nation have a right to call itself civilised when those who are already down have further burdens put on them? Is this the society we want for our children? As a constituent I would urge Nick Boles and fellow MPs to start supporting the people who vote instead of showing they care more about the party line and climbing up the party ladder. Please support this petition to encourage Nick and all MPs who think likewise to have the courage of their convictions to work for the abolition of sanctions, and to usher in a society marked by compassion, not petty inhumanity. Thank you.340 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Harry Riley
£10,000? Mark Simmonds, pay it back.You're standing down at the next election because, apparently, you ‘can’t afford’ to live on an MP’s £67,000 salary. And despite making over half a million pounds in profit from the sale of your taxpayer funded house, you're still claiming thousands in expenses. Such claims are greedy, morally indefensible - and just plain wrong. I call on you to apologise and give back the money you have used for self-promotion.71,204 of 75,000 SignaturesCreated by John Ravenscroft
Make our MP work for us - StroudWe believe the people of this country are more progressive, caring and informed than politicians think. Our political system makes it difficult for MPs to go against "party lines" even if they wish to, and are therefore open to corruption. We think it's time our politicians were able to genuinely represent us, and this is a simple way to begin. We can vote for TV show contestants by SMS - the technology is already here to make democracy directly and easily available. Why not have a say on privatisation of the NHS, fracking under our homes, or going to war? If the major MP candidates (Conservative, Green, Labour, Lib-Dem) for Stroud would pledge to represent us in this way, we could guarantee that whoever won the seat, the people of Stroud would be listened to. It would free the winning candidate from the lash of party whips and give them a true mandate in line with their duty as an MP, which is to their constituents first and foremost. Will you join us in this call for political renewal? If the answer is yes, please sign and pass on to your networks. Thank you for being involved. Lizzie and the 38 Degrees team in Stroud176 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Lizzie Fletcher
Keep Scottish Water in Public HandsTax payers' money should not be handed over to private companies to provide vital services, when those companies are not open to public scrutiny. The availability of fresh water is one of the crises facing our planet and it is therefore imperative that we guarantee that it is preserved for the good our people and not for the good of a greedy corporate business who cannot be trusted to act in that interest.182 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Nora Ramage
Limit bankers bonusesThere is increased inequality in the UK. CEO annual salaries are obscene in this context and no-one, repeat no-one, justifies multi-million annual salaries. We bailed the banks out. Some of these are still making losses AND paying millions in bonuses. This is plain wrong , unfair and disgusting. We need to make this a top 5 election issue.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by mick beeby
Make non reporting of child sex abuse illegalWe obviously can not endanger our nations children to the sexual ravages of the rich and famous ..122 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Jones
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