• Boris Johnson must put on an exhibition of the wooden buses he has made.
    Boris is potentially our next Prime Minister. He claims that to relax he makes things out of wooden boxes and crates. The people have a right to see these sculptures and witness his artistry.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Esmerelda Giggleswick
  • We want a General Election
    Because we are being handed a Prime Minister who has not been properly elected (again).
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Ogden
  • Call a general election
    This is extremely important because of the amount of people suffering due to the way the conservatives have governed. Businesses are suffering our economy is suffering and our image to the world has been damaged beyond belief. Britain is not acting like a democracy the conservatives are guilty of allowing foreign states to interfere in our rights to a fair vote
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Lewis
  • Don't imprison British volunteers in Rojava
    Brits are being banned from travelling to Rojava under the Counter-Terrorism & Border Security Act, even though the UK is part of the International Coalition against ISIS, which relied on Rojava throughout its campaign. 8 British heroes, including Anna Campbell, lost their lives volunteering with YPG & YPJ in the fight against jihadi terrorism. The bravery and sacrifice of these volunteers should be honoured. Far from being an ISIS stronghold, Rojava is a beacon of women’s resistance against the oppressive jihadist mentality, and a grassroots, direct-democratic alternative to the brutal regimes which rule elsewhere in the Middle East. This law must be scrapped, so British volunteers can keep joining the struggle to eradicate ISIS' mentality, without facing ten-year jail sentences. Fighting for a better world is not a crime!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Broomfield
  • Add a "None of the above" Box for Voting
    This is important because there has been less voter turnout in the last years. From surveying young people, we have gained information that eludes to younger people not voting for parties because they don't agree with what they are offering and have little education about the politcal standpoint of these parties. Many people who we interviewed would rather have a "None of the Above" box and tick that than not voting.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by a larbi
  • Get MEP Claude Moraes Reinstated.
    My country (UK) will therefore have to introduce a similar visa-waiver system which will be too costly. Even worse, the ETIAS system, (& ANY visa-waiver system for that matter) does NOT go far enough to ensure our safety & national security as applicants will NOT be properly scrutinised before they will be allowed to enter through borders. Whereas if the UK is on the full schengen visa list, we will just need to simply add the EU to our visa system at no extra cost & most importantly, it means that we will be able to regain FULL right of control over our borders. There is no better supporter of our union with Gibraltar than Claude Moraes. The UK really need him back at the helm.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gayle Stephen
  • Lower the UK voting age to 16
    Lowering the voting age to 16 gives the British youth a chance to get politically involved in decision making. Evidence from the electoral reform society suggests that when given the opportunity, this age group vote in high numbers. It is important that we also have a say on issues that will affect us and our futures.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Callum Lucas
  • Make the Lords work for their money
    As I understand it, the Lords get paid £300 or thereabouts per day in the House of Lords and all they need to do for this money is to sign their name. They can then go home or go to the cheap bar in the House and have a drink, pop into the House and listen for 5 minutes or even pop in and go to sleep. I think if they come to work they should actually have to work.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Zed Rodgers
  • Fairness, equality, and transparency.
    MP's expenses are a blatant abuse of the system, and corruption of the worst kind. Perhaps a review of MP's expenses could be carried out by the DWP fraud department, using the same criteria, and penalties, as benefit fraud. If we are going to accept the rule of law, as decided by our elected representatives, then it must be applied fairly to all.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arthur Joseph
  • Allow serving British Army soldiers to bring their families to the UK
    Anyone who puts their own life at risk to protect their country has surely earned the right to be joined by their family.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Canning
  • Ban opaquely funded 'Think Tanks' from the BBC
    If Brexit has shown one thing, it is that we need truth and honesty in British political life and national media reporting. Allowing opaquely funded 'Think Tanks' similar time on air,and equivalence,to well respected politically independent analysts,is a travesty of honest public service broadcasting. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/jul/30/labour-calls-for-inquiry-into-iea-thinktank-over-cash-for-access-claims The IEA is an opaquely funded free-market lobbyist organisation with a title that suggests otherwise. It sounds like an open and honest organisation, like the well respected and politically independent Institute for Fiscal Studies; but the IEA is one of the most opaquely funded organisations in Europe,and essentially campaigns for extreme forms of laissez faire economics with complete opposition to state intervention. The IEA has been caught taking US cash for access to British government ministers https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-45006969/iea-think-tank-responds-to-cash-for-access-claim The IEA also has links to climate change denial organisations : https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/sep/02/nigel-lawson-climate-sceptic-organisation-funders This excellent article from July 2018 by George Monbiot really does summarise why this petition is necessary in the fight for truth and honesty in both politics and the media: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/jul/18/dark-money-democracy-political-crisis-institute-economic-affairs
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Parkinson
  • Implement the EU Anti tax avoidance package in the UK regardless of the Brexit outcome
    Our public services are underfunded, if the wealthy and multinational corporations were forced to pay their fair share of tax, many issues that our public services are facing due to a lack of funds can be resolved.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Psaila