• Remove the resigned DUP ministers from Stormont permanently
    Their actions are morally corrupt and fraudulent as they continue to award themselves full pay and more importantly are putting the lives of citizens in danger as the health service has no leadership. They did not inform the electorate that this would be something that they would do if people voted for them and so therefore have mislead the N Ireland voters.
    1,485 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tracy Mearns
  • The Electoral Roll and democratic constituency boundaries
    To avoid or at least mitigate the continuing disenfranchisement of those who often do not vote, not from ignorance or inertia, but due to circumstances which make registering relatively complicated or impracticable - people who rent short term, people who have just moved, students away from home, etc. (cf. Danny Dorling, The i paper 2 Oct 2015). Areas where more people are owner-occupiers could end up with more MPs per person - perhaps 1 MP per 60,000 eligible voters as opposed to 1 MP per 80,000 in an area of mostly rented accommodation, or with many students, or with more deprivation. A fair democracy should represent everyone, regardless of the relative stability of their lives.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hugh Legge
  • Support Jeremy Corbyn: No to nuclear weapons! No to Trident!
    Jeremy Corbyn's political enemies are seeking to undermine his position as Labour Leader and have chosen nuclear weapons as their attack platform. We must not allow them to get away with it. Some helpful advice from a supporter - a great way to get this petition circulating widely is to share on comments on relevant online newspaper articles! For those of you that have the time .... Facebook 'misbehaviour'. A number of supporters have reported that Facebook is not sharing this petition. I have tried to do it myself and failed with a very unusual message. The petition has also 'dropped off' The Ecologist's timeline. I have now re-posted on Facebook with a perma-URL of https://www.facebook.com/TheEcologist/posts/10152959345741618 . You should be able to share from there. Either that or just copy the petition URL in the browser bar to your timeline.
    4,682 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Oliver Tickell
  • Solihull Referendum on West Midlands Combined Authority
    The establishment of the West Midlands Combined Authority is the most important change in regional local government in the last 25 years. The new authority will have a budget of many billions of pounds. There are genuine concerns about the extent to which members of the new Combined Authority will be democratically accountable to local people in the control of both policy and finance.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Mandrell
  • Improve Mental Health Care in Hull and East Yorkshire in Memory of Jarrad Joseph Grainger
    This petition is highly important to myself and my family, our friends and the local community. This is because on 6th September 2015 my cousin Jarrad Joseph Grainger took his own life, he was only 21 years old. I am starting this petition on behalf of my auntie Nadine West - Jarrad's mother. We are wanting to stop this from happening to more people as this is an all to common occurrence these days. We need help in reinstating 24/7 care for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Kingston upon Hull. Vulnerable patients do often need 24/7 care and sometimes need to stay in units for anywhere between a few days and months at a time, the closest unit to Hull is approximately 42 miles away meaning that when children/adolescents need to stay in the units they are kept many miles away from their families making it hard for them to visit making them feel even more isolated. We need to improve the care that Hull and East Yorkshire currently has to make it ALOT better than it is, patients need better care and for it to be more accessible. People searching for help who contact these Charities are often left for days or weeks without a reply to the shout for help, we need to change this urgently! The stigma surrounding Mental Health and Illness needs stopping, we need to raise more awareness about this to give people a better understanding, the more people that know about Mental Health/Illness the better chance we have at helping those in need. We couldn't help Jarrad and we lost him, we were too late. So we will do this in his memory, we will help those we still can. We will improve the services in Hull and East Yorkshire and we will prevent people deteriorating from Mental Health/Illness and we will save them. Jarrad Joseph Grainger, Forever Young - this is for you xx
    2,314 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Alisha Foster
  • Don't privatise Channel 4
    We do not want to lose a great public service broadcaster whom not only provides excellent quality broadcasting but helps develop the industry and is independent.
    987 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Mooty Mute
  • Opposing Junior Doctor Contract changes
    The NHS is internationally envied for its clinical excellency, efficiency and moral courage. Following the purchaser provider split and changes under New Labour in the late 1990's, the introduction of private contracting has diverted profits from services out of the NHS into wealth creating companies. Subsequently healthcare professionals and patients have seen and felt the NHS change for the worse. Since this Conservative party came into government they have undertaken steps to undermine the financial viability and safety of care provided by the NHS through an ideological choice of chronic underfunding. To quote Noam Chomsky, "that's the standard technique of privatisation: defund, make sure things don't work, people get angry, you hand it over to private capital". They are now targeting staff and junior doctors. Following negotiations with the BMA doctors union, the department of health offered an unacceptable contract which would reduce patient safety, increase junior doctor fatigue, reduce recognized out-of-hours commitment, and significantly reduce take-home pay. When junior doctors refused the governments precondition to accept ALL of these proposals as a basis to a final contract as a condition of restarting negotiations, the BMA found themselves accused of ‘walking away’ from the table and informed that the contract would simply be imposed upon them in August 2016. Junior doctors, side by side with other healthcare professionals, work in an increasingly pressurised and under-resourced setting, and are known as the medical workhorse of the NHS. Their current working pattern is antisocial and labour intensive, as anybody who lives with or is friends with a junior doctor will know. Tiredness is compounded by a sense of disenchantment, which may explain why these professional healthcare groups did not feel energised enough to understand or stand up to the government on their introduction of the Health and Social Care Act in 2012. Legislation which is leading to the erosion of the NHS in the hands of a Jeremy Hunt, who prior to his appointment as health minister wrote of this ideological support for privatisation of the NHS. Junior doctors now face a situation where their self-perceived head to the ground and carry-on grafting attitude is being rewarded by a contract which is estimated to lead to a startling 20-40% reduction in take home wages depending on speciality, and longer and less protected shifts. The new system would provide us with the assurance of a 20 minute break per 11 hour shift worked. Fatigue from grueling shifts are acknowledged to cause impaired performance, a sobering and concerning fact for patients. We as junior doctors accept that our pay has declined against inflation for years. However, we are asking that this government's ideological CHOICE to devalue our profession, and take money and morale from junior doctors, when the financial privileges freedoms of the very rich and financial sector are protected, be acknowledged and challenged. We oppose government ministers with personal wealth of millions using our wages, which when compared to other peers with similar backgrounds in university and post-graduate years in training are modest, as another excuse to paint the NHS as 'unaffordable'. An NHS which is acknowledged as excellent in the care it delivers, and one of the most efficient services on the planet. This Junior Doctor contract campaign must form part of a wider effort to oppose the overarching plan to ultimately do away with the NHS. As things stand, in 20 years, I as a junior doctor will be working as a private consultant for a private health provider, possibly earning more than an NHS consultant, but paying for my own and my families healthcare in times of greatest vulnerability. I would not chose to be treated by, or treat on behalf of, private companies and insurance merchants for whom profit is the primary concern. A great many who earn less than me may go without the best chances of surviving illness due to their bank balance. I reject that future. I wish to work proudly as an NHS doctor, in the United Kingdom. I believe that patients also wish to be treated by a trustworthy NHS rather than a private company. An NHS staffed by motivated, valued and supported professionals and not by profit. Please sign this petition to support junior doctors, the NHS, and the public.
    403 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Rebeca Harris
  • Change Parliamentary Rules
    Too many MPs seem to stay in Parliament for years, many have no idea what is going on in their constituency, let alone the country, they get set in their ways and don`t see life as a commoner.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter George
  • KEEP Weston Primary Academy School OPEN!
    The Academies Enterprise Trust, the Department of Education along with various Isle of Wight councillors have an intended decision to close Weston Primary Academy. The Secretary of State for Education Nicky Morgan has " in principal " agreed to this decision. This agreeance is based solely on the AeT and DfE paperwork, that seems to be based on a projected "forecast" that has yet to be released to the public. Not foregoing that all of the teaching staff, work staff and the parents of the 56 children who attend were informed by an email, followed promptly by a letter, inevitable job losses will occur - zero consultation with those that matter has taken place behind closed doors. We now find ourselves in a public consultation period **edit : there is NO public consultation, only a time to air views and opinions** that has a limited time-scale to air any counter arguments or views. The purpose of this petition is to clearly show that our beloved school has supporters. Weston Primary is the only non-denominational school locally, and whilst its numbers are relatively small, it does not suffer from large over capacity as some others locally do, consequently the children and parents have an amazing " Team Weston"-spirit, everyone really matters here. With a lot of recent housing developments in the West Wight region, and acute awareness that schools are becoming overcrowded, it makes no sense to close this school based on a forecast, when the school is getting on its feet and showing marked improvement. The AeT has over the summer period spent an undisclosed sum of money bringing much needed modernisation to the school. If the school is shut down, it would be a huge waste of resources. The adjoining nursery has also seen investment and is already showing that it is feeding more and more directly into the school itself. As people move into the local area, I suspect that Weston will see a marked increase in admissions. We at Team Weston are appealing directly to you, the reader, to show your support for this school. You may be an old pupil or parent of an old pupil, you may have had an association with the school in the past or present. maybe you understand that good schools should be kept open, especially considering this school is well over 100 years old. Please, please take a few moments to sign to show your support for us in our battle. It might just be the linchpin that sways the final decision in our favour. Kindest regards - George Metcalf
    608 of 800 Signatures
    Created by George Metcalf
  • Sack David Cameron
    He is a threat to National Security. If these scandals from his youth like PIgGate keep popping up he is a liability and open to bribery. Even if we consider that fracking is going ahead even though it is not economically viable with current energy prices seems to suggest a bribe somewhere down the line.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Hammill
  • Petition DECC to urgently review the current approach to the solar feed in tariff
    Jobs at risk The cost of solar panels since 2007 has fallen by over 70%. It is now the cheapest of all renewable technologies. This week, India announced the creation of 50 solar cities. Solar around the world is booming. In a few years, it won't need any support at all. But the UK Government seems to want to do everything it can to kill solar before we get to that point – and risk tens of thousands of jobs in the process. This is not the first time the Government has tried to kill the feed-in tariff, the scheme that pays people to feed clean electricity into the national grid from their solar panels. Back in 2011 Government tried to kill off 90% of the scheme with retrospective cuts. Friends of the Earth, together with the solar industry, took the Government to court - and won. Ministers were forced to backtrack. But once more, 35,000 jobs in the solar industry are on the line. (Quote from Friends of the Earth and image credit to intel free press)
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mark Ferguson
  • Refugees Welcome in Clackmannanshire
    David Cameron announced we’ll welcome 20,000 more Syrian refugees. But there’s a catch. This will take 5 years, leaving thousands of refugees in limbo. It’s now up to us to show that in cities, towns and villages all across the country we’re ready to welcome people now. Aylan, the toddler who drowned fleeing Syria, was just three years old. His town was under attack by Isis. His five year old brother and his mum also died trying to reach safety.We don't want Britain to be the kind of country that turns its back as people drown in their desperation to flee places like Syria. So let's stand up for Britain's long tradition of helping refugees fleeing war. Let's show the Prime Minister that we, the people of the UK, are proud to do our part and provide refuge to people in their hour of need. Please sign and share, or start your own petition for your town or city here: https://you.38degrees.org.uk/efforts/refugees-welcome
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by nathalie MAREC