• What the Frack! Regular referendums. Let the UK public vote for their future.
    Members of the public find it difficult to support a political party 100%. Our system is out of date, our MPs out of touch, the public go unheard. We agree with points made by the Lib Dems, the Conservatives, Labour, the Green Party, the SNP etc and sometimes we disagree with them all. Either way we can't communicate with the government effectively. The system needs to work for us all but instead it's dusty, nobody really understands it or cares to sort it out with any long term vision. We need to start again. Simplify. Direct questions, direct answers. If regular referendums were to take place, the public are truly part of the process, allowing us to demonstrate what we care about, that we're united and want to invest in the future of this land and it's people. Less moaning and more doing, having a proactive and fair say, feeling satisfied that the decisions are being made and supported by the majority of the UK. Let the UK public vote for their future. This Kingdom can then begin to feel proud and respected, and most importantly, united.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tezia Perret
  • Pensioners dying from Malnutrition
    An increasing number of pensioners are dying because of lack of funding from the Government
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by william whitenstall
  • Lynton House Surgery High Wycombe - Stop plans to reduce surgery hours
    Plans to reduce hours by 30% on an already stretched practice is unacceptable. When residents call for an appointment they are faced with a 2-3 weeks wait for appointments. There is also pressure being brought to get people to accept appointments at the Cressex health centre which is not easy to access and is on the west side of High Wycombe in Cressex Industrial Estate The Ryemead area population has increased in last 10 years by more than 1000+ and this will continue as more housing developments come on stream. Some 8 years ago it was identified there was an need for an additional “ 1.5 doctors” to meet the need of the new housing estates being build in the area but this wasn’t taken up by a doctors surgery. Lynton House is the only surgery in the Ryemead ward and its hours need to be increased not decreased to meet the local demand We are calling for this reduction is services to br reversed or to be scrutinized in light of the growing need in Ryemead for an increase in Doctors services at the point of need - in the local ward and community
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trevor Snaith Picture
  • Open up empty buildings in paisley
    To plead to the Council to open its empty buildings to the homeless in winter. I cannot imagine sleeping rough in driving, biting winds, snow, ice and winter rain. It's inhumane. It's also inexcusable when we have so many empty buildings.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Ross
  • Open up empty buildings in Cambridgeshire
    To plead to the Council to open its empty buildings to the homeless in winter. I cannot imagine sleeping rough in driving, biting winds, snow, ice and winter rain. It's inhumane. It's also inexcusable when we have so many empty buildings.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Watson
  • Turn empty buildings into homeless shelters this winter
    Its important because there are so many people, young and old, who find the simple tasks of day to day life difficult, whether its due to illness, physical or mental, job related or maybe just down to impairment in intelligence, but whatever the reason, no one deserves to freeze on the streets
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Nicolle
  • Compel The DWP to investigate the effects of benefit cuts on mental health
    Department for Work and Pensions minister Priti Patel claimed any examination of temporary sanctions' effects would be "misleading" in isolation and should not be investigated. This is a cop out. They know that their cuts are causing wide scale mental health problems but also know that if they are forced to face up to this they will have to admit that their policies are wrong.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Stokes
  • Disabled Concessionary Card Holders Should Get Free Travel Uk Wide
    Why should we pay fares to travel if going out of our area like we can travel in and around Scotland free on buses and certain coach companys but we cant travel free in the rest of the uk. one rule for one and one rule for another. please please abolish how far we can travel. think of people in wheelchairs crutches and other disabled people who cant afford to travel further afield to visit familys or seaside resorts for a holiday, or our wounded ex veterans who served there country
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dee leslie Picture
  • Le Vacherin, Chiswick: please stop selling Foie Gras
    Le Vacherin is a small restaurant in Chiswick that persistently keeps Foie Gras on their menu despite complaints from local residents who do not want this accepted form of animal cruelty going on in their neighbourhood. It is time that restaurants like Le Vacherin started to care about the ethical treatment of animals bred for food, and to make their establishments happy environments that are suitable for all customers. They need to come in line with 21st century views on animal welfare. Foie Gras is an extremely cruel food product that comes from ramming pipes down the throats of male ducks up to three times a day. Grain and fat is then into forced into their stomachs. The force-feeding causes their livers to swell up to 10 times their normal size. The process is banned in the UK but this vile product can be imported. Le Vacherin must do what is morally right and remove this vile product from their menu. https://s.bsd.net/38degrees/main/page/-/CBY/a-la-carte.jpg
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah V
  • How many spoons of sugar? 9!
    There has been growing concern about the damaging impact of sugar on health - from the state of people's teeth to type-2 diabetes and obesity. To put this in context, a typical can of fizzy drink contains about nine teaspoons of sugar How many do you put in your tea/coffee?
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by davinder shergill
  • NHS England - Approve Translarna NOW!
    Will and Isaac Baker are brothers, aged 6 and 3, from Colchester, Essex. Their grandparents are active members of The Ark Methodist Church, and Will and Isaac's parents regularly bring Will and Isaac to Sunday School at The Ark. Both boys have a particular strain of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. PTC Therapeutics, based in the USA, have developed a drug - Translarna - which is the first drug ever to be developed specifically to treat the strain of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy which both Will and Isaac have. The drug has been approved in the European Union and in a small number of countries across the world. The drug has also been approved for a 6 month period for a boy in Scotland only last week. It is critical that NHS England approve this drug while the boys still have mobility and meet the prescribing criteria. Will, who is now 5 (his 6th birthday is next week), meets all the criteria to commence treatment immediately. Isaac is 3 yrs 7mths and hopefully will do so on his 5th birthday.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Jenkins
  • Daylight Robbery
    For many women reaching sixty was within sight when the state pension age was raised. The nearer they got the further away it was moved. Some women have been robbed of six even seven years pension, thousands of pounds, without a murmur of protest but now the reality of continuing to work has hit hard and for many this is a step too far.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Biddlecombe