• UOL & SU: New Refugee Scholarship
    The UK government has failed to effectively aid the millions of people fleeing uncertain futures in war zones so Lincoln students need to take action. In the UK, whilst we do not enjoy free undergraduate education, we have a system in place to ensure we receive a world-class standard of education that is available to everyone. Around 30 British academic institutions already offer some form of free education or aid service to refugees, the University of Lincoln and its student union should continue to lead morally as well as academically. We have seen an unprecedented level of human movement from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe due to civil war and economic hardship. Many of these refugees are young people, many of them are educated to a high standard and all of them had to leave for fear of the own lives. Our universities societies, by their members own admissions, are already well funded and supported. We also enjoy hosting one of Lincoln's premier venues, The Engine Shed, and we will soon see a new multi-million pound technology building. The University and its SU are not short of money and you cannot put a price on human life or a good education. Sign this petition and ensure that a young person gets the future that we all deserve.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jimmy Morris-Knight
  • Provide adequate milk for refugee infants in Greece
    No child should be starving. When this is happening within the European Union, we should do everything within our power as a nation to intervene and ensure that these babies are fed
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Freck
  • End Dodgy Corporate Tax Arrangements - Pay To Play!!
    Shortfalls in taxation (I.e.the funding for public services) is directly attributable to the global tax policies of companies who think HOW they trade doesn't matter. We should not accept tax dodging as an inevitable consequence of free trade. Director and shareholder behaviour will only change when transglobals realise these aggressive and anticompetitive policies are unsustainable. Moving, with immediate notice, to 'name and shame' will help consumers to make informed choices in future, and will cost offending transglobals both new and loyal customers as well as their reputation with shareholders and markets. If shareholders cannot create ethical and sustainable policies on their own account, they will have to be encouraged by Governments to do so. As Government is aware, the EU The Anti Tax Avoidance Directive sets out a comprehensive framework of anti-abuse measures, containing five legally-binding anti-abuse measures, which all Member States should apply against common forms of aggressive tax planning. This includes measures to deter profit shifting to a 'low / no' tax country, to prevent double 'non-taxation' of certain income, to prevent companies from avoiding tax when 're-locating' assets, to discourage artificial debt arrangements designed to minimise taxes and the additional safeguard of the anti-abuse rule designed to counteract aggressive tax planning. As an absolute minimum measure today, Government should immediately escalate a 'name and shame' policy to encourage consumers to be aware, so consumers can use alternative brands or local companies who fairly pay taxes in markets they sell to. With Liam Fox looking to resurrect a new version of the dreadful TTIP or dubious CETA with the US, involving potentially highly contentious ISDS, we should demand to know why so many huge US companies play on this kind of uneven tax playing field, as well as make it clear that this is a global problem which individual nation states ARE willing to take on, in order to protect local competition and essential services for UK citizens. UK Government should take a lead in saying we welcome trade and business, but not at any price. Pay to play!! Irrespective of the status of Brexi by 2019, the UK MUST ensure that it applies the EU Anti Tax Avoiance measure from 1 January 2019 ,which provide the minimum level of protection against corporate tax avoidance throughout the EU, while ensuring a fairer and more stable environment collectively for UK and European businesses in competition with transglobals brands. In doing this, Government will need to distance itself from the antidemocratic influence of the far right press, as their vested interests are in continued tax avoidance loopholes, irrespective of whether their owners are British citizens, foreign born or foreign domiciled. The first priority must be to protect British companies and British public services.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Daniels
  • Mental Health Care North Kent
    There are a lot of MIND Service Users who have been seriously affected by reduced services, leaving them vulnerable and less able to cope
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Shettlesworth
  • Allow carers & disabled to continue claiming benefits while waiting for appeals process
    With many disabled people having to ask for Mandatory Reconsideration followed by appeal they are often left unsupported while gov. depts and legal system is snowed under unable to process appeals fast enough. In the majority of cases the appeals are won which means claimants are caused unnecessary hardship while waiting. Often with disastrous results. Volunteer carers are also effected often having their entire benefits cut to zero while waiting an outcome. This is unfair. If the system is so poorly designed that large numbers are having to appeal only to win their case then it is fair that the claimants should continue to receive benefits while waiting for an inadequate system to catch up. Even when an appeal is won no compensation for extra costs involved is awarded therefor further penalizing the applicant for an inadequately designed and poorly executed system
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pete Ritchie
  • Don't cut vital support for disabled people in East Worthing and Shoreham-by-sea
    George Osborne has announced plans to take £70 a week away from thousands of people with disabilities, by cutting Personal Independence Payments (PIP). For many of us, this will mean losing the crucial support which enables us to get out of the house. Many people in our area would be hit hard by this cut. This petition calls on our local MP to do all they can to stop this cruel and unfair plan. Please, show your support for local people with disabilities and help stop the cuts to PIP.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Derek Nelson-Wills
  • Don't cut vital support for disabled people in Eltham
    George Osborne has announced plans to take £70 a week away from thousands of people with disabilities, by cutting Personal Independence Payments (PIP). For many of us, this will mean losing the crucial support which enables us to get out of the house. Many people in our area would be hit hard by this cut. This petition calls on our local MP to do all they can to stop this cruel and unfair plan. Please, show your support for local people with disabilities and help stop the cuts to PIP.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred Williams
  • Don't cut vital support for disabled people in Hull East
    George Osborne has announced plans to take £70 a week away from thousands of people with disabilities, by cutting Personal Independence Payments (PIP). For many of us, this will mean losing the crucial support which enables us to get out of the house. Many people in our area would be hit hard by this cut. This petition calls on our local MP to do all they can to stop this cruel and unfair plan. Please, show your support for local people with disabilities and help stop the cuts to PIP.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Staples
  • Don't cut vital support for disabled people in Wythenshawe and Sale East
    George Osborne has announced plans to take £70 a week away from thousands of people with disabilities, by cutting Personal Independence Payments (PIP). For many of us, this will mean losing the crucial support which enables us to get out of the house. Many people in our area would be hit hard by this cut. This petition calls on our local MP to do all they can to stop this cruel and unfair plan. Please, show your support for local people with disabilities and help stop the cuts to PIP.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by tony fitzgerald
  • Don't cut vital support for disabled people in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire
    George Osborne has announced plans to take £70 a week away from thousands of people with disabilities, by cutting Personal Independence Payments (PIP). For many of us, this will mean losing the crucial support which enables us to get out of the house. Many people in our area would be hit hard by this cut. This petition calls on our local MP to do all they can to stop this cruel and unfair plan. Please, show your support for local people with disabilities and help stop the cuts to PIP.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David J Passmore
  • Don't cut vital support for disabled people in Wigan
    George Osborne has announced plans to take £70 a week away from thousands of people with disabilities, by cutting Personal Independence Payments (PIP). For many of us, this will mean losing the crucial support which enables us to get out of the house. Many people in our area would be hit hard by this cut. This petition calls on our local MP to do all they can to stop this cruel and unfair plan. Please, show your support for local people with disabilities and help stop the cuts to PIP.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sonia Hughes
  • Don't cut vital support for disabled people in Erith and Thamesmead
    I'm disabled and I struggle do things that able bodied people do. It's so hard for me and other people with disabilities to manage extra cost like heating the home to keep warm, and general things like have fuel in the car to get myself around. I'll start from the beginning. At the young age of 3 I was shot in the head with an air rifle, which left me with neurological injuries. Due to the way I walk I've damaged my spine and neck and now have arthritis in my spine and neck. I'm in a lot of pain on a daily basis. I take numerous amounts of pain killers including morphine. Not nice. I can walk very short distances aided, but mainly use a wheelchair. Disabled people need a voice: one that will be heard. I'm sick of living in silence. We, as disabled people are a part of the community and do need extra financial help. Stop punishing us.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by luke cooper