• A unique Education
    My son is autistic and has sensory processing disorder, as you can imagine visiting shops cafes can be very difficult and stressful for me as a mum and absolutely distressing for my son. But life needs to go on and errands need to be ran. Me and my son have had several incidents where he's been having a meltdown and we've recieved comments from employees about his "behaviour" as a parent its heartbreaking to hear such comments and you end up feeling very isolated. So I have come up with a plan. I would like to educate as many employees in shops, soft play centres ect on the difference between a typical tantrum and an autistic meltdown. I feel this will be beneficial to parents of autistic children and the children themselves to help us cope in a world that's extremely difficult for us to be part of! So I ask you to please sign this petition for all the wonderfully unique children and their parents
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Walker
  • Put politicians on minimum-wage
    So we can see how fast things change for the working class
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Timmins
  • Make Tesco Put Scottish Flag Back On Strawberries
    It is common knowledge that some if not all the best strawberries are grown in Scotland to remove the Scottish flag due to a few complaints from customers and replace it with a union flag and call them British is harming the reputations of hard working Scottish farmers
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Ballantyne
  • Stop Using Palm Oil
    How would you like it if your home was destroyed just because it was cheap? How do you feel knowing each thing you buy is killing thousands of orangutans? You can change this but signing this petition so that these issues are recognised ASAP
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ren Amsden
  • No police retirement to avoid misconduct hearings
    Three South Yorkshire police officers would have faced gross misconduct cases but had since retired after 30 years’ service. In January 2015, the Government promised that new regulations would prevent police officers retiring or resigning to avoid dismissal. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-regulations-prevent-police-officers-retiring-or-resigning-to-avoid-dismissal This was in response to public pressure after the public were told that no police officers can be disciplined over complaints relating to the Hillsborough disaster. They had been allowed to retire out of accountability. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2017/jan/13/hillsborough-police-officers-cant-be-disciplined-as-all-have-retired Yet in August 2017, the Independent Police Complaints Comission said that South Yorkshire Police inaction over Ian Watkins left a child at risk of further sexual abuse for several months. (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/aug/18/ipcc-police-ian-watkins-child-risk-abuse-south-yorkshire) I would like to invite fellow citizens to insist that the commitment of 2015 is upheld. Police officers and MPs work for us, the people. They are entrusted with great power, and with it comes responsibility. It is simply not acceptable that the Government breaks the promise of 2015 and enables a culture of incompetence and collusion with criminals to continue.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tristana Rodriguez
  • Open Rotherham Bus Lanes to Motorcyclists
    Sheffield who have adopted this, have proven this will reduce accidents to motorcyclists without causing any disruption to busses. It will allow motorcyclists to travel safer in bad weather and avoid having to filter though busy traffic making it healthier and safer for motorcyclists, not breathing in dangerous fumes, or being cut up by cars.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dale Gregory
  • Call on Ninja Theory to create a sequal to Hellblade
    This is important because, rarely do games come along that can provoke such a emotive and inspiring responce. This game that they should be part of something bigger that can help people and expand our understaning into the world of mental illness.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Kula
  • Make haircut prices the same for men and women
    I want it to be equal between men and women I don't think it's fair that a woman has to pay £32 for a cut and blow dry and a man only has to pay £5 for the same thing.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Bishop
  • Save our youth club
    It is a safe place for our kids to meet, make new friends, learn new things and be safe. Without it what will the kids do? My kids love it they cook, play games, help raise funds and much more thanks to Joe and his team.
    250 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Karen Brown
  • Tell A E Yates to stop supplying fracking firm Cuadrilla
    The vast majority (84%) of people do not want fracking to happen. In June 2016 Lancashire County Council voted not to give planning permission to Cuadrilla after listening to local people's concerns about the effects of fracking on the water, air and soil. However, Cuadrilla appealed to the Secretary of State, who then overruled Lancashire. Work commenced at the fracking site on Preston New Road in January 2017. A E Yates have played a major role in supplying Caudrilla with workers, materials, plant and haulage. Without Yate's services, Cuadrilla will not be able to proceed so rapidly with fracking Lancashire
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Celia Briar
  • Release Public Donations for Grenfell to buy Housing and Possessions for the Survivors. Now
    Money Held and not used for the purpose it was Donated is Theft
    183 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Susana Walker
  • Make companies that test on animals have to state it on their packaging
    People are obvious to how many products are actually tested on animals, the only way you can find out weather they are is through the Internet which people do not have time to do with every product. This will encourage positive marketing for cruilty free brands and discourage companies that do by giving the consumer the option to buy the product knowing if it has or hasn't been tested on animals.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by L J