• Online Election Voting
    Many folk now live their lives around the internet and it would certainly involve more of the younger end of society in our democracy, who after all have a voice on the future of our country. An online voting system would surely produce a more accurate reflection of all the population.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bryan Thomas
  • Santander - Stop Banking on the Bomb
    Santander currently invests $1,675 million (US) in nuclear weapons. * Of the weapons of mass destruction that humankind has been confronted with, we have succeeded in outlawing biological and chemical weapons. Yet we have still to ban nuclear weapons although we know that it is the most destructive weapon invented so far. There are companies driving the industry and if the investment funds for them are cut off we will have struck a blow for a nuclear weapon free world. Financial institutions, by adopting public policies prohibiting investment in the nuclear weapons industry, actively demonstrate the stigma associated with these weapons of mass destruction. Institutions can and do decide to ban investments in the nuclear weapon industry, and that policies in the financial sector are an important contribution to the global debate on nuclear weapons. * From - http://www.dontbankonthebomb.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/2015_Report_web.pdf
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim Hunt
  • Stop the cold blooded massacre in Syria!
    Because Syrian lives matter.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sanaan ahmed
  • The War on Syria is not being carried out in our name
    It is important because the people voted in governments and the government refused to listen when the people from all over the United Kingdom calling for #NoWaronSyria and our voices were ignored.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Meehan Picture
  • Free public transport for school students.
    I feel like this is a very important thing as children have the right to their education and can't have it if they can't get to school in the first place. Also we want children to be safer
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wesley Large
  • Audit and Regulate the Financial Interests of MPs
    Those elected and funded by tax payers to represent the electorate must do so without any corruption and corporate interest. The whole topic of money in politics needs to be transparent and serve the good of the general public.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Webber
    Because as Prime Minister he shouldn`t be allowed to get away with it !!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter George
  • Taxes for Life not Death
    To refuse us this right is to force us to compromise our own beliefs. The elected government should not have the right to force individuals to contribute towards actions that will inevitably lead to the deaths of others, especially when a proportion of those deaths, however small you may personally believe them to be, are likely to include innocents
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Hynes
  • Stop the Bombing
    Innocent civilians , children , women , and men , just like ourselves , will be killed . It will cause chaos , and destruction , as it did in Iraq , Afghanistan , and Libya . " Only love can conquer hate " ( Marvin Gaye )
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Storm Gordon
  • Pensioners dying from Malnutrition
    An increasing number of pensioners are dying because of lack of funding from the Government
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by william whitenstall
  • Our Prime Minister should apologise!
    People in the UK should be in no doubt that all of our elected representatives, in Parliament, can be trusted not to sympathise with Terrorism. If Our Prime Minister does not believe this he should say why, or apologise for making the comments attributed to him.
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Rickard
  • Apologise for the Terrorist Sympathiser Slur
    In a democracy people should be entitled to hold different opinions of committing this Country to War without fear of being labelled as sympathetic to the abhorrent actions of terrorists.
    101 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Turner