• protection of whistle blowers
    Whistle blowers are being hounded out of jobs for speaking up about wrong doings and then becoming unemployable because of this. Colleagues are too scared to back them. Confidence in public services will be restored and confidence of employees to report issues without reprisals. Current internal whistle blowing policies are ineffective and not used.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sue sutherland
  • Failing BBC Panorama
    The BBC, apart from Chanel 4, is a Public Services Broadcasting Company, widely regarded as independent and trustworthy across the world. Unless it is prepared to use that trust, and the expectation of the license payer to examine seriously important issues like this, it will have betrayed it's Charter.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Quick
    Bitter experience has shown that councils cannot be trusted to protect children or set their own houses in order. If officers are prosecuted it will send out a strong message that they will be held to account and will focus their minds on their legal duties.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ARTHUR BAYLEY
  • Do not deport Wadih Chourey back to Lebanon
    Wadih came to the United Kingdom in 1997 because his life was in danger from the various gangs operating in Beirut who were victimising him because of his Down's syndrome. He has lived in Twickenham, London, since his arrival and was looked after by his parents and is now being looked after by his brother. He cannot cook and needs help with washing and dressing himself. His life would be in danger on two counts: firstly he will not be able to look after himself and secondly from violence. News story here: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/man-downs-syndrome-faces-being-4131650
    82,281 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Yvonne Parmenter
  • Save Bedford Hospital
    Without a hospital for the whole of Bedford and its surrounding area lives will be lost! Milton Keynes is our nearest hospital already overstretched because of the growth of Milton Keynes. It is totally unacceptable to leave the County town of Bedford without a hospital. People will die as a direct result.
    3,450 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Marianne Baddiley
  • investigation into the media bias surrounding the scottish referendum
    this is extremely important this is Scotland's future we are talking about . its our oppertunity to start a fresh . the BBC is a definitive no supporter and this is clearly showing by the coverage and and lack of support for yes Scotland . theirs more publicity for better together the more they peddle the media and it has to.stop theirs less than 3 weeks before we vote
    1,347 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by scott glanville
  • Fox Hunting and all Blood sports
    Its a cruel way of getting rid of animals when there are more humane ways of dealing with the problem
    123 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sue Armstrong Surgenor
  • Reconsider removing tax allowances from ex-pats
    There are hundreds of thousands of British Ex-pats around the world that have worked all of their lives in the UK and then retired abroad. They have paid their taxes in the UK for all of their working lives, many still paying today and should not now be penalised if they choose to emigrate. I also believe that it is 'uneuropean' in as much as it impedes the freedom of movement within member states by the population of the UK by effectively taxing them to leave. This policy punishes mainly those ex-pats that have served their country in the armed forces, police, NHS, fire brigade and civil service and shows that the UK government has no loyalty to it's most deserving of citizens.
    376 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Glen Allsopp
    Bodmin has had swimming baths for decades and the success of Bodmin and District Swimming Club is testament to its worth. The potential closure of this popular leisure and health facility is serious. Former club member Cassie Patten competed in Olympics and other local swimmers have had great success. Tennis, hockey and football players alike have been successful in their chosen sports following coaching at the facility but more importantly, local school children from Bodmin and surrounding areas learn to swim and engage in sports here. Engaging in positive activities such as sport raises aspiration in children and young people and Cornwall Council can cut costs in other areas without detrimentally impacting upon local communities in this way. There is little else positive to do in Bodmin and other similar towns; there are only do many hairdressers and charity shops one can amuse themselves in. If a well used and popular Bodmin Dragon Centre facility is closed as a cost cutting exercise, what does it spell for similar facilities in the rest of Cornwall?
    4,360 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Tris Thomas Picture
  • Keep breast surgery at New Cross Hospital
    Having to travel further than necessary to Cannock Chase Hospital for breast surgery, having never visited the hospital before, will place patients, their families and carers under even more stress. The Breast Cancer Action and Support Group feels that the consultation process on the proposed changes to services has been rushed and not well-publicised. Many Wolverhampton residents the group has spoken to are not even aware of the proposed changes, or that a consultation period should be allowed.
    443 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Janice Graham
  • Road Tax Rip Off.
    With the new road tax system, which is being introduced on the 1st of October, it states that when you sell your vehicle you receive a refund for any full calendar months left on the vehicle tax. The problem with this is the system is now computerised & that the refund should be from the day after you sell your vehicle. When you buy a vehicle you must buy road tax on that day if you wish to drive it on that day, If I sell a vehicle at the beginning of the month I lose a full months money, this is tantamount to theft. The revenue that is made from this must run into the millions. You must refund the full amount from the day after the sale of the vehicle.
    367 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Tony Solomon
  • FAIR Flights Paths for Heathrow
    At present, over 700,000 people live under the Heathrow flight paths; that is, 28% of all people impacted by aircraft noise across Europe. For many people it can mean more than 40 planes an hour passing overhead at the busiest times. People are crying out for respite. Fair flight paths would mean most communities getting respite for 50% - 70% of the time without noise becoming a serious problem in new areas. It would benefit residents with no disbenefit to the airport.
    870 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by John Stewart