• Keep breast surgery at New Cross Hospital
    Having to travel further than necessary to Cannock Chase Hospital for breast surgery, having never visited the hospital before, will place patients, their families and carers under even more stress. The Breast Cancer Action and Support Group feels that the consultation process on the proposed changes to services has been rushed and not well-publicised. Many Wolverhampton residents the group has spoken to are not even aware of the proposed changes, or that a consultation period should be allowed.
    443 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Janice Graham
  • Road Tax Rip Off.
    With the new road tax system, which is being introduced on the 1st of October, it states that when you sell your vehicle you receive a refund for any full calendar months left on the vehicle tax. The problem with this is the system is now computerised & that the refund should be from the day after you sell your vehicle. When you buy a vehicle you must buy road tax on that day if you wish to drive it on that day, If I sell a vehicle at the beginning of the month I lose a full months money, this is tantamount to theft. The revenue that is made from this must run into the millions. You must refund the full amount from the day after the sale of the vehicle.
    367 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Tony Solomon
  • FAIR Flights Paths for Heathrow
    At present, over 700,000 people live under the Heathrow flight paths; that is, 28% of all people impacted by aircraft noise across Europe. For many people it can mean more than 40 planes an hour passing overhead at the busiest times. People are crying out for respite. Fair flight paths would mean most communities getting respite for 50% - 70% of the time without noise becoming a serious problem in new areas. It would benefit residents with no disbenefit to the airport.
    870 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by John Stewart
    1,504 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by CATHAY birch
  • Local and Live 2014 - Let's ensure it's back in 2015!
    Local and Live 2014 was, I'm sure you'll agree, a fabulous success. Whilst we all enjoyed the fabulous music and the excellent organisation this year, most of us are aware of just how difficult it has been for Paul and his team to deal with garnering financial support and all the other issues involved in putting on an event like this. We hope that by asking for your help and support to be noted to TWBC at this stage, any detractors or obstacles to the event being held again in 2015 will be lessened and positive support and publicity can start now.
    246 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jill Ramsay
  • Support for victims of sexual abuse
    Based on data from the ‘Crime Survey for England and Wales’ around 473,000 adults were victims of sexual offences (around 404,000 females and 72,000 males) on average per year from 2009-2012 (Sexual Offending in England and Wales, 2013). 90% of victims of the most serious sexual offences reported they knew the perpetrator, yet only 15 per cent of victims of such offences said that they had reported it to the police. Stating that it was ‘embarrassing’, they ‘didn’t think the police could do much to help’, that the incident was ‘too trivial or not worth reporting’, or that they saw it as a ‘private/family matter and not police business’. We must learn from the tragic case of Frances Andrade, who tragically died at her home in Guildford, Surrey in January 2013, just a week after giving evidence in court about historical sexual abuse by her former choirmaster. Her husband, Levine Andrade, 59, found his wife, known as Fran, dead at 8am on 24 January last year. He said, "Apart from the trial bringing it all back up she felt the defence barrister seemed to be attacking her personally. "It got her completely down and she felt completely defenceless. I think she felt she was not prepared enough for the trial. She was not expecting to be attacked personally and have to answer so many direct questions in public. Much more needs to be done to provide and promote professional high-quality support services to help victims move on with their lives. Only when victims have sufficient support can they make the choice to go through the criminal justice system. More importantly victims must have sufficient professional support to endure the often lengthy and protracted court process. In the policy 'Ending violence against women and girls in the UK' it stated that the government would part-fund 87 independent sexual violence advisers and pledging £1.2 million for 3 years from 2012 to improve services. The problem is this funding will end in 2015 and 87 part-funded ISVA's are far from adequate for the number of victims we have in the UK. We need to put this on the public and government agenda before the next elections.
    643 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Yehudis Goldsobel
  • Upgrade the A82 (Glasgow - Inverness)
    1. This is a lifeline road for the west coast communities. The A9 is an unacceptable alternative. 2. Their are far too many accidents - many fatal - on this road 3. Between Crianlarich and Fort Augustus there is no real alternative route following the many closures this road suffers. 4. Lorries and buses/coaches frequently have difficulty passing; in particular on the Loch Lomondside section between Tarbet and Inverarnan. 5. The road surface does not meet 21st Century standards - despite many repairs/patches - costing drivers for the repairs to their vehicles.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Les Horn
  • Protect the Gwent Levels and stop the proposed M4 motorway
    The current plans to extend the M4 motorway will put otters, rare bees and wildflowers at risk. It would cut across the 'Amazon Rainforest' of Wales, the Gwent Levels, which is a haven for wildlife. Traffic around Newport needs to be improved but it would be better for Wales and the environment if the Welsh government invests in public transport instead. If we want to protect the environment for future generations we need to come up with alternatives to big polluting motorways. The Assembly's own environmental regulator and advisory body, Natural Resources Wales, is against these plans.
    21,264 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Bleddyn Lake
    Closing schools on Thursdays causes maximum difficulties for child care, disrupts education if an extra day is not put into the term time.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by HUGH FRASER
  • 999 nhs tredegar
    It was "born" in Tredegar & vital for the health and welfare of the whole of the UKs population and should remain as it was intended. FREE for the people
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Marianne Phillips
  • Change undemocratic Welsh planning law
    The planning law below permits a single A4 notice somewhere near the site to be the only notification required to inform rural residents and local communities of an application for large, commercial wind turbine; no letters, no leaflets, no press notices. This is because the size of the base area permits it to be classified as a ‘minor’ application. This means many residents would never get an opportunity to submit objections within the 21 day ‘deadline’ due to their age, infirmity and isolation or simply by not hearing about it. Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure)(Wales) Order 2012 http://www.legislation.gov.uk/wsi/2012/801/made The relevant extract from that legislation is in the section: (5) and (6) Publicity for applications for planning permission, Part 2 – Applications.
    268 of 300 Signatures
    Created by John Hubert
  • Paying for prescriptions in Wales
    At the moment hospitals across Wales and the NHS in Wales are struggling to survive and staff are stretched to the limit. . We need to fund more nursing staff and also to stop the current ridiculous abuse of the system where people go to A&E just to get a packet of Paracetamol or Calpol for nothing or ask their doctors for medication they do not need and probably will not take. A basic charge of £3.00 would stop such abuse of the system, and there could be a cap of £10.00 if people needed several items. This additional money would transform our NHS in Wales and provide jobs for much needed nursing staff.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joanna Spikes