• over 70's do a resit driving test
    So many older drivers having accidents or causing accidents. A 96 year old woman killed a tourist and did not even know she had caused an accident. Too many elderly drivers driving around oblivious of bad driving habits.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pat Waymouth
  • Freedom of Information Request Illegally Refused by Sunderland Council
    Sunderland Councils Assistant Head of Law and Governance does not have the authority to decide where the public interest lies. The reply informed the requester the following: (I HAVE CONSIDERED WHERE THE PUBLIC INTEREST LIES) in respect of making the report public in response to your request. I do note that, as you indicate within the body of the request, the conclusion of the report is already in the public domain. While it is apparent that some members of the public, including yourself, consider they would benefit from seeing the report in full, and I take it you would prefer to see proof of the valuation, it is apparent that individuals remain intent on campaigning against this development. In this context, where information has previously been provided by the council in all good faith this has routinely been misinterpreted and misrepresented by individuals, in ways that are in fact misleading to the public and which generate a further administrative burden to the council in addressing and correcting these misconceptions. While I appreciate that you may not be among those individuals who have misused information in this way, it must be remembered that release of information under FOI has the effect of making it available to everyone.) The full reply can be viewed by following this link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/237101463/SCC-Ref-14-05-62 This person has decided that she can decide where the public interest lies in respect of making the report public. The ratepayers of Sunderland have a right to see the file the council holds on the sale of the land at Marine Walk. They have a right to decide if procedures were followed. How could the information within the file be misused / misinterpreted or misrepresented if all is aboveboard? SCC has by their own admission spent thousands of pounds of ratepayer’s money and many man-hours refusing a simple request to view the details of a land sale??? I request Sunderland City Council release the information held on the sale of land on Marine Walk Roker Sunderland.
    1,463 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Len Lowther
  • 50+ women being crucified by the new pension rules
    This is an important issue whereby many women over the age of 55 particularly will suffer financial hardship through no fault of their own. There has been no proper planning or compensation considered for or this small minority of women which will suffer as a result. Many women over 50 find themselves living alone and had always expected to retire with a state pension at 60. The new legislation has not given woman a fair enough amount of time to prepare for such a major financial disruption to their lives.
    257 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Susanna Young
    The mess was deliberately created by a developer which began work in January 2004 without planning consent and since having been granted a planning consent has done nothing to clear up the mess that it deliberately created. This beach is the largest and most important in central south Cornwall.
    5,658 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Browning
  • Statutory Youth Service
    Currently there is no statutory obligation placed on local authorities to provided a Youth Service via the respective Councils in the UK. Recently, this has meant that councils when faced with Government austerity cuts have chosen to cut vital services to our young people. Through these draconian measures many Youth Centres in the hearts of our communities have already faced forced closure and hundreds of thousands of young people now face a much reduced range of services, support, guidance and now lack access to opportunities to acquire critical life skills. Youth workers who have trained over three years to become professionally qualified are being put out of work after many years of loyal service. The young people in disadvantaged communities, in particular, are being harder hit by these measures. For many vulnerable young people their locally provided service is a lifeline and is a much needed supported pathway to a more productive, happy and fulfilled adulthood. Up and down the country young people, communities , supporters and their Youth Workers have been trying to resist these cuts - but a much louder voice is needed to ensure that services are put on a statutory footing - helping to prevent even more cuts and the betrayal of our young people in the future. With your help and public outcry we may be able to ensure our young people receive the necessary services, opportunities and support that so many so desperately need and rely so heavily upon. Please help.
    7,464 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Pete Sims Picture
  • Ensure Fairness in BBC Scotland's August 25th Independence Debate
    The referendum on the 18th September is the most important decision that the people of Scotland could be asked to make. A great deal is at stake for both sides of the argument, and for the rest of the UK. Many of us believe that much of the Scottish and UK media has treated the Yes Campaign and pro-independence supporters with contempt and outright condescension. This petition is urging BBC Scotland to recognize the importance of giving both sides of the debate an equal opportunity to voice their arguments for and against independence.
    2,866 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Brian Nixon
  • Kidney Dialysis funding cut backs announced August2014
    The way that these potentially harmful new Tariffs are being introduced does not accord with the stated intention of NHS England and Monitor who say they are committed to setting national tariff in a manner consistent with the principles of transparency, evidence-based policy – making, consultation with the sector, and impact assessment, as well as in accordance with statutory duties.
    12,802 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Stevens
  • Say NO to Increased Parking Charges for staff at RCHT
    The staff provide a service to the community and they feel they need more consideration to any changes being made. They are passionate about their Trust and the service they provide but feel unappreciated with the lack of communication regarding important issues such as the increase in parking charges.
    2,765 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by David Philips
  • Put back Wolverhampton's Hepworth sculpture!
    This wonderful, iconic sculpture is a local landmark, and by far the best single piece of artwork in Wolverhampton. It is one of only seven castings; the others are all in prestigious public collections around the world. How many other cities and how many other shopping centres have artwork of this importance on public display? It has stood in the Centre since 1968, but was secretly removed in May, on the pretext of building work that will not begin till next year. The owners, Delancey and RBS, refuse to say where the sculpture or the time capsule in its plinth now are, and refuse to give any reassurance that it will not be sold off. RBS claims the ownership of the sculpture and the right to sell it, in the face of opposition by local shoppers, art lovers, city councillors, the city centre MP, the Hepworth Estate, the Mander family and arts organisations. And yet RBS is still 80% taxpayer owned! In any case the sculpture was provided by the artist at cost price, because of her wish that it should be an asset for the people of Wolverhampton. In effect, she donated it. This is asset stripping of a particularly unpleasant kind - taking away one of the few real quality items from a city centre that is still struggling from the effects of the recession. Hepworth intended this sculpture for the people of Wolverhampton, not for the RBS private art stash, nor for the private pleasure of some art collecting billionaire. This is one more example of the current threat to public art in the UK from its removal from public access and sale to private collectors. Plans for the redevelopment of the Mander Centre must be modified to include the Hepworth, and it must be returned to its place of pride as soon as practicable, and a firm guarantee given of this.
    3,089 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Richard Warren
  • Save Keir Hardie Hall
    This September, historic yet run-down Keir Hardie Hall is being put up for auction. Most people today know it as a working men's club, but it was actually named in 1915 to honour posthumously of one of Britain's lesser known, but arguably most important, statesmen. Keir Hardie was unusual, both in his own era & our own: a politician who rejected the self-interested pursuit of power & money. His life's work was an attempt to bring about equality, justice and freedom for the poor and marginalised: men, women and children, regardless of ethnicity or religion. During the brutal years of the late Victorian era and the early twentieth century, ideas he advocated (universal healthcare; equality for women; universal state education; countries of empire being entitled to national sovereignty; state pensions; decent housing; employment rights & even animal welfare) were largely ridiculed. After the carnage of two world wars, successive governments were able to realise many of them. Ninety-nine years after Hardie addressed his final great anti-war speech to an audience in Norwich, we seem to have come full circle: Many of the benchmarks of late twentieth century civilisation are under threat -both nationally and globally. Ninety-nine years from now they may have been written out of history altogether. Our city, which appears affluent to visitors, is actually blighted by hidden poverty. It's of huge importance that Norwich City Council (run by a Labour majority with a strong Green opposition) acts now to ensure Keir Hardie Hall's historical context is not lost, whilst simultaneously helping to meet our current need for decent, energy-efficient, genuinely affordable, housing for all. Let's give this building a future befitting its past.
    546 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Howard
  • STOP MOORSIDE: "Biggest Nuclear Development in Europe"
    Cumbria already has Sellafield. The Sellafield site has the biggest amount of radioactivity on the planet. A major accident involving the liquid high level waste tanks would have catastrophic consequences and make the area uninhabitable for many generations. The area around the Sellafield site should be an untouchable buffer zone to: a) provide a measure of safety for surrounding towns and villages b) to accommodate the documented leakage of radiation from the Sellafield site into groundwater. c) to minimise the target area for terrorist attack (instead of doubling it) Instead of honouring a beautiful wildlife diverse landscape bought by the public purse and guaranteeing a buffer zone around Sellafield the UK government are planning to sell off a vast area. The land stretches to the villages of Beckermet, Braystones and Calder Bridge. Not only this but the companies who are being wooed to buy the land are the very same companies responsible for Fukushima. "The Moorside Project" is being promoted by NUGEN a company 100% owned by Toshiba. Toshiba’s proposed three new reactors are AP1000s. These are the next generation of the same old uranium burning technology. The difference is that these reactors burn the uranium for longer and harder. The resulting radioactive wastes are much hotter and have to be cooled for decades longer. The NDA have told Radiation Free Lakeland that the fresh water resource for cooling is “a matter for the operators.” Currently Sellafield uses over 4 million gallons of water daily to abstracted from Wastwater, the River Ehen, the River Calder and boreholes in the area. Sellafield stopped producing electricity in 2003. The elephant in the room is of course Toshiba’s track record in nuclear safety. Toshiba supplied the steam generator, architecture and reactor for Fukushima reactors numbers 3 and 5, while Hitachi (merged with Toshiba) supplied the reactor, steam generator and architecture for Fukushima reactor no 4. The beautiful wildlife diverse land: http://mariannewildart.wordpress.com/2014/08/10/stop-moorcide/ Contaminated Groundwater - Sellafield https://attachment.fbsbx.com/file_download.php?id=773168039435386&eid=AStZ3li3tSP5MQf_c8WSzWkcyXiQmeST9PaQWg1eXJj-piwqsP2voi22A76xtKEBQRc&inline=1&ext=1434548939&hash=ASuZJtM5OwSjtXCA http://www.oecd-nea.org/rwm/wpdd/rcd-workshop/C-2___OH_The_Sellafield_contaminated_land_and_groundwater.pdf.pdf After– Fukushima – Daiichi - Toshiba looks for new orders overseas http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/10/03/us-toshiba-nuclear-idUSBRE99204I20131003 Hitachi, Toshiba and GE Merge Nuclear Operations http://www.modernpowersystems.com/news/newshitachi-toshiba-and-ge-merge-nuclear-fuel-operations http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/news/Blogs/makingwaves/how-can-the-nuclear-industry-profit-from-nucl/blog/44192/ Escalating cost of ‘clean up’ http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/feb/11/sellafield-consortium-cost-clean-up Not enough Fresh water to cool new build wastes http://mariannewildart.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/why-has-the-wettest-place-in-england-not-got-enough-freshwater/ http://enenews.com/watch-top-economist-nuclear-power-is-over-frankly-i-think-from-a-business-perspective-its-over-i-think-its-over-video What the industry is gleefully saying about 'Moorside' http://www.spyghana.com/moorside-nuclear-power-project-course/ MOORSIDE REPORT by Radiation Free Lakeland 19.9.14 http://mariannewildart.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/moorside-rafl-report-19-9-141.pdf NEW report commissioned by Radiation Free Lakeland is critical of the AP1000 reactor design. The report has been written by the Edinburgh Energy and Environment Consultancy. The report says that "The AP1000 reactor design is not fit for purpose and so should be refused a Design Acceptance Confirmation (DAC) and Statement of Design Acceptability (SDA)″. http://www.theecologist.org/blogs_and_comments/commentators/2988356/ap1000_reactor_design_is_dangerous_and_not_fit_for_purpose.html The AP1000 Nuclear Reactors proposed for Moorside in Cumbria and their Environmental Impact - Edinburgh Energy and Environment Consultancy July 2017 https://issuu.com/radiationfreelakeland/docs/moorside_-_environmental_impact_by_
    12,935 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Marianne Birkby
  • SOS: Save Refuges, Save Lives
    Two women are killed every week in England by a partner or ex-partner. These are the women who desperately need these specialist refuges. Last year Women's Aid member organisations supported nearly 10,000 women and over 10,000 children in refuge accommodation. However, on one day alone in 2013, 155 women with 103 children were turned away from the first refuge they approached, primarily due to a lack of available spaces. From 2010 to 2014 the number of specialist refuges declined from 187 to 155, leaving many more vulnerable women and children at risk and without specialist support. Closures of specialist refuges will cost lives. Help us to keep these services open for the women and children who need them. Help us Save Refuges to Save Lives.
    40,135 of 45,000 Signatures
    Created by Women's Aid