• Remove convicted offenders from streaming platforms!
    I was shocked and appalled to see that artists convicted of horrific crimes such as R Kelly, Rolf Harris, Gary Glitter and Lostprophets' Ian Watkins were all freely available on nearly all major platforms to stream and purchase. They have been convicted of sexual offences with minors. What sort of message is this sending out? Are streamers unaware of their crimes? Why do they even have these platforms available. How would that make the victims' families feel? Do companies have zero morality that they still want to make a profit from peadophiles? R Kelly - "The jury found Kelly, was the ringleader of a violent and coercive scheme that lured women and children for him to sexually abuse." (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-58714203) Rolf Harris - "Rolf Harris has been jailed for nearly six years for 12 indecent assaults against four girls - including one aged just seven or eight." Mr Justice Sweeney said Harris, 84, had taken advantage of his celebrity status and had shown "no remorse". (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28163593) Gary Glitter - "Former pop star Gary Glitter has been jailed for a total of 16 years for sexually abusing three young girls between 1975 and 1980...was sentenced for attempted rape, four counts of indecent assault and one of having sex with a girl under 13." (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-31657929) Ian Watkins - "Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins has been sentenced to 35 years for a string of child sex offences including the attempted rape of a baby. Watkins, 36, from Pontypridd, pleaded guilty at Cardiff Crown Court last month to 13 child sex offences." (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-25412675) These are just four that I can think of - I am sure there are probably more.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adam Emms
  • Hgv holiday weeks not to be counted towards WTD
    Other drivers could end up standing down without pay
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Meylan
  • Adult Deaf people to have BSL Trained Caregivers
    This is a group which has been neglected due to their communication difficulties; someone has to speak for them. I visited this profound deaf person this month of February who has just lost her father a week ago and the funeral was next day. She reveals to me how people walk past her as if she does not exist, do tasks at her house without asking for her opinion, attends appointments having promised an Interpreter but to no avail. She needs you and me to make her voice heard.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Chigogo
  • Better pay for domiciliary care workers
    I am not alone in needing care. Many people do, and the government saves money on care home fees. It matters to carers and their families to take home a living wage. In my opinion, presently they’re being exploited. It isn’t a job I would want to do, because the reward is so meagre.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbi Lucas
  • SmallChange!
    Do you ever ask for 1p change, or decide not to buy something because it was £5, not £4.99? Do you have jar at home full of pennies? Individually, it is practically worthless, but together we could raise enough to make an amazing difference.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzan Sheren
  • Road Safety in Oakridge Village
    We already have over 200 signatures offline! Please only sign online if you have not signed the paper petition.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Paul Basham
  • Cows are mother too
    Allow the cost of raising cows and their young (Both male and female) to 12 months old to become an accepted standard across the UK
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by mary maguire
  • Welsh Rugby Union grass roots funding
    We need this for our National team to compete with other nations who already have development strategies in place
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Williams
    My mum is 70 this year and my dad past away 13 years ago and my mum and dad left Bangladesh to migrate here many years ago in 70's and 70 years queen 👑 it's all history that UK should be proud to never surrender. History is the stories that make us individuals and free us to express alternative endings ☺️♥️🌍🙏
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sameen Sikondari
  • Make solar panels Compulsory on all new building in the UK
    This is so important as we are seeing a crisis in energy prices showing how vulnerable the UK is to world market fluctuations. We need to increase our own UK clean energy production capacity to keep people and business supplied at an affordable price and to cut our carbon emissions and fight global warming Win win all round.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Albaya
  • Make well needed changes to The Pickwick Arms That is a eyesore
    For people of Biddick hall to live and for family and friends who visit and for children who have to grow up on Biddick hall
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dido Lin
  • Put seatbelts on all public transport buses
    To make all Buses and coaches how seatbelts and have to wear them by law. On every Bus and coach on the roads it should be law that everyone on them should wear seat belts. They go just as fast as cars and they are the law that you have to wear seat belts so why not buses and coaches? If you are in a bus then the bus driver and passengers should all have to wear seat belts up and down the country as this will stop a lot of bus and coach related deaths on the road.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Bishop