• Please release the full text of TTIP, like you have done in Australasia.
    Last night, the full 6000 page TPPA treaty was released online for the general public. The trans-pacific partnership is a trade agreement signed by 12 Pacific Rim countries, and it is very much their version of TTIP, our agreement between the US and Europe. Although the deals text has been 'agreed to', it is still under scrutiny and has not been signed. In the wake of its release, I demand that TTIP's full text also be released. Whatever bargaining power and 'holding our cards close' techniques the negotiators were using, is now irrelevant. In the name of transparency and democracy, this document should be available for us all to see. Its a shame we have to make this demand in the first place. This document should have been public from the moment it began being negotiated. But now that TPPA is in public domain, TTIP should also be published. We demand that you publish the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership in its entirety, available for translation and with no chapters censored. Thanks very much. Lydia.
    329 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Lydia Stott
  • Reduce supermarket waste of fruit and vegetables
    Farmers are throwing away tonnes of fresh food because supermarkets only accept “perfect” fruit and vegetables of an exact shape and size. The supermarkets are worried misshapen potatoes put customers off. But we are their customers - so let’s tell them we’ll buy fruit and veg that looks the way mother nature intended it. A huge petition, powered by shoppers, could convince supermarket bosses to stop rejecting perfectly good food.
    170,111 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Kitty Shaw
  • Harvesting Justice for farmer victims of Acorn Finance
    Over 50 farmers have now lost their farms to Acorn Finance. It is described as Fraud in Parliament - see: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201415/cmhansrd/cm141111/halltext/141111h0001.htm Please see what happened to Mr Atkinson of Birks Farm, Cumbria: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-32326704
    336 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Philip Mead
  • Better TV Subtitling
    I am very deaf and rely on subtitling to make sense of what I am seeing. Generally speaking my complaint is aimed at recorded programmes in which subtitles are sometimes so far out of synchronicity, or simply absent for such long periods, that action on screen is over long before the words appear. Many channels appear not to use subtitling at all. I usually cannot watch them.
    763 of 800 Signatures
    Created by John Cummins
  • Free Air and Water
    It is a matter of safety to have correct tyre pressures and a clean windscreen.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Keith Woodcock
  • Data Responsability
    This would immediately make companies take their data security seriously.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Wheeler
  • Preventing food wastage
    As can be seen in this new report by Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, The amount of fresh vegetables wasted because they do not meet the cosmetic standards of these supermarkets is monumental. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34647454?SThisFB Other reports show that conditions such as scurvy, malnutrition and rickets are on the increase. To dispose of food produce that is perfectly edible but is deemed not saleable simply because they do not conform to the right size and dimensions while people go hungry through not being able to afford or access such produce is criminal. I have previously petitioned you to stop disposing of foodstuffs that are still edible but out of date and some responded stating they had a policy to send food to charities that asked for it. I am now asking you to create a policy that provides an avenue for these fruit and vegetables to be made accessible. I am not asking you to give them away. Wastage of this produce is causing financial harm to the farmers that grow it. I find such an attitude that creates this waste abhorrent when so many are going hungry.
    291 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michael Birchmore
  • Hotels should be governed by same contract law as all other businesses
    Why should hotels be exempt from laws that governs good business practices Example I booked a room 9 days before the date I needed it but cancelled within 24 hours giving the hotel 8 days to resell the room. I was charged 80% of the fee and offered nothing back if the hotel manages to resell the room. The incurred no costs and therefore this charge is grossly unfair.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Courtney Walcott
  • Save our steel industry.
    Other countries are using this fund to support their steel industries. Here’s a giant pot of money into which Whitehall should dip its fingers. Please do. Jobs, communities and a vital industry should be supported.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mel Gibson
  • Calling on GSK & Astrazeneca to provide lifesaving medicine for refugees in Europe
    Since the refugee crisis in Europe began the people of the UK have united in a sterling effort to provide aid in the form of clothing, shelter, food and heat. These donations come from their own pockets, bank accounts and a deep sense of personal duty. There are somethings however that the everyday person cannot provide in sufficient amounts and this includes basic medicine. GSK and Astrazeneca are respectively the world's sixth and seventh largest pharmaceutical companies measured by 2014 market share: Last year Astrazeneca announced profits of $26.6 BILLION, an profit increase of 32% on 2013 and the GSK annual report 2014 announced profits of £23.0 BILLION, placing them in the top 2% of pharmaceutical companies world wide according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. These types of profits mean that GSK and Astrazeneca are in a privileged position to give something back to the very people who have funded their operations for so long. This is our message: To Sir Witty and Mr Soriot, I ask you - how much is a life worth to GSK & Astrazeneca? Will you help ensure the survival of refugees of war? Will you stand with the people who have purchased your products and funded your empires or will you put profit before people? We know you can help - you have the resources and the means to ensure that basic medical care, such as antibiotics, pain relief, basic first-aid, cold and flu treatments can be delivered where they are needed most. If the people of the UK, where the average salary is £26,500 (down £164 since 2012) can sacrifice their time, goods, money and expertise to do the right thing, then is it really too much to ask for a multi-billion pound corporation, who profit from sickness and death, to dedicate just a tiny portion of its profits towards providing basic lifesaving necessities to those who have escaped oppression, torture , murder and rape only to succumb to colds, flu and hypothermia? According to my calculations (in my life, I deal in hundreds not billions so please correct me if I am wrong!) but just 0.12% of £26 BILLION is approximately £32.5 MILLION, a figure that would go a long way to providing basic health care - even more so if they would provide the equivalent in the required medical goods to be administered by the small army of healthcare providers and medical volunteers in camps across Europe. These are unthinkable figures for the average person;, and there are many who oppose big pharma for just this reason. However, this tragic situation provides both GSK and Astrazeneca with an opportunity to show their humanity and demonstrate the same values and common decency as those who are providing aid, fundraising and standing in the muddy rain drenched camps wondering how long the medicine will last now the winter is coming. If you truly value life as your corporate mandate should dictate we urge you to prove it. Help us to help them. We have trusted you with our lives, now we, are entrusting you with theirs. Please don't let us down. Sources: http://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/features/featurethe-top-10-biggest-pharmaceutical-companies-of-2014-4396561/ https://www.gsk.com/media/603031/annual-report-2014.pdf https://www.astrazeneca.com/our-company/investor-relations.html http://www.icalculator.info/news/UK_average_earnings_2014.html
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Shelley Milne
  • Lower fuel prices in rural areas to the same as towns
    Because in rural areas in Suffolk we pay about 3p more per litre. We are the ones that have to use our cars as we have no village shop or local garage no pub as they have all closed down.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Marten
  • Protect Minor Injury unit
    We need an improvement to this service and not for it to be downgraded any more, this is important because the population of the surrounding area takes in members of the public when they need the use of this service. We also demand the sexual health clinic be reinstated to New Addington as we have the biggest unplanned teenage pregnancy in London. So where is the logic in shutting the service then telling everyone to go to Croydon thus increasing the foot full to C U H.
    353 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Michael Castle