• save the last 15% of royal mail
    Scotland is the least profitable area of royal mail business and in recent months royal mail have highlighted that the long term commitment to the universal service could not be maintained indefinitely this would be catastrophic to the businesses' in Scotland and would see mass job loses with in royal mail if indeed the service could not be maintained as forcasted
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Reid
  • Promote UK tax paying companies
    I have run businesses for over 20 years and in that time have had numerous dealings with HMRC. Often this has been to try and delay a payment to them in order help my cashflow as running a small business can at times be very difficult. The overriding argument for me to pay on time was always the same, it would give me an unfair advantage over other businesses if they were lenient with my tax debts. Although I may not have liked this at the time it is true, so how is it that firms like Amazon can sell to UK consumers whilst paying no tax on the profit from these sales?
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alper muduroglu
  • Suncream Safety
    Out of date suncream can have ether no effect or potentially can even have a damaging effect which can potentially mean people have a greater risk to skin cancer. Currently manufacturers are not required to put a use by date which means people may use until empty but this is very risky.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Needham
  • BABB - Boycott Amazon Buy British
    PLEASE SIGN THE BABB PETITION - Boycott Amazon and Buy British! Why? 1. Amazon are operating at at huge advantage over British tax paying companies. Book shops to electrical stores cannot compete with a non tax paying company. 2. Every £ spent by British consumers with Amazon is leaving the country with no tax benefit for the UK. The argument that to lose Amazon would mean losing jobs and therefore income tax is not true. The UK consumer spend with Amazon will still exist but can go to British tax paying companies, keeping our tax in this country and helping create jobs within these companies. I have run businesses for over 20 years and in that time have had numerous dealings with HMRC. Often this has been to try and delay a payment to them in order help my cashflow as running a small business can at times be very difficult. The overriding argument for me to pay on time was always the same, it would give me an unfair advantage over other businesses if they were lenient with my tax debts. Although I may not have liked this at the time it is true, so how is it that firms like Amazon can sell to UK consumers whilst paying no tax on the profit from these sales? http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/jun/24/amazons-uk-business-paid-119m-tax-last-year
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alper muduroglu
  • Vehicle Insurances for young people
    We all now how important Human Rights are in the 21st century. We fight for the equal employment rights for women, we fight for the equality in regards to different races and cultures, however we sometimes forget to fight for ourselves. Yes, I am aiming this at you: young generation living in the United Kingdom. Car insurance companies in the UK are claiming that young drivers are a much higher risk to other road users, thus they deserve to pay premiums, which 90% of us can not pay. Did they test your driving skills? Do they know how well aware and careful you are when driving on the road? No! I believe this means that we - younger generation are being discriminated against based on our age, despite the fact that the majority of young drivers are much more careful on the road than perhaps the older generation. I, my self have been driving in this country for 5 years now - I am 23 years old, which means that I have 5 years of No Claim Bonus's. However, I still somehow end up paying over 3.000 pounds per year for my car insurance. And no - I do not drive a BMW or a Mercedes; it is a Toyota. The Government, despite knowing about the situation does not seem to be doing much about it, so I believe it is time for us to stand up and fight for our rights - just like the others do. We just simply want to drive! Just like the others. It is our right, given by the Government to be able to own and function a vehicle, and the only forces that stop us from doing so are the insurance companies.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zygimantas Adomavicius
  • No minimum wage, zero hour contracts for skilled photographers with expensive equipment
    As a skilled professional or student, minimum wage is completely out of line with market level and does not reflect the time required to learn the trade and the expensive equipment photographers must buy, maintain and replace regularly. Zero hours contracts are also exploitative and indicate that ad hoc work will be given. In this case the ethical choice would be to form a partnership with a local photographer/ several local photographers for these events or offer a competitive rate of pay as this would lead to the university paying a fair price for the service received .
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Calum Connelly
  • All Public contracts to be made legally "NOT FOR PROFIT" contracts
    Its public money and therefore should be the best value and the most ethical
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by sean daly
  • Save the Coronation Street Tour
    The tour will be closing in Manchester at the end of the year and the set is returning to London in 2016 for redevelopment.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom McCauley
  • Get international cricket back on terrestial televison
    Sky sports are ruining the beautiful game for the sake of money. Empty grounds, dwindling support and being limited to short highlights on terrestrial television is slowly undermining a great British tradition. We urge Helen Grant to step in and see to it that all sports of "National interests" be given to the masses and not just those who can afford to pay Sky Sports extortionate monthly charges.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Ibison-Steele
  • remove PLC status from companies who keep breaking the law
    Too many companies commit fraud or theft, create pollution or corruption or sell produce based on lies. They get away with it constantly. Hiding behind a trick of the paperwork to never be held accountable as individuals because we treat companies themselves with the rights of an individual in court. This means, usually, a company can be punished for breaking the law but individuals cannot. THIS IS IMMORAL AND WRONG. Removing the Limited Liability from the company will force many of these corporates to think twice before putting profit before people
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Will Stockley
  • Revoke bank licences to operate
    Clearly all the promises from senior management in banks that mistakes will not be repeated, that lessons have been learned, etc have been empty ones. How many more scandals must we endure? Why do we continue to reward failure among those that employ highly paid personnel by allowing them to continue to operate and fail again? Organisations breaching laws, such as those related to health & safety, can be closed down and directors held accountable: time for those who contravene legislation in the financial sector to face similar penalties.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by L Forbes
  • In real meetings at gaming events for all staff and players( PAX, Insominia etc.)
    This allows us as players, staff and community to establish an actually community. We all can meet up, find out more about those who we work with and play with and finally connect that final missing bond for us to meet and establish proper friendship.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Hankins