• Battle for Trevalga - Save A Unique Cornish Hamlet and Keep People's Homes Safe
    Trevalga is a living piece of our shared history, a medieval parish largely unchanged. The sale risks that being lost, as well as many people being made homeless during a housing crisis and a community being torn apart. The Gerald Curgenven Will Trust may be small however it should operate to the same standards as all UK charities, and there are serious concerns about how this Will Trust, and the Manor of Trevalga, have been managed.
    3,547 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Serena Partrick
  • Double Yellow Lines At Westover Road/Northdown Hill, Broadstairs
    Please help us to have some traffic measures for this junction to ensure all can use the road safely. Drivers don't want to cause accidents but unless action is taken lives could be lost. Improvements are urgently needed. Those relying on the bus for transport often cannot cross the road and have to wait until another bus comes along. Anyone going to the Cabin Cafe, Revolution, KCC Social Services is at risk trying to access them at peak times.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Matterface
  • Save BBC Oxford TV from closing in November
    Everyone living in the greater Oxfordshire area depends on local coverage of news and events. Without the excellent daily news coverage presented by BBC South Today Oxford there would be a massive black whole in regards to news and happenings throughout Oxfordshire. BBC South Today which is located in Southampton can not provide the local coverage which South Today Oxford provides and we have all grown to depend on.
    214 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Gary Snyder
  • Light Up Lewes Skatepark
    Research says young people need at least an hour of exercise a day to stay healthy. After school, the skatepark is an ideal place to exercise. Lewes skatepark has a friendly, inclusive community and welcomes kids of all abilities and backgrounds. It gives young people who don’t usually access sport facilities a healthy and positive activity
    243 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Max Crowley
  • Petition for getting Mangrove Restaurant listed as a heritage building
    The Mangrove was a hub of black resistance in 1970. Activists organised a march to protest police harassment but were arrested for incitement to riot. The trial of the Mangrove 9 led to the first Judicial admission of police racism in Britain. The building should be preserved and memorialised as a place of historic interest. This petition will be sent to English Heritage to support the application for listed status. Help to support the application to English Heritage. Black British history is an integral part of British history and must not be marginalised.
    931 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by claire Robey
    Every year on 28th April, all around the world the trade union movement and worker organisations unite to mark International Workers Memorial Day (#IWMD). We remember those who lost their lives at work, or from work-related injury and diseases. We renew our efforts to organise collectively to prevent more deaths, injuries and disease as a result of work. This plaque would be the first of its kind in Liverpool dedicated to ALL workers who have lost their lives because of work. It would provide a central meeting point in Liverpool on each and every 28th April where people gather to remember lost loved ones and work colelagues & renew the IWMD pledge. This agreed plaque reads as follows: IN RESPECTFUL REMEMBERANCE OF ALL THOSE KILLED AT WORK OR THROUGH FAILURE OF RESPONSIBILITY-REMEMBER THE DEAD AND FIGHT FOR THE LIVING IWMD 2021 “THOSE WHO PUT PROFIT ABOVE WORKER SAFETY SHOULD NEVER GO UNCHALLENGED” TONY MULHEARN IWMD 2019
    276 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Union Safety Picture
  • Speed preventions on Cooper Street Springhead
    Let’s try to get some measures in place on this Street to keep our families and community safer.
    442 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Cunnane
  • Take Scotland out of the Oscars goodie bag
    Firstly, the offer of meaningful titles is false, as land reform campaigner Andy Wightman has outlined. Secondly, it's a wounding insult for all Scots to see parts of our land traded like trinkets. For centuries, Scots have had almost no chance to own our own land thanks to clearances, absentee owners, and sky-high land prices. Actually not much has changed. It's why the Highlands are so full of empty glens - not people. Scotland is one of the last places in Europe where land can be bought and sold on a whim with no questions asked. As a result a tiny number of people own the land - fewer today than in 1872. This storm in a Goodie Bag reminds Scots why land reform is urgent and necessary - to turn the ownership of our beautiful country into the shared responsibility of Scots, not a trinket to be traded by strangers.
    7,615 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Lesley Riddoch
  • Respect and Protect Queen's Market
    Queen's Market in Upton Park, East London, is very important to us - we want the market to grow and keep going into the future. That’s why we need the Council to RESPECT AND PROTECT QUEEN'S MARKET and look after it. We value Queen's Market for its Low-priced food - Trusted traders - Fresh, culturally-appropriate food - Generations of experience - Unique products - 166 stall pitches - It’s our social place where communities meet and feel safe - It’s historically over 120 years old, so it’s part of our heritage - It’s an ‘Asset of Community Value' - A great place to start small businesses. Shoppers and traders don't feel part of the big changes Newham is proposing for historic Queen's Market. Sign the petition to show your support for the Market and get the Council to respect shoppers and traders and put us at the centre of talks so our unique market can be preserved and improved.
    779 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Friends of Queens Market Picture
  • Stop Thanet District Council Selling all our Historic buildings
    Just look back at what Thanet District has already sold off. At this rate three will be none of our historic buildings left Enough is Enough
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by JOHN FINNEGAN
  • Don't close Sainsbury's cafés!
    Keep open safe spaces for people who need them - they provide a safe space for many vulnerable people that is not replicated in normal cafes. I often use the cafe with my baby and having the extra space for a pram, not feeling rushed and the great baby change facilities is invaluable and not available to me elsewhere in the same way. This is a service you should provide along side the shop. Having a more expensive branded coffee chain in the shop would not be the same.
    226 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Marie Spinks
  • Stop gambling suicides, publish the Gambling Act white paper.
    In April 2021, I lost my husband, Luke, to gambling-related suicide. He was given "free bets" to encourage him to gamble during a global pandemic and at a time when gambling companies had promised to look after their most vulnerable customers. Public Health England estimates there are more than 400 gambling-related suicides in England alone each year – more than one every single day. The Government pledged to review the outdated gambling laws in its 2019 manifesto. The Gambling Act Review "white paper", where the government lays out proposed new laws to solve the problem, was expected at the end of 2020 but delay after delay means it still has not been published. If the gambling laws had changed to make gambling safer sooner – to stop free bets and other inducements, to curb the relentless advertising, to ensure people don't bet more than they can afford, and many other measures – Luke and hundreds of others would be alive today. Every day the white paper is delayed is another life lost, another family, like mine, needlessly shattered. It must be published now.
    90,835 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Annie Ashton