• Stop the destruction of North West coast breeding and fish stocks.
    Due to fylde coasts uniquely shallow waters the dumping of 19000 tonnes daily would wreak havoc along the whole of the coastline,destroying all micro organisms and right the way up the food chain. Livelihoods through fishing,shrimpers and recreational anglers are all going to suffer from this devastating ecological disaster. Please sign and let's save the North West coastline from pollution.
    1,295 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Colin Earnshaw
  • Save the Trees on New Road, St Johns Worcester
    Trees give a place character and help filter out pollution along that busy road. These trees have been there for almost 100 years and even if replanted (which is unlikely) will never be as majestic! It will ruin the character of Worcester and will completely change the view from St Johns into Worcester and vice versa.
    4,072 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by kerry smith
  • Extend Consultation Period for Stretford Masterplan.
    Some of these concerns are (but not limited to) the haste with which the plan has been launched with seemingly little data, plans or research available to residents to substantiate claims of regeneration. Furthermore, there has been information emerging throughout the process that has caused alarm such as the design of the scheme, environmental impact, impact upon current residents and loss of public facilities and access to public space. Whilst we broadly support a vision to regenerate our town centre we cannot support a Masterplan which shows no consideration for incumbent residents and any impacts upon them. With further information it is entirely possible that we would support this plan - however as such information is not forthcoming we ask you to extend consultation and engage with the community meaningfully and openly. For further information - on twitter @m32dogs or [email protected] or facebook 'Development Opportunity Group for Stretford 'https://www.facebook.com/groups/347186892414426/
    317 of 400 Signatures
    Created by John Naughton
  • Urgent action on Mile Oak Road traffic safety
    There have been a number of near misses due to the layout of the road and its geography. Tragically, a motorcyclist was involved in a serious accident on the 2nd December and residents are, rightly, demanding that something be done.
    414 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Peter Atkinson
  • Stop the risk to life
    Whilst the for-profit company states its an experience where thousands of friends and families gather to listen to live music, fill up on yummy food, and light up life by sharing personal wishes, dreams and goals, which sounds wonderful the impact of thousands of lit lanterns allowed to drift and land wherever to cause chaos, harm, stress and death to the wildlife, pets, horses, livestock is unacceptable. There are many examples when ingested the sharp parts of sky lanterns can tear and puncture an animal’s throat or stomach causing internal bleeding, horses have had their blankets set on fire and are unable to escape. Lanterns also pose danger as a fire hazard – destroying habitats and potentially setting animal housing, feed and bedding alight. Marine life is also endangered by lanterns falling into the sea, Please ban the use of these dangerous devices
    530 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Helen Jason
  • Please replace plastic fruit and veg bags with paper
    Our big supermarkets stock small plastic bags for customers to select their own fruit and vegetables. These bags are usually thrown away after one use, adding to the avalanche of disposal plastics that are littering our oceans and harming our wildlife. It didn't use to be this way. Greengrocers used to provide customers with paper bags that were biodegradable. Let's bring back paper bags. Small changes can make a big difference.
    12,619 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Cate Watson
  • 647 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Cara Naden
  • Help the people of Raigmore to purchase the Raigmore Bunker
    CARE have worked very hard to improve Raigmore Estate with 2 parks and a skatepark already installed, the addition of this bunker and exterior space would greatly improve what we can offer. The Civil Defence and Emergency Service Preservation Trust have transformed a bunker in Dundee and will do the same with this one. This facility will be available for tours and bookings and will be restored to its functional state. In addition CARE plan to run a community cafe, to rent workspace to locals, meeting space for groups and an outdoor area for events. All profits will go back into the community. We would greatly appreciate your support to make this happen.
    510 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jackie Lumsden
  • Recycling in Dumfries and Galloway
    Responsibly managing your household waste is always important. Even one town starting to recycle can make a difference so imagine what a change our area could make if we made recycling easier and more accessible for the whole community.
    188 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Howes Picture
  • Platt Lane
    The footpath on Platt Lane in Keyworth is used by many walkers and only half of it has footpath. The speed limit on the section of the road without the footpath is 60mph and even if the speed limit was lowered it would still be dangerous as it has many blind bends. It is only a matter of time before someone is injured or there is a fatal accident.
    577 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Linda Lloyd
  • Revise UK law to make Non-Biodegradable Cigarette filters illegal.
    "Six million cigarette butts are dropped on the City's [London] streets every year and we spend £3.8 million cleaning it up, it's no small problem."[2] Cigarette butts are the most common form of anthropogenic (man-made) litter in the world, as approximately 5.6 trillion cigarettes are smoked every year worldwide. Of those it is estimated that 4.5 trillion cigarette butts become litter every year. [3][4] If we are to promote the United Kingdom as a 'climate-conscious' nation, we must be willing to make implementations that go further than Congestion Charges, Renewable-Energy quotas, and CO2 emissions controls; it stands to reason that changes to everyday materials and consumption, creates visible ripples. In an age where environmental policy is in a constant tug of war between skepticism and economic interest, a simple measure such as this would set a cost-effective benchmark for other nations. One out every 5 pieces of litter encountered, is a cigarette butt[5]; imagine a world where within one generation, our children would never have to see another wasted filter ever again. References: https://oceanconservancy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/International-Coastal-Cleanup_2017-Report.pdf [1] http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14356007.a14_393/abstract;jsessionid=852BC123C0A844038FAC61CC91BA248C.f04t02?systemMessage=Wiley+Online+Library+usage+report+download+page+will+be+unavailable+on+Friday+24th+November+2017+at+21%3A00+EST+%2F+02.00+GMT+%2F+10%3A00+SGT+%28Saturday+25th+Nov+for+SGT+ [2] https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/services/transport-and-streets/clean-streets/Pages/smoking-related-litter.aspx [3] http://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/6/5/1691 [4] http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/93/12/15-152744/en/ [5] Image source: http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/keep-britain-tidy-workers-install-a-giant-cigarette-butt-in-trafalgar-picture-id80559920
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Vic Vérsé
  • Telford & Wrekin Stop Punching Down On Our Buskers!
    This is important for the local buskers and for the community as a whole. with the ever expanding and growing town and ever increasing population comes art and culture. Buskers do a good job of entertaining the public and providing light entertainment generally in a professional and pleasant manner. Some of the buskers in Telford, of which maybe 10 are regular, rely on their busing monies to support them in their daily lives. Food, Water, Electric.. the essentials. It also has farther reaching benefits amongst those who struggle with mental health difficulties who use busking as a way to interact with the community where otherwise they wouldn't. This 'LAW' is designed to remove art and culture and to shut down buskers from being heard. it is supression of the arts for the benefit of big business.
    358 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Sole