• Save Meadowbank - People before Private Profiteers
    Currently there are 2 planning applications, one is full planning application for the redevelopment of the new downsized stadium whilst the other application is pre planning proposal that involves the selling off off and using the surrounding surplus land to build student accommodation, hotels and 360+ flats. Only a minority being 'affordable housing'. The development will involve the loss of 150+ mature healthy trees including very rare healthy Wheatley Elms, which the Council has spent millions over the years caring for, and green spaces. All of this will have a detrimental effect on local residents and the wider Edinburgh community for numerous reasons e.g. health, community cohesion, environment. The consultation in 2016 was inadequate and the recent planning application notification list was distributed to approximately 450 homes. While this may be legal, it is inadequate and undermines the Scottish Government policies which push for more community engagement. Local residents and the wider Edinburgh communities deserve to be made aware that they are losing an international sports centre due to sustained and constant lack of Council’s investment and for the sake of private developers’ profit. The proposed redevelopment will not meet the needs of all the current service users.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by D Burn
  • Asmatics need to have free inhalers
    Helping people to manage their health problems'' .
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by WILLIAM ROWSE
  • Medical Cannabis prescribed for Fibromyalgia and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis sufferers
    Fibromyalgia and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis sufferers have very little chance of finding any medication to help their condition. There isn't one specific drug designed for treatment of symptoms. Drugs that are prescribed have many damaging side effects and patients show little to no improvement taking them. Many pain killers do not work. Since 2016, the consumption of products containing CBD has doubled and in the last year the number of consumers increased 100%, from an estimated 125,000 consumers in 2016 to 250,000 in 2017. In the UK, it is estimated that the cannabis market could be worth £10bn. Although the legal situation for CBD and CBD containing products has eased, the same can not be said for THC, whose only legal medical source is Sativex, a medication produced by the British company, GW Pharmaceutics who are currently the only company in the country to have permits for the cultivation of cannabis and the production of derivative products.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Heidi Wagstaff
  • To make Fire extinguishers and fire blankets in flats Law
    Most importantly this will save lives, and fires getting out of hand so that the issue can be dealt with before it’s a full scale evacuation l.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Lees
  • Save A&E units in South West Wales
    Hywel Dda University Health Board's plans include 3 options - ALL of which will close the A&E units at Glangwili and Withybush hospitals. The Glangwili unit was built relatively recently and Withybush has also been upgraded. The plan calls for building a new major hospital in the countryside "somewhere between Narberth and St Clears". All 3 options list as a disadvantage that patients will have to travel further to access planned and emergency care in an area already poorly served by public transport and with a limited number of ambulance stations and ambulances to cover a large rural area; while it's true we have the excellent Wales Air Ambulance, that can't be everywhere. Making patients travel further to reach A&E could cost lives. A secondary issue arises from the likely difficulty patients and visitors will face in travelling to the proposed new hospital, especially if they don't have access to a car. You can see the plans in detail here: https://www.ors.org.uk/web/upload/surveys/751664/files/BC-MainConsultationDocumentVersion1%281%29.pdf
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Austin Shackles
  • Make Universal Credit split payments the norm
    The current policy of making payments to the bank account of one designated person in a household couple can create a situation of financial hardship in couples where domestic abuse is an issue. The current policy of being able to make an ‘application for special circumstances’ in which to request separate payments is likely to cause further friction in couples where domestic abuse is taking place, and the application is therefore unlikely to be made. We request a reverse of this policy so that it reverts to being the norm for individual payments to made with a ‘special circumstance request’ process available for couples who choose to designate a single payee.
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Laura Wright
  • The Government should implement a near-zero CO2 plan now.
    Historically the UK has produced 10% of the world's man made CO2 emissions and we can, and should, take the lead in eliminating these emissions. We allow "venting" (the cleaning process) of conventional power stations even though we know it will kill the old, young and infirm. Other methods of pollution are also unhealthy. If our generation do not clear up the mess, then it could be too late for the next generation to do so. Paying for all of this by eliminating the scourge of mental illness is a great way of funding for such a big plan. A near-zero CO2 economy would also be self-sufficient, which would be a strategic asset, and a soil improver.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andy Kadir-Buxton
  • Essex and Suffolk Water hard water issues
    Customers of Essex and Suffolk Water Are you fed.up with hard water? Are you fed up buying descalers, Calgon tablets and metal blocks to put in your kettle? Are you fed up with replacing shower heads, water pipes, washing machines, boiler systems and kettles? Are you fed up seeing residues on plates, glasses, cutlery, at home, in bars, restaurants, clubs, hotels and cafes, lines around your bath and scum on your cups of tea and coffee? Are you having to double dose detergent, washing up liquid, soap powders, shampoo and bubble bath quantities because products are not working correctly because of the hard water? Are you appalled that Sea Life in Great Yarmouth have an animal mortality rate THREE TIMES WORSE than is deemed normal, due to the quality of the water being supplied as previously seen on BBC East News items? Despite all of this, Essex and Suffolk Water have no foreseeable plans, or intention, at least for the next 10 years, to improve water quality in Suffolk. We have the hardest possible level of water hardness almost anywhere in the country. Even Yorkshire and London have significantly better water quality than the people of Suffolk are being provided. They have claimed that unless they receive SIGNIFICANT numbers of complaints, this WILL NOT CHANGE. They have claimed that additional unwanted costs to customers bills outweighs any need for change. The additional costs to bills would reduce, by far the month to month and year to year expenses of having to shop for, maintain and replace/purchase home items. If you total all the additional expenses, environmental impacts, constant changes of home appliances and maintenance a small, but proportionate, increase in billing can resolve all of this and leave you, in the longer term, financially better off. We, the people of Suffolk demand better, safer, cleaner, softer water, to help ourselves, reduce our expenses, help our environments and save wildlife in the region, in zoos or marine parks as identified Essex and Suffolk Water users should demand prompt and immediate action by Essex and Suffolk Water to facilitate greater improvements for the greater good of the communities you serve.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Beech
  • Stop plastic-based Chewing Gum.
    Chewing gum is made from plastic. Think how much chewing gum you've put in your mouth believing it was a natural substance. Think of how much you've thrown away thinking it will compost naturally over time. Originally, chewing gum was made from natural "chicle" gum, which biodegrades in under a month. However, modern chewing gum uses a gum base made from polymers which are synthetic plastics. This is not organic waste that composts, it is a hidden plastic in our food, it will not break down naturally, and adds to all the other plastic humanity continues to produce, purchase and discarded. I am calling on the manufacturers of all chewing gum to revert back to a natural gum base and ensure the product is 100% free from plastic. Sign the petition if you want to reduce plastic usage and agree with this proposal.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Cox
  • Zebra Crossing
    So many cars, and while there are crossings, there are very far away and inconvenient to cross. This prioritising cars in the city and displacing the right of people. Critical to allow pedestrians to have right on the road and hopefully reduce car use.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Iain Duke
  • Nationally Recognise Pubs/Clubs & Venues as Community Assets
    Please consider any local café, restaurant, pub, clubs/sports associations and village hall a community asset, i.e. somewhere people can gather and socialise and ensure that these establishments are protected under Planning Law. Under current planning law a change of use is permitted through the planning application process, which in turn initiates a "consultation" process i.e. the community has the opportunity to object to an application. However Planning Officers have a tendency to ignore objections and rubber stamp development, a recent example local to me had 700 petitioned objections 13 written and the support of a Local Councillor, planning was still granted. The Government must support the community and prevent Council's and developers ignoring the wish of the local populous. Media reports that society is changing, and that the mental health of the nation is suffering, could this be because people have become insular by not going out. Pub’s, as an example, used to be a place where the local community met, socialised and resolved local issues between themselves, everybody knew their neighbour, their neighbour’s kids, etc. This sense of community is rapidly being lost. People are sitting at home becoming keyboard warriors and panicking over fake-news, they do not have an outlet to talk to others, attributing to the overall mental health of a Nation. Community assets should be protected by Law and encouraged with lesser rents, exemption from business rates, they after all are providing a service to the public, the local community and at times law enforcement. If a building cannot be maintained in it's current use, an alternative use that benefits the community would be preferable, i.e. conversion to a youth club rather that developed for profit.
    136 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jon Buller
  • Nuclear Disarmament in memory of Professor Stephen Hawking
    With an ultimate aim to make UK’s relationship in the world peaceful that is be more harmonious with each other and with the environment. If each nuclear state disarms unconditionally the process can happen without one state breaking another before a peace dividend can go further. Please apply this petition in your own country There probably is a better way of saying something like this - but Steven Hawking was exceptionally popular probably not least for his use of an electronic voice. http://www.sgr.org.uk/resources/memory-prof-stephen-hawking Discussion - alternative to facebook https://mewe.com/join/nuclear_disarmament_in_memory_of_professor_stephen ICAN (the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) won the 2017 Nobel prize。- Winners are changing the culture on nuclear weapons - interview https://www.opendemocracy.net/uk/ian-sinclair/this-years-nobel-prize-winners-are-changing-culture-on-nuclear-weapons-interview
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Lohmann