• MP's With Private Health Care
    It is vitally important that the NHS remains in Public Hands and not carved up and sold to "health for profit Companies. By suspending all MP's private healthcare it would force them (like the rest of us (their voters/constituents)) to do something about the sell off of this much needed (and loved) Public Asset.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Worship
  • Change the Organ Donation service to an opt out service not an opt in service
    because one day it might be your loved one who needs an organ to survive
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Batey
  • Get parliament to legislate to reintroduce reusable asthma inhalers
    The NHS and government constantly whine about how there's not enough public money for high quality health care, so why not instigate positive change by eliminating unnecessary waste? Big Pharma wastes billions from the national purse by making disposable medical implements. In their paradigm, waste and inefficiency makes their profits soar and grows their business because the public can always be relied upon to foot the bill. A simple way to stop the NHS hemorrhaging money is to curb this inefficiency. Too often we read reports about life saving operations that cannot be performed or expensive medicine that is withheld to suffering patients because of limited NHS funds, but the truth is that this will not stop until it pays Big Pharma to become efficient. Asthma sufferers are a good case in point. They literally cannot survive without regular use of their inhalers but are forced to discard its expensive delivery mechanism. Prior to the 90's the inhalers used to be smaller, cheaper and reusable but Big Pharma actively plotted and lobbied to make them much more expensive (see article) http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2013/10/heres-why-your-asthma-inhaler-costs-so-damn-much If we succeed in instigating this simple common sense initiative, the principle can be applied across the board. This will benefit all but the monopolists that don't seem to care less whether the 99% live or die.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amar Biswas
  • We need Jeremy Hunt MP to get NHS England to fund Vimizin for Morquio sufferers
    It gives Morquio sufferers a better quality of life and prolongs their lives. It is vital. Our 6 year old son Harvey suffers from Morquio and as desperate parents along with all other Morquio sufferers, we really need this drug funded. NHS England could not come to a decision about funding and passed the buck to NICE.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dean Brown
  • Suncream Safety
    Out of date suncream can have ether no effect or potentially can even have a damaging effect which can potentially mean people have a greater risk to skin cancer. Currently manufacturers are not required to put a use by date which means people may use until empty but this is very risky.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Needham
  • Better conditions for midwives to retain them after training
    1 in 4 mothers did not get a midwife when they needed one (according to a a survey by the Royal College of Midwives and Bounty) . http://protect.rcm.org.uk/news Pressure on staff leads to low morale and nearly one third of midwives with less than 10 years’ work experience are intending to leave the profession within a year. Over half of obstetric units do not employ enough consultants to ensure appropriate cover at all times. Evidence suggests quality of care is less good at weekends. The rate of babies who are stillborn or who die within seven days of birth compares poorly with the other UK nations and some European countries – and this is just not good enough. http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/public-accounts-committee/news/maternity-services-report/ Do something now. Sign the petition before conditions get to the point where many experienced midwives are no longer there to train the students and to give appropriate care. Sign before we end up with more than 1 in 4 mothers getting little to no support at one of the most important times in their lives.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Kelly
  • Give us back our surgeries
    Because patents are getting bad service. Referrals aren't being made. Prescription changes being noticed at the pharmacy. False advertisement of opening times.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael Castle
  • Ivf funding for asexuals
    I think its unfair that straight couples and gay couples can have ivf funding but an asexual person who wants to be on their own cant have ivf funding. I want to change that i think asexual people don't have enough rights either and their needs are just dismissed just because people think its weird or wrong for them to not want a partner. I want equality for asexual people. I want asexual people to be able to have a family to. Why should we not be allowed to have a family just because we are not part of a couple. Also some asexuals are actually diagnosed as infertile and it is a shame to be denied he right to be a mother. To make ivf funding avaliable for asexual single people. I think its unfair that straight couples and gay couples can have ivf funding but an asexual person who wants to be on their own cant have ivf funding. I want to change that i think asexual people dont have enough rights either and their needs are just dismissed just because people think its weird or wrong for them to not want a partner. I want equality for asexual people. I want asexual people to be able to have a family to. Why should we not be allowed to have a family just because we are not part of a couple. Also some asexuals are actually diagnosed as infertile and it is a shame to be denied he right to be a mother.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stacey Vosilius
  • Bring Awareness about HRT Premarin
    Premarin is a form of HRT, widely prescribed to alleviate symptoms of perimenopause. It is harvested from pregnant mares using a catheter. The mares live their entire lives in a stall and forced always to stand up. They are repeatedly impregnated and their foals are killed at birth.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georgia Morandi
  • Keep Your Hands Off Our NHS Cameron
    Without the NHS people like the elderly, disabled, which we all know your poor late son Ivan was, sick children and poor will suffer as they will not be ableto afford private health care and subsequently, like poor Ivan, die. I, myself, have epilepsy and, at the age of six months, contracted menigitis. This left me partially disabled and, without our beloved NHS I, no doubt, would've probably died as my parents were unable to afford private health care. In recent times my 70 year old dad suffered a subdural haemotoma and, yet again, without the NHS, we would have no doubt lost him. Get rid of the NHS and our blood will be on your hands.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ben Wilson
  • Provided trigger warnings
    1/5 people suffer from mental health problems in the UK, many of these people self harm, in fact suicide is the leading cause if death in the UK for men under 21. Many TV programmes can have detrimental effects on peoples well beings. TV producers such as the BBC seem to enjoy using themes such as suicide and rape as they are deemed as "interesting" of "exciting". But there is little regard for certain viewers emotions. As a long term suffer of mental health problems, many things trigger negative emotions, these are the things I obviously try and avoid. However, when programs, such as casualty, air distressing themes, the viewers are given no prior warning, sparking many negative emotions. I feel it is necessary that trigger warnings are displayed before a program starts if necessary. (Just like the BBC do with flashing lights etc) a simple message such as "warning: triggering content", would make such a difference to so many people.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lara Fergie
  • Legal high regulations
    Every year hundreds of people die as a result of the readily available legal highs, many believe that as the substance is legal, it is safe. It's quite the opposite in fact. The exact ingredients will never be known, and we are unaware of the effects of theses substances. However, despite this, the council still proceed to licence shops selling legal highs. No age restrictions are in place. A child as young as 5 could purchase these lethal drugs, all at the owners discretion. I for one am not going to sit back and watch more and more children become another death statistic. By making it illegal to purchase these substances under the age of 18, we can start minimising casualties. Tight sentences and fines should be implemented to anyone found selling legal highs without a license or to anyone with out verification of age. The fight back starts now.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lara Fergie