• The Right to Die With Dignity
    Currently the law forbids assisted dying . And people are being denied a choice . People are able to travel to Switzerland to Die at a minimum cost of £10,000 . Many people are being forced to suffer and wish to Die . The majority of people are discriminated against by not only not having a choice but not being able to afford to go to Switzerland.
    688 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Alexander Pandolfo
  • Get rid of Atos Assesments
    I for one just had my P.I.P reduced and mobility taken away. I know of GENUINE people also, that have had this happen. When I called to make a mandatory appeal, TWICE I was told, the decision was made BEFORE any of my medical evidence, Occupational therapy report had even been received . The government wants to save money - yet within the space of a month , I had to go to TWO different assessments. People are taking their own lives because of these decisions . Why should they be allowed to play with peoples lives ??
    328 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Cath De Roos
  • For Freedom of Movement
    Freedom of movement gives every one of us the opportunity to travel, work and build lives in other countries. The rich have always had the possibility of migration, Freedom of Movement opens those doors to all of us. All of our wages and working conditions should be guaranteed by MPs, no matter where we come from. Meanwhile, we recognise that the people who have come from all over Europe to make the UK their home have enriched our country in every sense. We do not recognise and totally reject the xenophobic lies that have whipped up xenophobia in this country, leading to many of them feeling unwelcome, and some becoming the victims of despicable hate crimes.
    1,214 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Zoe Gardner
  • Develop the Brownfield sites in Worthing
    Not only will this ease the housing burden on our town with the potential for several hundred new homes it will improve the general outlook of the town to visitors and tourists. Teville gate has sat in ruins for 20 years and is in dire need of investment. The aquarena site is again another key gateway to the town and new housing will improve this area. Union place could become a new key entertainment hub with cinema complex, eateries and some housing. Not only will this create jobs but will also help those who own business in the town centre with the extra influx of potential customers and newer, improved retailers. We have already seen the potential new brands coming into the Montague Centre and want to continue to see an influx of brand names. These names will hopefully help our locals to choose to shop local as opposed to spending in Chichester, Horsham, Brighton and other towns.This will allow us to employ more people and continue to support the local economy. As a town we have huge potential and we would like the council to start improving plans so we can all work and aspire to becoming a better Worthing
    302 of 400 Signatures
    Created by paul o'brien
  • Get Nigel Farage off LBC
    Nigel Farage’s ‘breaking point’ poster was very similar to Nazi propaganda, and his message is racist. No radio station should be giving him a nightly slot. Please sign or share this petition.
    2,112 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Connie Mansueto
  • Islamophobia and sexism has no place in the BBC or Britain
    The Real Housewives of ISIS is an extremely distasteful and offensive show. It is Islamophobic by how it depicts Muslim women, regardless of them being related to ISIS. The show stigmatises women and symbolises acts of everyday sexism suffered by women across the UK. Satire is created to fight against oppression – not feed into sexist and Islamophobic rhetoric. Muslim hate crimes are mostly carried out against women – this show will further fuel hate in Britain towards women in hijab and niqab.
    1,568 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sofia Jawaab
  • Building local social housing for older people
    New developments are mostly aimed at younger families and couples, and retirement developments are for purchase. Small scale local social housing for older folk would allow them to stay in their communities and keep their local support network. Please support this petition.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wanda Lewcun
  • Save Didcot's Amenities and Green Spaces on Ladygrove!
    After signing this petition please formally object via http://didcot.space (will redirect you to the Garden Town plan page) or send an email to [email protected] Comments can be as short or long as you like - just make it clear you object to building on Ladygrove Park. Consultation on these proposals has been extended to 28th February, so please do it now. Thank you! There are plans for 15,000 new houses to be built in Didcot as part of the "Didcot Garden Town" project. This is more than those planned for Bicester Garden Town, recently described as a "dog's breakfast" with ecologically important flower rich meadows being lost to housing. Proposals for Didcot have been announced that are WORSE than first feared. They include building technical office space and accommodation over roughly half of the Ladygrove recreation ground and play park. The remnants would be developed such that there would be no substantial level open green space for casual sports or recreation. A new road cutting across the play park and flats on the play park, opposite the Willowbrook and behind the football club with no additional parking serve to top of this awful proposal. The current morning congestion around the primary school would be intolerable. Our facilities, green spaces and paths integral to our local parkrun are threatened. You can see the briefings here : https://didcotgardentown.commonplace.is/news/2017/01/20/stakeholder-representative-group-presentation-19-january-2017 Campaigners in Bicester have been to court twice to try to protect their environment. If we are to protect our green spaces and amenities the time to act is now, by obtaining a simple undertaking from the project team before their plans are fully formed. If you want to save them please sign this petition and share it with your friends. Thank you! (You can see the Ladygrove areas initially marked out for development on the final pages of these two official downloads published by the Didcot Garden Town planners http://www.southoxon.gov.uk/node/18434 and this http://www.southoxon.gov.uk/node/18447 )
    2,072 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Simon Hewerdine
  • Save Staffordshire's NHS Say No to the STP
    We are concerned about the following aspects outlined in the plan. • The reduction of A&E Departments from three to two. Wherever this closure maybe we believe that it will simply put further pressure on A&E departments in other parts of the county. • Closure of community hospital beds. • The further privatisation and fragmentation of NHS services within the country. • Closure of hospital departments putting further pressure on other services • The redeployment of staff which poses a risk to nurses and other health care professionals pay and terms and conditions. We believe that these proposals pose a direct threat to NHS services within the County and therefore we stand united in our opposition to these proposals. Please sign our petition to oppose these proposals and to save our NHS
    454 of 500 Signatures
    Created by William Walker
  • Child protection legislation for all businesses and organisations dealing with children
    Most people don't realise that in this country anyone can set up a business working with children with no qualifications or DBS checks. Given that victims of child abuse often don't come forward until well into adulthood safeguards should be put into place to protect all children. The FA refuse to take responsibility for children working as referees, within football. So all aspects of the children involved need to be considered. Only paid child minders are registered and checked by ofsted I think a similar system needs to be rolled out to all organisations that deal with children.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fiona Green
  • Stop Murdoch
    We believe that this takeover would not be in the public interest and that the plurality of the UK’s media landscape would be seriously diminished if it went ahead. Our media is already dominated by a handful of very powerful organisations that exert huge control over the national conversation.
    3,283 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Justin Schlosberg
  • Speak up like Michelle Thomson MP
    I was fortunate as an MP to be sitting near Michelle Thomson MP in the House of Commons, Westminster, London in December 2016 when she spoke of having been raped as a teenager. Her act of speaking up has already had a profound impact. I acknowledge other parliamentarians have also spoken up, but more could do so. Parliamentarians, whether male or female, and regardless of whether they have suffered from violence, should do more to speak up and legislate where appropriate. This petition is a small contribution to allow people to acknowledge the need to support parliamentarians willing to accept their responsibility to do more.
    183 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Roger Mullin