• 16-18 year olds should have a say in our future relationship with Europe
    Britain will not leave the EU for at least 2 Years, by which time all these people will be eligible to vote under the current system. The Scottish referendum is a successful precedent. The turnout amongst registered 16-18 year olds in the Scottish referendum was 75%, proving that this age group are motivated and engaged in significant political decisions likely to have a dramatic effect on their future. My daughter is 18 and the referendum has been a constant topic of conversation amongst her school friends over the last few weeks. She voted, but many of her friends, who felt strongly about the issue were powerless to influence the decision because they were not eligible to vote. It is their generation that will feel the effect of this decision more keenly than mine or that of my parents, who have, by all accounts, been the main driving force behind our decision to leave. We should let these well educated and motivated youngsters have a say in the future of their country.
    425 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Andy Couling
  • Protect the rights of existing British and EU residents to remain
    The 'Brexit' negotiations are likely to take considerable time. In the meantime EU citizens in Britain and British citizens in EU countries are suffering terrible uncertainty. The Prime Minister has said there will be "no immediate change in your circumstances". That is not enough. My 76 year-old father, who is living on a tiny British pension in France, is frightened that his healthcare rights will be removed or made too expensive. My friends of various EU nationalities are worried about their future in Britain; will they be allowed to remain indefinitely? Will they face discrimination or new barriers in their everyday life. A humane society that cares about its citizens must move quickly to allay these fears
    420 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Steve Melia
  • Political Campaign Claims to be Independently Fact Checked before Use
    The EU referendum was a disgrace, both sides exaggerated and misled despite the particularly serious nature of the decision. Moreover, the Leave campaign was founded almost entirely on deliberate misrepresentation and creating imaginary fears. Democracy can only work with fair and accurate information and must not be reduced to who has the best marketing and manipulation strategies.
    663 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Vipul Patel Picture
  • Divert £1bn to the NHS from the banks
    We have voted to leave the European Union. Right or wrong, there it is. With the news this morning that Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, will make £250 BILLION POUNDS available for the banks to keep the financial markets of the UK stable, we are all complaining that the promise to divert much needed funds into the NHS was just rhetoric. Our Nation Health Service is falling apart. If this money is available to aid stability we should use a small amount of it wisely. The NHS is desperate for a cash injection, the banks are not. This petition is to the British Government, to supply the NHS with much needed cash to stabilise a true British achievement. The banks do not need ALL of the money and with the lies told for the leave campaign, its about time the people who devote their lives to helping others keep their health got a bit of a breather.
    4,416 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Reardon
  • The youth (14-17) should have had the right to vote in the EU referendum
    This is important because so many of the youths did not want to leave the EU but do not have a voice
    51,218 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Ellyse Simms Picture
  • No to a referendum re vote
    Because the British hard working people have had enough of being heard and ignored for long enough
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anita Kelly
  • Call a General Election Within 6 Months of the Vote to Leave the European Union
    Without a general election, only 150,000 Conservative Party members will have the power to decide who the next Prime Minister is, and by extension the team who will negotiate our exit from the European Union. This is unacceptable. The EU referendum has proved that this country is deeply divided. Now is the time to allow people to try and come together behind a particular vision of post-Brexit Britain. The binary nature of this referendum has been divisive -- only a general election is the right way to try and build bridges to the future.
    267 of 300 Signatures
    Created by James Blanchard
  • The prospective leader of the Conservative party must pledge that £350m a week go to the NHS
    The NHS is a dearly loved institution that is been squeezed by cuts, and one which faces an uncertain future in light of the EU referendum result and that 10% of its workforce comes from overseas. In order to protect its status as the best health service in the world, we need to ensure that it is properly funded. A family member is a nurse and their ward faces privatisation. This is not because it underperforms, but because of the revenue it brings to the hospital trust. The trust nonetheless does not have the capital to purchase new equipment, forcing it to consider private investment to meet this shortfall. Going forward, the extra revenue generated from the ward will go into private hands and not be reinvested for the benefits of patients. We can resolve this by ensuring the promises made by the leave campaign are met, overturning years of under investment that threatens patient safety, and which has put doctors at the mercy of hard nosed contractual negotiations by the Secretary of State.
    3,882 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Simpson
  • Protect the rights of E.U citizens living in the UK
    There is much fear and uncertainty in a post-Brexit world, especially for E.U citizens who are currently living in the U.K. They have built our country, contributed to our economy, taken care of our elderly, taught us, healed us, loved us, started families with us, become our friends and colleagues. They have given so much to us, now we must do the same for them. The only difference between U.K. citizens living here and E.U. citizens living here is a passport, therefore their rights should be protected with absolutely no change. --------------------------------------------------------------- Picture credit: Medics at Homerton University Hospital
    64,280 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Lyons
  • Commit to a referendum on the revised terms of our relationship with the EU
    During the referendum on Britain's EU membership, both sides argued with great passion and urgency over what the future would hold if Britain were to keep or discard its EU membership. Given that many disputed claims were made on both sides over the consequences and opportunities of Brexit, more important than the decision to leave the EU, is the decision over what relationship remains with the EU. Knowing how consequential the new relationship with the EU will be for communities across Britain - in terms of trade access, rights to live and work on the continent, or which social consumer and environmental standards emerge at the end of Article 50 negotiations - we ask that these terms of this revised relationship be put to a majority vote of the British people. To not seek the consent of the British people on the terms our revised relationship will undermine the democratic basis on which the Brexit vote was made, with far-reaching consequences for the future of our democratic practices and culture.
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Leo Pollak
  • Nigel Farage: call to apologise for "without a single bullet being fired"
    Last week Jo Cox MP was gunned down after her surgery. Bullets were indeed fired in the lead up to this vote. His comments are disgusting and completely disrespectful to the fact Jo cox mp was shot and stabbed to death during the political campaign http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/eu-referendum-nigel-farage-branded-shameful-for-claiming-victory-without-a-single-bullet-being-fired-a7099211.html
    5,493 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Kirsten Hepburn
  • Call for Early General Election
    With the news of our elected departure from the European Union and the resignation intent of current PM David Cameron, I believe that an early general election is vital. There are many ways to implement this decision, and - having demanded more political control - the people deserve the right to choose the way forward, and who leads it. The quicker we call this, the quicker it can be decided and we can begin the serious job of negotiating a fair exit from the EU and restoring faith in a seemingly divided country. Under the Fixed-Term Parliaments Act an early general election can be called if a motion (as worded in section 2(2) of the Act) that there shall be an early parliamentary general election is passed by the House of Commons with at least two thirds in favour of the motion.
    3,188 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by karen van hoey smith