• Save Shipley Jobcentre
    Closing Shipley Jobcentre will impact on vulnerable local people and the local economy. Customers will be burdened with additional transport costs to access vital services, increasing poverty within the town. Closing the office will impact on the local economy as customers will be less likely to visit the town centre and spend money in local businesses. Supporters are also being asked to send in comments in response to the DWP consultation - which can be accessed here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/proposal-for-the-future-of-shipley-jobcentre
    586 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Laura Jowett
  • Save the Corrib Pubs Community Rooms
    These rooms are a well-regarded facility in the area with a great future when used by the community. Many people have attended events at the Corrib Rest and recent attempts by local residents have tried to arrange activities. Pensioners now evicted from their weekly get togethers here have now had to use an unheated hall. Community facilities like this are far more important than 9 luxury flats. The petition was delivered to the planners and now we have the Committee hearing. On Weds 28th June at 7pm we want to try and get as many people as possible to attend the hearing to support the community rooms being kept. please attend if you can at Brent Civic Centre, Engineers Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ. support is important so please help and attend if you feel strongly about loss of community spaces
    1,509 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Barrett
  • benefit cap
    As more and more family struggle to pay for food and clothing the benefit cap will only make thing even harder for family they will be more homeless people because of the benefit cap. family will have to choose between rent or food.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francis Belhomme
  • Stop Job Centre Closures
    The DWP is planning to close 20 more job centres to try to reduce costs. This will create more problems for jobseekers, who are likely to be short of funds. If they can afford the fare, they will most likely to depend on public transport, which seems to be becoming less reliable. Surely then they will be more likely to be sanctioned, only increasing their difficulties. This government is supposed to be helping job seekers into jobs. Closing job centres is instead going to make life harder for many.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John Mullen
  • We do not want GM foods to be sold in the UK from the US.Act to stop roundup used on crops.
    Leaving the EU and having a trade deal with the US means one thing for certain we will be buying foods that have been Genetically modified from the US and we will also be growing GM foods in the UK.Meat from the US like chicken and pork are produced on factory farms,and chlorinated chicken and pork fed with GMO grains.Bad for us it will give us cancer and bad for the environment.Moves are already afoot to grow crops here. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-4179870/Genetically-modified-wheat-grown-UK.html http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/07/15/new-study-links-gmos-to-cancer-liverkidney-damage-severe-hormonal-disruption/ http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/09/24/transgenic-wars-gmo.aspx http://www.healthline.com/health-news/does-roundup-cause-cancer Cancer rates in the west are rising,it is said that from 1in 4 now i in 2 people will develop cancer.We are being bombarded with junk foods and added chemical to our foods but also our crops are sprayed with glysophate,a pesticide used on every crop non organically grown.This pesticide causes cancer and should be banned.We do not want GMO foods which are laced with this pesticide and we do not want it to continue to be legal to use this pesticide. Say No to Roundup(glysophate)and say No to genetically modified foods,sign this petition.
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Katie Nikiforou
  • Reduce speed limit outside Haygrove school
    Currently the speed limit outside Haygrove School, Bridgwater is 30mph. I think it would be beneficial to change the speed limit to 20mph. This is a road that needs to be crossed by many students immediately after they leave school. Not only would this ensure students have a safe walk to and from school, it would encourage them to walk which has a positive impact on the environment. However, parents drop children off directly outside school which can become unsafe for other drivers and children.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eleanor Newman
  • Stop closure of Deerpark surgery
    There is no public transport to the other surgeries meaning elderly/disabled patients unable to attend unless prepared to pay £14 for a taxi. The other surgeries are already struggling with their list and finding GPs to fill positions. Right now it's 3-4 weeks wait for an appointment there which will only increase when 10,000 patients are added to their lists.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yvonne Bailey
  • Carers Allowance Entitlement For People Claiming Benefits
    Where there is a caring role, very often the family experience severe financial hardship and this is exacerbated if the carer cannot claim carers allowance. Many carers have to give up work, training or education to look after the person they care for and are unable to claim any money in recognition of their caring role if the person they care for is on ESA and does not qualify for Personal Independence Payment (PIP). An example of this is a 25 year old carer who had to drop out of university 4 years ago when his father died suddenly and his mother had a breakdown. She is unable to look after herself without his help yet he is unable to claim carers allowance as she is on ESA and has been refused PIP and he is unable to work because of his caring responsibilities. Consequently, they suffer extreme poverty and are in debt which has resulted in potential eviction from their home. Another example is a 17 year old who had to move from his father's house to another county to care for his mother who suffers extreme anxiety which means she is unable to leave the house on her own, answer the phone or the front door so relies heavily on her son. As he is only 17 and unable to work or engage in training or eduaction due to his caring role the family are unable to claim child benefit for him or carers allowance as the mother is on ESA and has been refused PIP. There are many more such examples and I feel strongly this needs to change so that those who suffer some of the wprst financial hardship are not made to suffer further.
    168 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Melanie Rees
  • Ban the sale of Rawhide treats for dogs
    Rawhide chews for dogs are full of dangerous chemicals and not only pose a choking hazard but in some cases have even resulted in death. “Producing rawhide begins with the splitting of an animal hide, usually from cattle. The top grain is generally tanned and made into leather products, while the inner portion, in its “raw” state, goes to the dogs.” TheBark.com. This means that contrary to popular belief, a rawhide chew is not the by-product of the beef industry nor is it made of dehydrated meat. Rather, rawhide is the by-product of the “Leather Industry” If you use an online search engine to look at how rawhide chews are made, you can see the process including all of the chemicals, dyes and glue that are used, yet these are still considered safe to give to our dogs! Look a little further and you will find 1000's of stories of dogs choking on these treats or becoming seriously ill as their body is affected by the poisonous chemicals, too many of these cases have resulted in the death of a dog. There are many alternatives to rawhide so there is absolutely no reason for this toxic product to be on sale in the UK as a treat for dogs.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Samantha Booth
  • Calming traffic on Old Oak Common Lane
    This is essential the safety of the local community. This is a 20 mph zone in which drivers regularly go over 60 mph. Accidents on that stretch of Old Oak Common Lane are frequent but many go unreported as drivers know they've broken the law. There have been fatalities, buses losing their roofs, regular replacement of railings and bollards, a recent accident which took down the local internet and phone service. Crossing the road to the bus stop is dangerous and a particular risk for elderly people and young children.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Amanda Souter
  • Keep Holme View Care Home Open
    Holme View is a specialist dementia care home, the staff are trained in dementia care and the home received a good grading in all areas after their latest inspection, July 2016. The residents are settled and happy and they receive a good quality of service with value for money. Change would be detrimental to their mental wellbeing. It's a very worrying time for family members, not knowing where our loved ones may end up and thinking that they will have to go through the upheaval of moving. My sister has only just settled there after months, she could not cope with another change. Understandably cuts have to be made these days but surely not with regard to people who are so vulnerable.
    2,496 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sandy Higgins
    Mental Health services are not only being cut but actually being closed down . As a long term sufferer of mental health conditions both as a client and as a volunteer the situation is untenable . The give just a few examples Due to funding cuts from Central Government Derby Steps Rethink Mental illness funding cuts DORA chesterfield to close March 2017 The Croft . Ripley Rethink (decision from CCG Jan 21st Red Cross Dementia Care/ MH Alfreton/Belper/ Ilkeston/ Long Eaton (been volunteer for seven years) Cease operations March 2017 MHAG mental Health Action Group (which covers Amber Valley) Sept 2017 Moneywise CAB in the community Amber Valley through Derby CAB for MH scrapped Amber Trust P3 / Ripley floating support cut from 2 years to 9 months etc Probably more to follow Where are people to go ? To interact in a safe environment etc ., See Derbyshire Healthwatch Report on Crisis Care just published. "There is a massive increase in admissions to A& E by mental health sufferers as I'm sure you have heard/seen on TV and Radio .. Surely by cutting these services it makes the situation worse ?"The Mental Health Action Group is led by people living with a mental health condition who rely on services in the community to help them stay well. At a time when the demand for mental health services has never been greater, vulnerable people are facing cuts in Derbyshire on an unprecedented scale. All manner of support services, money advice services, advocacy services, housing support services are being scaled down. It is dangerous to underestimate the cumulative effect of this on so many individuals and families. The gap between need and provision is widening all the time and people will disappear through that gap. How can we allow this to happen when the impact of mental illness has never been so well recognised nor the need to improve mental health care so well acknowledged?" supporting statement from the MENTAL HEALTH ACTION GROUP DERBY RESTORE THESE SERVICES NOW
    803 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Tony Fisher