• Stop the closure of Clay Cross Jobcentre
    The closure of Clay Cross Jobcentre will cause extra hardship to those who currently use it. Local people are already struggling under the burden of many cuts and loss of support. If Clay Cross Jobcentre was to close then claimants would have to attend either Markham Jobcentre in Chesterfield or Alfreton Jobcentre for their normal appointment once a fortnight. It will cost claimants £4.20 to travel to Chesterfield and back by bus or £6 to and from Alfreton. Single JSA/UC claimants are receiving £73.10 a week and this extra cost is equivalent to a 4% cut in benefits not to mention the extra time it takes. Single Mums and Dads and new families will incur extra inconvenience when children have to travel as well. While travel will be funded for claimants needing to sign on more than once a fortnight, the travel time for claimants signing each day (as is common at the start of a claim) will be more than 5 hours a week which is time that could be spent looking for work, or doing an activity that would help them increase their employability. A local mum said “My children will suffer if I had to spend more time traveling and I can’t see how we can make ends meet if we had to pay out another £6 a fortnight.” On the closure of Jobcentres the DWP states in its own proposal that: “…it is a reasonable expectation that claimants travel to an office within 3 miles or 20 minutes by public transport of their existing jobcentre.” According to the DWP own information the shortest distance is 5 miles and a minimum of 35 minutes travel by public transport to the two stated Jobcentre offices. All claimants who are job searching need somewhere to get online and our local library has only a few public terminals with limited opening hours. Several claimants we spoke to would be unable to meet their Claimant Commitment Agreement if the jobcentre was to close. These claimants are being set up to fail and the resulting sanctions will only make a bad situation worse. Clay Cross Jobcentre is a vital link to those claiming benefit locally and the closure of this office would only create more suffering in an already deprived community.
    287 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kay Adlington
  • Get the lions at Bristol zoo a bigger/better enclosure
    These poor animals are in a tiny enclosure, with no real outside space to roam like lions naturally should. They pace up and down, staring at their spectators with blank expressions. There is no need for them to be in such a small space, when the Zoo own land at the Wild Place and have a whole meadow (purely for picnics) as I gather. Give these beautiful creatures some dignity and space and let Bristol Zoo prove they are the "caring" Zoo they claim they are.
    3,506 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Alison Holloway
  • Tumblr - please protect the vulnerable
    In 2012, I was admitted to a mental health hospital following a suicide attempt. During my treatment, I admitted that one location I used to talk to other sufferers, and share my story, was Tumblr. Looking back at Tumblr now, and the images that are being taken, shared and used to discuss mental health are actually having a devestating effect on those who are seeking help and comfort. Images shown range from black and white text pictures, through to images of nooses and coffins, through to images and videos of self harm - both after the harm but some of the harm happening. Those suffering from mental health are already in a vulnerable position. Having this media available at their fingertips - Tumblr now has an app - means they are getting huge amounts of negative images 24/7. Just take a moment to imagine what this might do to someone close to you if they were ever in need. If, like me, you feel this should be stopped, please sign this petition.
    197 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Richard Harrington
  • #guiltyofcaring Silent Protest Somerset Learning Disabilities Service
    Please sign if you would like to have been at the Silent Protest 15.03.17 #guiltyofcaring Care not Cost in Somerset Learning Disability Service at County Hall Taunton, but could not because of work commitments and caring for the people of Somerset.
    192 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Julia Massey
  • Free sanitary products for young girls in need.
    This shouldn’t be happening in Britain in 2017. Exam season is just around the corner so every day missed day now could mean the difference between girls passing or failing their exams.
    308 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Georgie Laming
  • Free Social Care for all with Dementia (all stages)
    People with Dementia need Social Care. My mother had this awful disease. This is both for the sufferer and their family. They need this WITHOUT being Means Tested. Dementia destroys lives so some help to give Families quality time without the threat of losing homes etc.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Byrne
  • blue badge
    Because it makes a difference to being able to park near shops and towns and city centre's this restrict there freedom
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leslie Hopkins
  • Stop essential government services using 03 phone numbers
    This is causing unnecessary cost to the most vulnerable people the DWP are there to help
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by June Graham
  • Stop essential government serivices using 03 phone numbers
    People have no choice but to ring these chargeable numbers, I.e. when the service overpays you it cost money to get it sorted
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by June Graham
  • A register for domestic violence perpetrators
    This is important because so many lives are ruined by domestic violence, this violence impacts on the lives of women, men and children, some children grow up to believe violence is a normal act and go on to become perpetrators themselves. Lives are lost to domestic violence everyday, stop the violence. On average the perpetrator will assault their target 36 times before police are called. The reluctance to call the police is born out of extreme fear and shame.
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Palmer
  • Save The Potting Shed Project@Radstock
    The Potting Shed@Radstock is an important resource for local people who suffer with mental health and isolation issues. Closing the project will result in the loss of a valuable wellbeing project and a possible route into employment for people living in Radstock and the surrounding areas. Many people have benefited from the project. The community also benefits from the project. It makes no financial sense for the Trustees to charge the group rent and water charges to maintain the gardens voluntarily, as without the group they will need to pay a gardening contractor to do the same work. Without a Support Worker managing the project and encouraging people to attend the project is doomed to fail.
    766 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jon Durrant
  • Keep Walkers at Peterlee open
    As the North East is one of the most unemployed areas in the country, an additional loss of around 400 jobs, on top of the jobs lost last year from steel works closures, would be a massive loss to the area and would also see a number of families left without an income.
    2,067 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Darren Meadows