• East Ardsley skatepark
    There is no skatepark in the area. This would get young people motivated into sports and would stop trouble being caused.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Garry Jackson
  • Help ban the cruelty of Bull Fighting no animal should suffer like this
    There is absolutely no need for animals of any description to be killed so cruelly for plain and simply entertainment of crowds, there is nothing honourable in the way these Matadors dispatch the poor beasts it is plain and simply cruelty, time people were educated to the fact that it is wrong to treat animals in such a manner, at least at the slaughterhouse they are dispatched quickly.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by robert brownlie Leggate Picture
  • Veterans Identity Card
    Not enough is done to support and honour the sacrifices ex service personnel have made to keep our country and it's people safe.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Beech
  • Tell MP's & The Lords to forgo Summer Recess
    Theresa May, all MP's & Lords represent the citizens of the United Kingdom, how can they do so when they are not in parliament debating the concerns and rights of the British people? As we sit teetering on civil unrest, and in light of the recent horrific atrocities and including the forthcoming brexit negotiations it is paramount that Theresa May, all MP's & Lords should be accountable for their movements and remain seated throughout the period from 21 July 2017 - 5th September 2017 for the sake of the British people. If 100's sign this petition today demanding that Theresa May, all MP's & Lords remain seated then we can ensure laws and policies are dealt with in a timely manner and the citizens of the United Kingdom get value for money from the public purse!
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Alford
  • Honour your promise to the surviving families of the Grenfell Towers tragedy.
    Upon learning that families who decline to move away from their community & their lives will be declared - "intentionally homeless!" For the families this now means - withdrawal of promised support; loss of housing rights position; & most shockingly - potential loss of custody of their children!!! This is no way to treat British citizens, so I implore anyone who reads this petition, to sign it & send it across their networks, in order to help the traumatised families. Lets make sure that the lessons of past tragedies aren't repeated here; not now, not ever!!! Thank you.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Macca Picture
  • Build a high quality prefab village in Hyde Park now for the Grenfell Tower residents
    The Grenfell Tower fire is the worst residential fire since World War 2. It demands a serious, immediate attention.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phil Bushell
  • Make Tram Road in Folkestone Kent safer.
    Many accidents since road was made 2 way from single lane, a fatality is imminent.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Milton
  • Restore wardens to Sheltered housing units
    I live in a sheltered unit with no on site warden, we have a warden visit the unit once a week, we have had two residents die and left until friends or family came to check on them as no warden is checking on the welfare of the elderly and disabled, when we had a warden based here they were able to spot deteriations in residents as they knew them well, now we don't know when they are here and they do not know anyone personaly, it has also destroyed the community spirit with people just staying in their flat and not socialising
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Loughran
  • End Rough Sleeping and Homelessness in the UK
    Since 2010, the number of homeless people in the UK has doubled. In the last year alone, there has been a 10% rise in the amount of people accessing homeless services. The cuts to council funding is forcing their budgets on housing services to be slashed. Housing services and homeless organisations offer help to some of the country's most vulnerable people, yet the lack of funding has meant that temporary shelters, hostel beds and soup kitchens are having to close. The government must recognise that councils are struggling to cope with the demand. Recent cuts to housing benefit has put many young 18-to-21-year-olds at risk of becoming homeless, by denying them access to the private rental housing market. We are calling on the government to re-think funding cuts and make the necessary changes, and give local councils the support they need in order to offer lifelines to the most vulnerable people in our society.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Read
  • End Homelessness in the UK
    130,000 people a year in England alone are asking for help regarding homelessness (Shelter, 2017). Homelessness is a matter of social injustice not just personal responsibility, everybody in Britain has a right to accommodation, it is not just a lack of shelter, it involves a deprivation over a number of dimensions, lack of physical and mental comfort, lack of privacy, lack of rootedness in the world and a lack of purpose in life (Somerville, 2013). Even in affordable social housing there is now an uncertainty in security, resulting in an increase in rough sleepers by 102% since 2010. The reason for homelessness is simple, not enough housing,not enough social housing, the ridiculous peak in house prices and the uncertainty of short hold tenancy in private sector housing. This needs to be stopped, we need to stop allowing housing associations and landlords putting vulnerable people out on the streets. Most of us are one wage slip away from being on the streets so help us today to change the lives of thousands of people. Sign today, save tomorrow. Follow us online at - https://sleepsafesleepwarm.wordpress.com/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/SleepsafeSleepwarm Twitter- https://twitter.com/CSleepsafe Refernces Shelter England. (2017). Home. [online] Available at: http://england.shelter.org.uk/ [Accessed 6 May 2017]. Somerville, P. (2013). Understanding Homelessness. Housing, Theory and Society, 30(4), pp.384-415.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by tessa kinsella
  • Get rid of the 'Bedroom Tax' cut to Housing Benefits!
    These cuts are unfair and further disadvantage people who are in a position of need. Approximately 660,000 UK social housing residents have been impacted by the cuts (Fullfact, 2013). This has had significant negative impacts on lives across the UK, leaving thousands of people desperately struggling to pay rent and make ends meet. Hundreds of thousands of residents have gotten into rent arrears, resorted to food banks, and been kicked out of homes they have lived in their whole lives. This is drastically immoral and WRONG. Sign the petition to help us rid the unfair Bedroom Tax!
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Coates
  • Change the disabled logo
    It is mortifying to be judged by people when you use disabled spots if your disability is not visible. There are stories of abusive notes being left on people's cars, which is a huge knock to their self confidence, which is often already low. The change of logo would symbolism a inclusive acknowledgment of all disabilities.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Sandland