• Stop the government from spending 500 million on a new passport design.
    With the nhs crumbling around us and the number of people on the streets with nowhere to live...... it's stupidity of the highest order to spend 500 million on cosmetically redesigning a passport which works fine as it is
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Price
  • Dairy Calf husbandry
    The methods of animal husbandry are important in UK. The type of acceptable animal husbandry will be seen all over the world and we need to be proud of our humane development of British animal welfare.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa Bowers
  • Stop developers avoiding social housing needs in London
    Displacement caused by gentrification is exacerbated by developers greed for increased in land values. Gentrified areas cover 1/16th of London's area (Akinson, 2008).In a number of instances (Heygate Estate, Aylesbury Estate and Carpenter Estate) whole communities have been displaced in the process of physical renewal. Many areas of London have been occupied by the middle classes causing the original working class residents to be displaced (Glass, 1994). Developers magnify the problem by creating indirect and direct causes of displacement. Developers are directly avoiding the social housing needs of the city (Booth, 2016). Their new buildings put pressure on the housing market leading to the indirect pricing out of low income individuals (Atkinson, 2000).Developers are even willing to pay fines implemented due to the lack of social housing as they see the beneficiaries in avoiding their implementation (Wainwright, 2015; Booth, 2016). Private developers benefit, from gentrification, at the expense of communities in London. The City Claim back campaign is worried everyday Londoners will be displaced, by the greed of developers, through gentrification.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Dew
  • Fighting for the rights of people living in supported accommodation
    This is important because the living standards are unsafe for young people and parents to live in. It is also singling out the residents living at the properties giving them next to no connection to their families and friends
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Miller
  • Westminster Bridge Road Safety Measures
    With hindsight it is obvious that there is no separation of pedestrians from heavy traffic ... nothing but a small curb ..... We want to stop the terror attack on the Westminster Bridge and similar locations by adding buffers to prevent traffic mounting the curb deliberately or by accident Public safety demands safety measures now
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Randall
  • Stop the Government raising the nations pension age.
    Your pension is a right not a benefit, we pay all our working lives into it and therefore should have a right to take it at its value when and at what age we choose to retire. It is a myth that people are still fit to work over the age of 60 or 65 in a lot of cases and a lot die before being able to claim their pension. It is a money making exercise by current Government. Your pension is your right not a benefit
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geri Reeves-Nurse
  • Prevent Employers From Recouping Costs From Sick/Injured Workers.
    There is a climate of fear and insecurity in all areas of employment this, opportunistic, cynical attempt to off-set costs will add to that. Furthermore, workers should not be given a double penalty: lost wages plus the burden of paying for cover while they are sick. No businesses should feel this is an acceptable response. This is a chance for the government to demonstrate a modicum of support for struggling workers.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Dowling
  • Stop the Homeless Crisis in Brighton!
    The homeless crisis in Brighton is shocking. With the rising cost of living and rent hikes in the area homelessness has visibly increased. There are people living in shop doorways on almost every street and alley way. They are begging for money for food with absolutely no way out of their situation. It is virtually impossible to get a job when you are homeless and in offering the homeless a home we give them a second chance at life. A chance to get a job and live with the dignity and respect we all deserve.
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Josh Richardson
  • Update Musselburgh's Care Homes
    Claire says, "This is important because the people using these facilities are the friends and family of people from our community. With the amount of housing being built this problem can only get worse and it is our parents and grandparents who will be the ones to suffer. "The most vulnerable in our society deserve the best care and facilities that we are able to provide. The care provided by Eskgreen and The Hollies is second to none but they provide that care in spite of the chronic under investment made by our council and government."
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Graham
    Pensioner poverty is still a major issue for many older people across the UK and was one of the main reasons the Triple Lock system was first introduced. As it stands, 1 in 7 pensioners (equating to 1.6 million or 14% of all pensioners living in the UK) are still living in poverty with a further 1.2 million pensioners (just over 10% of UK pensioners) living just above the poverty line. The SPF feel it is necessary for policy makers to bear in mind the long struggle to establish a caring, supportive state pension in the first instance and to ensure a single tier pension for all pensioners. As changes to the conditions for receipt of a full state pension continue as well as the state pension age continuing to rise, it is time that the pensioners' voices are heard and that that the government take notice of the contribution older people made, and still make, to the economy and society as a whole.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scottish Pensioners' Forum .
  • Mhairi Black: Stay in Parliament!
    Parliament is rubbish - we all know that. And being a good MP is probably even more rubbish. But we need the good MPs to stay in Parliament, and make it less rubbish. And Mhairi Black of the SNP is one of them. I'm English, and don't want Scotland to leave the UK. I wouldn't vote the SNP. But I know a good opposition MP when I see one - who calls out the hypocrisy of the government, speaks up for those stepped on by the cuts and makes sure the Brexit deal we get from the EU is a good one. Parliament is full of boring old men, weird traditions, strange rituals and some seriously odd cosplay. One of the chambers isn't even elected, and the building itself is falling apart. That's why we need decent MPs like Mhairi Black to stay in office and strive to make it better - more representative, responsive and honest. Mhairi: Please don't leave!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Evans
  • Why is there no Media coverage for WASPI demo's
    We need to raise awareness of the unfair way women in their fifties have been treated over the raising of their State Pension age with little or no notice. This has severely impacted on women born in the fifties ho have been robbed of their pensions . We are disappointed there is no media coverage
    2,073 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Bryant