• Pay child benefit monthly.
    It's difficult to plan finances around payments that move around the calendar each month. Direct Debits in particular don't cope well this this. The system is out of touch with modern family finances and needs to be changed.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phill Johnston
  • U.K. fails to keep its promise
    This is an important matter because it effects the lives of so many young children. Every child deserve the right to a childhood, unfortunately many children from a war zone country like Syria are having this right snatched away from them. Many countries are opening their arms to refugees, and the U.K. should definitely participate purely for the purpose of an act of humanity. Please sign this petition and do share with your friends and families. If they were our children we sure would want the best for them. Let's make the UK the accepting tolerant country it once was. Her recent meeting with Donald Trump has influenced her with this decision, she has also failed to speak against the Muslim ban, despite her being the Prime Minkster of many Muslims. Many people have spoken against this. It just goes to show how the corrupt Donald Trump is beginning to have an impact onto the rest of the world. Not so long ago, there was a meeting held in parliament, for which they were discussing the matter of sending some aid in Syria, the members of parliament who were present that day was truly appalling, not to mention Theresa not even being bothered to show up. Being a British Muslim, and a daughter of two immigrant parents I have always been so proud of how Britian has given a hand out to people desperately seeking for help.Living in a country like this has meant I show pride in my nationality, however with the recent events, I am beginning to question this. Please don't let this country go down. Sign this petition today, and allow refugees to be welcomed in this country.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aneesha Khan
  • Ask to Government to stick to their commitment of helping 3,000 unaccompanied child refugees
    There is an estimated 90,000 unaccompanied children and teenagers across Europe Help Refugees, one of the British charities working in France, had already launched legal action against the government's handling of Dubs. Its judicial review, which will be heard on Friday, argues that ministers failed to consult local authorities properly about how many unaccompanied children could be housed.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Jones
  • Unused Drug wastage
    Wastage of resurses and money
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lance Jones
  • All drink drivers should be banned from driving for life as they are not fit to hold a licence!
    Because they are flouting the law and putting innocent people in danger with their actions.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Devery
    NPOWER a German company known as RWE Npower have consistently persecuted bullied and destroyed the health and happiness of "millions" of UK customers and their families. This despicable company "overcharged/stole/fraudulently obtained" £70 million stolen from customers bank accounts .had to be returned Prioritizing only the financial needs of the company, Npower's orgy of predation and insatiable greed combined with their utter disregard for their customers, led to their rampant plunder of customers bank accounts. https://www.facebook.com/banNpower/ for full story
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mercedes Valentino
  • Fining the homeless
    With homelessness increasing across the UK and Northampton we should be dealing with the causes and spending money providing shelter, food and helping folks out of this situation. People asking for food and money are usually in need of society's help not punishment. People not in this situation are damn lucky though with societies safety nets being burnt by this government we may be far from being homeless or in need, so please support this petition.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luke Young
  • Hitting the homeless where it hurts, in their empty pockets
    We have all lost our way in as much that this is a Christian country so we should show kindness and help to the needy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John McMahon
  • Revenues from new sugar tax should be spent on UK children.
    According to Barnados, there are 3.7 million children living in poverty in the UK. Clearly more needs to be done. It is important to public confidence in the government, that the government is seen to prove that it has the welfare of children at heart and is not just seen as using children's health issues just to raise tax revenues.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Barnett
  • Increase spending NOW on health and social care to a minimum of 10.6%GDP
    The NHS is the embodiment of British values, free healthcare to all at the point of access. Social Care is entwined in healthcare. We need to stop the collapse of the NHS and the Social Care system now, and the only way we can do this is by putting enough money into the system to allow it to work. Telling the local councils to raise money through local taxes is not enough. This is a national problem for a national service, and it needs more money raised through taxes.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by judith brown
  • Urinary Tract Infections tested for and prescribed for by a pharmacist instead of a GP.
    It saves the patient the hassle of waiting for an appointment or call back from the GP for a prescription of antibiotics. This would also save the NHS the cost and time of a GP testing and prescribing for a UTI. Many who have suffered a UTI before know and understand the symptoms but can end up painfully waiting to be treated. Balancing work, family commitments and your health can be difficult and is made more difficult when worrying about missing the call back from the GP or making sure you get your prescription into the pharmacy before closing. A UTI can be very debilitating and this could be dramatically improved by allowing patients antibiotic prescription treatment over the counter.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leah Hewerdine
  • Draw attention to government policies which shorten the lives of the elderly.
    Statistics published by the ONS in July 2016 show that the mortality rate in England and Wales increased by 5.7% in 2015. This was equivalent to an extra 27,000 deaths, the biggest annual rise since 1968. Rates were notably higher at ages 75 and over for both males and females in 2015 compared with 2014. In fact, the death rate has increased year on year since 2011 (with the exception of a 1.1% fall in 2014), indicating the reversal of a long term trend of falling death rates which began in the 1970s. Danny Dorling, an Oxford University professor and an adviser to Public Health England, said: “When we look at 2015, we are not just looking at one bad year. We have seen excessive mortality - especially among women - since 2012 ….. I suspect the largest factor here is cuts to social services - to meals on wheels, to visits to the elderly …” Social services budgets have been badly affected by reduced grants from central government, which have been cut by 36% since 2011. Furthermore, as noted by the Guardian (14th November 2015): “Councils in northern, urban cities and London boroughs with high levels of deprivation predominantly run by Labour have seen their budgets cut by almost 10 times the amount lost by mostly Tory-administered authorities in rural southern England.” The precedent for a UN inquiry into violations of human rights caused by government spending cuts was established in October 2015, when, at a closed hearing in London, the UN launched an investigation into alleged violations of disabled people’s human rights in the UK. The inquiry’s findings will be published in 2017.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark White