• Bring Housing Benefit in line with Private Rent
    At the moment, this issue couldn't be more important. As the amount of people living in privately rented accommodation continues to grow, so do the rent increases and with them, the number of people, a lot of whom are in work, who are forced to claim housing benefit. However, the discrepancy between the actual rent charged and housing benefit paid is getting bigger all the time. For instance, a two bedroom house costing £695 a month let via a private landlord/lady would give you an award of £480 a month. These figures are calculated using an individual who is entitled to full housing benefit, due to a disability payment and yet it still leaves an astonishing £215 a month to be found. Private tenants are still living in a perpetual state of no housing security, with just a two month eviction notice required in most situations, highly rigid pre-screening process and no right to buy. Something has to seriously change. It is not right to punish people because they are paid a low wage or are too ill to work. Let Norwich City Council feel some of the frustration and anger that I know is out there.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Hartley
  • Naga’s treatment by the BBC
    It is the responsibility of all to stand against and denounce openly and clearly expressed racism. All reasonable and moral people are appalled at racism and should stand against it at every opportunity. I support and uphold Naga in her denunciation of unequivocally racist comment as would any one with any decency. Shame on the BBC.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Mace
  • Bus Route
    A extra bus route is needed for the area of KT5 .Berrylands Rd. We have one small bus K2 taking passengers to Surbiton station then on to the kingston hospital, But this bus misses all the hundreds & hundreds of flats including houses dotted along the way, as it doesn't reach down into the the Berrylands rd. You have to walk 15/10 mins just to get to a bus stop and if you miss that bus you have to wait 15 mins for next bus, for the amount of people that live on and off the Berrylands rd this is hughly frustrating late for your Train or late for your hospital appointment. These two, the station and the hospital are quite important part of people lives and this day & age it seems ridiculous that we feel like we have a rural countryside service for a London area. Please give us a extra bus route for the Berrylands rd, for this area of mass of people living here.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Barrett
  • Thomas Cook
    I was employed with Thomas Cook and in a blink of an eye it was gone. We had no warning about what was about to happen. We have been treated appallingly. Whole families have lost their household income in one day we deserve answers. We have given our best to our employers don’t we deserve the best in return.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Prior
  • Thomas Cook
    I was employed with Thomas Cook as were thousands of others. Whole families have lost their income in one day. People have worked at Thomas Cook since leaving school.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Prior
  • Stop the Space Port
    Nicola Sturgeon recently declared a Climate Emergency. Why is this development on the cards at all? This proposed development has already split the island community with fears that it will destroy the serene peacefulness of the area as well as harming wildlife and tourism. North Uist and the surrounding islands are a haven for breeding colonies of cormorants, black guillemots, seals and otters. There IS a climate emergency, we need to protect fragile environments and wildlife, this development is a major threat to both.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Cooney
  • Beechgrove Garden
    It's the only Gardening programme that covers everything Scottish in Gardening.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rhona Peet
  • Maypole Roundabout Crossing
    The Coop convenience store at the Texaco petrol station is open 24 hours a day and is extremely busy. Therefore, large numbers of people need to cross the roads to access this store. Since the expansion of the Maypole roundabout and the large amounts of housing development taking place in the area, traffic volume has increased enormously. Attempting to cross the roads here is now extremely dangerous, sometimes requiring a wait of 10 minutes for a sufficient break in traffic to allow safe passage for pedestrians. Pedestrians from the Hedge End side may need to negotiate Lower Northam Road, then Grange Road and Woodhouse Lane. Pedestrians from Kings Copse area are most likely to cross at Broad Oak and may need to cross Kings Copse Avenue first. All five roads have two lanes of traffic entering the Maypole roundabout. The vast majority of drivers approach the roundabout at too high a speed and are either oblivious to people waiting to cross or don't care enough to slow down and allow safe passage. Installation of a simple zebra crossing at Broad Oak could be achieved with minimal cost and disruption and would provide a vital safe crossing point for pedestrians. An additional benefit would be created for motorists by enabling easier exit from the petrol station, as traffic on Broad Oak would be forced to slow down and stop for pedestrians.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by PAM BENMARDHIA
  • End students being penalised by universal credit
    Students go to university to help further their career however universal credit take into account maintenance loans as earned income when it is categorised as a loan! It isn’t earned! It has to be repaid!
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Danielle Twist
  • Leeds Council tip charges
    Leeds Citizens deserve a full disposal service.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Sidebottom
  • Can BigPharma agree on 28 or 30 days?
    Possible wastage of medication - and those unused couple of tablets have to be disposed of somehow - landfill or contamination of water supplies?
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Scott
  • Ban plastic/card waste at eat in restaurants
    To reduce waste of the earth's resources and reduce waste going to landfill and recycling.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Hussey