• Abolish Tax on Feminine Hygiene Products
    The period is a natural female bodily function. It occurs every month from the start of puberty until the menopause. Studies have shown that women pay on average £18,000 on feminine hygiene products in their lifetime. That is money that would be better spent putting our children through college. We have all seen the adverts on TV recently from Always, talking about period poverty. If these products weren't taxed, no teenager would have to miss out on their education each month because of a natural bodily function they have no control over.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meg Day
  • Safeguard the rights of those lacking mental capacity
    Since 2005, the Mental Capacity Act has safeguarded the rights of people in care homes, hospitals and other places where they are deprived of their liberty. A High Court ruling -namely the 'Cheshire West' ruling - resulted in vaste numbers of people becoming eligible for protections which ended up having a lot of duplication. There is a real need to streamline services. The Law Commission drafted a bill to streamline the Act to give real efficiencies but preserved the balance of rights safeguarded in the original Act. The bill introduced - and currently being rushed through Parliament - has controversially removed a lot of the protections of vulnerable peoples' rights and there is a real risk that the essence of the original Act will be watered down and lost. The Lords - in their second reading of the Act - raised real concerns and there is very little time left to get this right. The next reading is scheduled for early September. We can get this right and urge the right people to also do so. This petition seeks to gather public support to ensure that people currently in positions that none of us would choose to be have their basic human rights upheld and protected by systems with appropriate checks and balances without cutting corners.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Mager
  • Cyclehoop Bikehangars for Kensal Rise
    I cycle to work every day but storing my bike is a real problem. I used to lock it up outside my flat until it was stolen. Now I store it in my back yard which means carrying it through the flat both rain and shine. There are many benefits to cycling - environmental, financial, health both physical and mental and just pure enjoyment. I know many more people would cycle but can’t due to: living in a flat - don't have outside space/shed have to carry your bike up/down stairs want to start cycling but can't buy a bike as have no-where to store it or don't have space for all your family's bikes I have been trying to campaign to get Cyclehoop Bikehangars https://www.cyclehoop.rentals/types/bikehangars in the local area. I have seen them in other boroughs and I think they are great. I know a lot of you expressed a desire for them and either requested one via Cyclehoop, emailed our Local Concillor Matt Kelcher [email protected] or e-mailed Brent Council https://www.cyclehoop.rentals/contact-council. However to keep up the pressure and ensure you get one where you desire can you please sign this petition and state in the reasons for signing box where you would like one to be sited.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Garvey
  • Make new buildings carbon neutral
    The recent heatwave in the northern hemisphere has cost thousands of lives and livelihoods, burned thousands of homes and destroyed millions of crops. That's just the latest in a long list of worldwide disasters that are all a result of climate change, which is caused by emitting ever more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. We have to stop now for any chance of avoiding the situation getting much worse.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dorothy Giacomin
  • Stop seizing migrant children from parents.
    The psychological damage caused by this inhumane and cruel policy as revealed in the Observer newspaper on Sunday 5th August 2018 is irreparable and shames the United Kingdom. The hypocrisy of criticising the Trump administration for its immigration policy is breathtaking. It is shameful to be treating some of the most vulnerable and needy people in the world in this way. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/aug/05/child-separation-migrant-parents-uk-hostile-environment-trump
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Huw Rowlands
  • Public footpath around balderstone hall field
    Too stop bellway building houses. Putting more pressure on our local services, and roads. Keeping our children safe and some where to play. To keep our fields green, keeping our open space for our younger generations. People need a place to walk our dogs and socialise. KEEP OUR FIELDS GREEN
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natalie Bruce
  • Put lights in dark alleys
    Peole walk through dark allys to get to other streets its dangerous unsafe and frightning
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by colin carr
  • stop all ads for online gambling.
    there is a growing addiction of gambling,advertising these items on tv is exactly the same as advertising,ciggarettes,herion or cocaine.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Borsos
  • Guarantee the proper recycling and reuse of used electronic items
    These companies make huge profits selling electronic items, for example in the 4th quarter of 2017 Apple posted revenue of $52.6 billion and net quarterly profit of $10.7 billion. Apple sold 46.7 million iPhones during this same period. A lot of that profit comes from selling newer versions of an existing product to existing customers, with no consideration for the older product. These older products and broken or obsolete items invariably end up in the rubbish in the UK or being shipped overseas to countries like China, or more recently Thailand and Malaysia, who have no capability to properly recycle these items. These electronic items sit around covering vast areas of land slowly polluting the soil and ground water and causing health problems for local communities. These electronic companies promote and benefit massively from promoting consumerism, but deal with non of the consequences of our throw away society that they have helped create. These electronic items contain lots of plastic and hard to extract natural resources such as cadium or lithium. The extraction of these metals from the environment invariably leads to environmental degradation, we are then throwing these products away causing further long lasting damage to the environment. We then have to extract more of these same materials that are thrown away to keep pace with demand. It is time for the companies, who make such vast profits, to be held accountable for the environmental damage their products create. A tax should be levied by the British government on the profits of any of these companies domicile in the UK, to cover the cost of properly recycling and where possible reusing the various components of their electronic products.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tom Hughes
  • Prosecution for people leaving dogs in hot cars
    At this time of year, with the unusual constant high temperatures, & the high visitor numbers, we are seeing a lot of dogs suffering immense distress at being left to bake in cars. It is a grey area with the Police as regards of what action can be taken - needs addressing as to what immediate action can be taken, rescuers need to be immune from "criminal damage" prosecution when it had been established that the dog needs to be released from vehicle to prevent further suffering & death. The dog owner should be prosecuted for causing unnecessary suffering to an animal.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jo Head
  • Put Public Access Defibrillators on Google Maps
    If a person is having a Cardiac Arrest, access to a defibrillator is urgently required. Finding one can take valuable minutes. Also it's essential for us all to know where our closest is located There are resources on line for this purpose, but most peope have immediate access to Google Maps UK survival rates following cardiac arrest are the lowest in Europe, despite the widespread availability of Public Access Defibrillators
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by lee raynor
  • Boris Johnson’s apology for saying Muslim women look like bank robbers
    Who does he think he is? He made these comments thinking that he has the authority and no one has the power to do anything. He should be made to apologise otherwise other people will think it is ok to make such comments.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jitu Miah