• Nick Paget-Brown Resination
    The victims and their families deserve to to have a council leader that listens, and more importantly listens to all residents of the council, rich and poor. Additionally as the council leader Nick Paget-Brown has failed in his duty to protect the citizens under his watch, and to provide them with a safe living environment and to have a leader that can "lead" in a crisis to provide a swift response.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Barr
  • Name the west stand at the Greenhous Meadow "The Graham Turner Stand"
    With a lot of support, we could possibly get this happening and a name change.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Horswood
  • Votes at 16
    Many people are disappointed with the result of the BREXIT vote. Many 16-17 year olds wanted a job abroad, and now may not get them. When Scotland had the independence referendum, they alowed 16-17 year olds to vote. The turnout was greater than the 18-24 year old turnout.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Hancher
  • Support all minority faiths in this country
    In light of the recent terrorist attacks, hatred has risen. The Parliaments must show a united stand against all fractions who wish to divide this country
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Thomas
  • Stop Coca-Cola from Choking our Oceans
    This is important because plastic pollution in the ocean is killing the marine life; whether it is from animals being strangled to animals eating the plastic particles because they mistake it for food. The ecosystem is comprised of so many different moving parts and every animal plays an important role in maintaining the health of the ecosystem. We need to be held responsible for buying plastic bottles, and Coke needs to be held responsible for the plastic pollution they are creating in the ocean as well. It is a two way street! Please sign if you care about keeping the marine ecosystem and the human population healthy because what ends up in the ocean can and will end up on our plates.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brooke Edell
  • National Day of Mourning Petition
    The country needs to mourn properly
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Evans
    Politicians should be held accountable both for their actions and for their failure to act in the best interests of the community they have been elected to serve.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julian Cunningham
  • Firefighters Pay Rise
    Firefighters have suffered the longest period of pay restraint in living memory. Firefighters put their life on the line and their pay is nowhere near good enough for the job they do, and do so well.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Smith
  • Grenfell Memorial Park
    It's important because it's where people lived and died so for anything else to be raised on that land would be disrespecting the deceased and the survivors. Also, it would be a reminder for the authorities of their neglected responsibilities that led to this avoidable tragedy.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shaheen Ayoub
  • Make the whole of the land of grenfell tower a memorial park
    The victims should remember and the land should not be built apon!!
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Jones
  • Make life long anticoagulant therapy free on prescription
    I was diagnosed with a condition called factor v leiden mutation when I was 19. I have to take life long medication to prevent a fatal blood clot. I already have had 3 clots. One of which was multiple and on my lungs. I spent 48 hours in icu and a further 10 days on a hospital ward. After my diagnosis the rest of my family where tested as it is a genetic disorder. factor v leiden is just one condition that anti coagulation therapy is used for. I am 50 times more likely to clot than someone who dosent have this condition.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Turrell
  • Stop the sell off of NHS assets. Ditch the Naylor Report.
    I have worked for 42 years in the NHS and care deeply that it should not be privatised or sold but remain in public hands free for all to use. The Health Service Journal disclosed last week that the Department of Health was preparing to create six regional public/private partnerships covering all of England that would oversee sales of NHS assets (land and buildings). The plan, codenamed Project Phoenix, would see the proceeds from asset sales being shared between NHS organisations and private firms. Under the plan, London and the south-east would comprise one giant, and very valuable, area to speculators. Naylor proposes to make this compulsory. This is so WRONG.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monica Carter