• inequality in planning rules
    When an application for planning permission is refused by the local planning authority, an appeal can be made to the Secretary of State against the decision. However if planning permission is granted either by the local authority or by the Secretary of State (who has no local knowledge) there is no right of appeal. This blatant inequality needs to be removed. In our area there have been totally inappropriate speculative housing developments, granted to a big national builder, when the company appealed to the Secretary of state, after the local planning department deemed the development unsustainable. Currently a planning application for a large housing estate on the field similar to the one shown is going to appeal All we are asking is the same right of appeal for local people as is already given to developers, against a a planning decision with which they are not happy.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Stanley
  • Cash now for victims of contaminated blood
    Common decency and humanity should have made this petition unnecessary. Read more here: http://www.hamhighbroadway.co.uk/news/health/fury_over_department_of_health_delay_allocating_25m_to_contaminated_blood_victims_1_4158234
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by D Braund
  • Stop Facebook allowing people to bully and troll
    I was victim of nasty act from a troll when reported to Facebook they informed me it didn't break any rules. Now they don't allow innocent pictures yet allow people to bully It needs to stop
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kay Bull
  • petition to decriminalise cannabis in england and wales
    It's important not to ignore duty of care, decriminalizing cannabis so that people can use it as medicine for thereselves will elevate pressure away from the n.h.s, boost the economy and help people get off the opium, heroin and morphine based drugs which are getting people addicted or worse though overuse
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dr simon dudley Picture
  • MP's With Private Health Care
    It is vitally important that the NHS remains in Public Hands and not carved up and sold to "health for profit Companies. By suspending all MP's private healthcare it would force them (like the rest of us (their voters/constituents)) to do something about the sell off of this much needed (and loved) Public Asset.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Worship
  • For Alfred Russel Wallace to be included on the back of the ten pound note along with Darwin.
    Evolution by natural selection is one of the most important scientific theories of all time. It explains how living organisms evolve over generations and create new species. Amazingly, not one but two British scientists had this idea roughly at the same time. They both had astounding adventures and suffered great hardship in their search for the truth and yet the contribution made by Wallace has largely been forgotten! It is time for that wrong to be righted by adding Wallace's portrait next to his friend and fellow adventurer, Charles Darwin. There is still time before the ten pound note is redesigned in 2017 and the belated addition would help educate the general public of the truth behind Evolution. London's Natural History Museum have had the vision to belatedly add a portrait of Wallace next to Darwin's statue so I hope the Bank of England will also have that same vision and courage to act. A wrong not righted becomes an injustice!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Curtis
  • Stop Selling Off East Oxford
    The community resources the council seems keen to knock down support a range of groups that connect our community. Without them many vulnerable people will lose support and spaces that they need, and all of us will lose affordable community led activities (including dancing, singing, sports and sewing clubs).
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Taylor
  • Stop ugly hotel in Edinburgh
    Edinburgh is famed for it's beauty and charm and now they want to transform Edinburgh into a city that is as ugly as others filled with these ugly buildings. If this is allowed to go on we will lose our heritage site status. Please help us to stop it NOW
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Wright
  • Who makes the profit on goods that we buy?
    While I applaud Morrisons' move on milk, I think there is a better way of dealing with the pricing of all products. Only then will we see who is making how much money and for what. We can then judge whether we buy a product. This would also work for "ethically sourced" and Fair Trade products - we, the consumers, will decide not the seller.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Cosh
    In 2006, the then Chancellor Gordon Brown put into place a plan that would ensure that by 2016, every home built in the UK would be carbon neutral. The plan, which had backing from homebuilders, architects and green campaigners alike, was scrapped by the government earlier this year. The viability of the plan has been demonstrated by architecture firms and homebuilders who have successfully built many carbon neutral homes already in an affordable and practical way. Scrapping this bill is a huge step backward on the UK’s target to live up to the requirements of the Climate Change Act that state that we, as a nation, must reduce our carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. Currently, the CO2 emissions from housing account for almost a third of all of the carbon emissions in the UK, and this figure is set to rise to more than 50% by 2050 if we don’t make drastic changes to the way in which we build our new homes. Homes in Britain are currently, according to an EU study, among the least efficient in Europe when it comes to heating. This means more fossil fuels being used and more greenhouse gases being emitted. If we could reinstate the zero carbon homes plan, we believe that we could make dramatic changes to this, reducing our carbon emissions by up to a third and getting us well on the way to meeting the target for 2050. If you agree, then sign this petition and hopefully with enough voices calling for the same change, the government will listen and see sense.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Barnes
  • Don't Shoot Ptarmigans
    Because ptarmigan are endangered species
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Gunning
  • Raise the VAT registration threshold to help small businesses
    Small businesses create employment and opportunity and are critical to keep the economy healthy. We need to encourage and reward the entrepreneurs, who take on the personal risks and stress of starting new businesses and help them get off the ground.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Condon