• Bring the MPs pay back down from £75,000 to £67,000
    £64,000 is plenty amount of cash for members of parliament, so why are the MPs taking a large pay rise while the BBC and working families take a pay cut for already rich MPs to get a higher pay check. It's selfish and we must stop it. There pay rise is causing damage to working families and public services (Eg Transport) the BBC is now on its knees
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Whitehouse
  • Insanity of Immigration System
    Whilst Britain welcomes big multinational (tax avoiding) businesses they little guy who works hard, pay's into the system is being victimised because he "doesn't meet the criteria" Read more here: http://home.bt.com/news/uk-news/devastated-american-family-banished-from-uk-despite-building-a-thriving-business-11363992264320
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Hargreaves
  • Stop B-listed Glasgow building being demolished to make way for student housing
    J.A. Campbell architect . Building some of Glasgow's finest Victorian inner city architecture should be protected or at least sensitively redesigned for a modern city amenity rather than being demolished. It lies within the Central Glasgow conservation area, so in principle its demolition should not be approved.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Stark
  • Oppose the Assisted Dying Bill - Euthansia
    If this Bill is allowed to go through the vulnerable in society will be targeted to choose suicide. The elderly, infirm and disabled will be at extremely high risk and we will no longer be able to trust Doctors. The result will be mass murder. Already in Belgium the figures have increased from 235 deaths by assistance to 1,807 in just 10yrs! Do not let their blood be your hands!
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Mayhew
  • Sir Stephen House has to go!
    Sir Stephen House, Chief Constable in charge of Police Scotand has presided over too many failures since the forces creation. The latest incident, where two people sadly died after officers failed to attend their emergency call, is just one sad example of his failure. We've seen case after case of Police Scotland letting the public down. The death of Sheku Bayoh at the hands of the police, the routine deployment of officers with guns on our streets, scaring and intimidating the public. Sir Stephen House as the leader of this failing organisation must now take responsibility.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alasdair Clark
  • Stop charges for vehicle recovery if stolen
    Because it is immoral that any person who has had their vehicles stolen should have to pay an extortionate amount to get possession back of there property, we already have to go through the process of insurance rises and loss of earnings, we understand that if it is not MOT'd, Taxed or insured. fair play, but when it has been stolen from your home, place of work or shopping etc , then in order to get it back you are charged a fee of somewhere between £150-£250 and then daily additional fees on top. We are the victims not the criminals.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wayne Neish
    Here is my letter to which I have not had a reply: Dear Mr Rutley M.P., Today I had a close shave in the Weston Estate park when I narrowly escaped serious injury in a collision with a cyclist. There was absolutely no warning and I can only put it down to intuition that caused me to turn in time. In turning I lost balance and fell to the ground. The cyclist, a youth perhaps in late teens shouted out an abusive comment and rode on. Luckily I fell on the grass verge of the football pitch. It took me a while to scrabble about putting my groceries back into my shopping bag and even longer to get upright. At eighty years of age it is not so easy to get up from a prone position without assistance which in this case there was none. I recall when I was a young boy cycling home from school along the pavement and I was stopped by a policeman. Apparently I was guilty of a number of crimes: in not having a serviceable bell on my handlebars, a front lamp that wasn't working, no chain guard and seemingly most criminal of all - of riding on the pavement. After having had my name and address taken I was cautioned and let go on condition that I address the offences forthwith. I now wonder why bells have disappeared from bicycles and why cycling is permitted in public parks. Another worrying factor is that I could well have received a much more serious upset such as a broken hip or even been the victim of a stroke. I am writing to you to ask firstly, if you can do something about the hazards presented to the elderly by cyclists and latterly bring up the subject of a bicycle proficiency, appropriate insurance and a number plate for identification in the case of an accident such as I have described. I do appreciate that in the light of ever expanding queues at food banks and the latest terrorist activities my complaint might appear as very trivial indeed but nothing is trivial to the OAP lying in hospital with pneumonia following hip surgery. Perhaps if you have no interest in this matter you would be kind enough to tell me to whom I should be writing. I look forward to your reply William J Watters 27 Somerton Road Macclesfield SK11 8SG
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bill Watters
  • Save The Bookworm Cafe @ Bargoed Library
    Many social groups gather here throughout the week such as :- •those with learning difficulties •mental health issues •those of senior age •those who are disabled •the young •etc etc This is a place where a community gathers, all walks of life, no prejudices, just a place where everyone can make a friend and chat with a coffee and sandwich. This place is sadly missed by many people and is also a fabulous resource for the lonely and disadvantaged.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Russell Rogers
  • Bring Speed Restrictions to Plox Green
    Visibility is poor on this junction, particularly turning from Farm Lane towards Minsterley. Children cross this road to wait for the Mary Webb School & Science College bus and Minsterley Motors bus service; they need to be, and to feel, safe. Motorcyclists and car drivers leaving Minsterley see this stretch of the A488 as an opportunity to accelerate, often not respecting even the 60mph limit, which is already too high for this junction. Similarly, Farm Lane serves the whole of the Snailbeach/Stiperstones region and this creates a lot of traffic in the rush hour and tourist season, including bicycles and pedestrians. In term time, there are often children walking up and down Farm Lane. Many drivers approach the last bend towards the Plox Green junction at high speeds. Residents often hear squealing of wheels and brakes on the main road and Farm Lane. Residents have witnessed several accidents on both the A488 junction at Plox Green, and on the approach to the bridge by the junction on Farm Lane, Plox Green. Also, cars coming down the Hope Valley sometimes do not note that vehicles are turning up towards Snailbeach. There has been at least one accident, and much driver stress, waiting to turn right and watching in the rear view mirror as vehicles approach at high speed from Hope. There was much successful improvement made to the road 20 years ago to reduce the number of accidents. This means that cars can now travel at much higher speeds at less risk to themselves. However, there is now a greater risk to vehicles emerging from Snailbeach direction, and children, cyclists, bus users, and tourists. This is a residential cross roads. Please help us bring down the speed limit on this junction.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Bridge
  • Make Norwich City FC a Zero Carbon Club
    Businesses must acknowledge and act on their responsibility to society to reduce carbon emissions. Not only is this a moral imperative, committing to environmental sustainability will result in global coverage for the club, reaching a new level of support among climate activists worldwide. Forest Green Rovers, owned by Ecotricity founder Dale Vince, are currently the only club in European football to have committed to EMAS - the gold standard for environmental performance. To achieve this the club have implemented measures such as: • Installing solar PV along stadium roofs, kicking out 45 kW capacity. • Converting to an organic pitch, partly irrigated by collected rain water, with no use of pesticides or manmade chemicals. • Introducing an e-ticket service to reduce paper use and need to travel to the ground to collect tickets. • Improving biodiversity by growing bee attracting plants. • Switching to low energy floodlighting • Taking red meat off menus and working to the principles of local, seasonal, fresh and organic food wherever possible (Meat based diets are acknowledged as one of the major contributors to global emissions, using up vast amounts of water, land and energy per kg of food produced in comparison to vegetarian and vegan diets.). Let's take our club to the Premier League of Environmental Sustainability by committing to EMAS and becoming a zero carbon club.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rowan Van Tromp
  • Protect DECC funding
    For the sake of future generations and the natural environment, the UK must increase investment in Green energy to change over to a carbon free energy policy in line with Climate targets. We need an efficient and fully-funded DECC to keep the UK's climate policy on track. With so much happening in the energy sector, we need DECC to continue to respond to requests on energy. The government has insisted that fracking in Britain is national policy, and yet they plan to cut the DECC budget by 90% over the next 3 years. Former energy secretary Ed Davey told the Guardian that cutting DECC’s head count so dramatically would damage economic growth and undermine private investment.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Raffan
  • Save Bill Quay Farm
    Bill Quay Farm is a working community farm set over 25 acres in the Pelaw area of Gateshead.It has existed since 1986 but lost its funding from Gateshead council in 2013 and since then has been run as a registered charity staffed by volunteers.All of the farm livestock at Bill Quay Community Farm is rare and indigenous. The farm is a Rare Breeds Survival Trust Approved Farm Park and has several breeding groups of animals including award winning Tamworth pigs, and rare sheep and goats.They also have a small cafe and shop using locally sourced products. In conjunction with east Durham college they also run many courses-my son is about to finish his first year level 3 diploma there-after gaining his level 2 award last year-its a fantastic place to study.And the number of students enrolling is increasing as word gets around. The farm is an oasis of peace for Gateshead residents and many of us have been going there for twenty years or more.But the farm is now in crisis-requiring fifty thousand pounds by the end of August or else it will be forced to close. We are asking Gateshead Council to help fund all or part of this to ensure the farms survival for future generations and to preserve these wonderful rare animals.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marika Smith