• Petition for a whole yorkshire mayor
    Yorkshire is the brand and Yorkshire is our identity. To command loyalty and seize the public imagination the whole of Yorkshire must be included in a devolution settlement. Further, only a united yorkshire can adequately represent us at government and the EU level.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darren Stansfield
  • No Helicopter Crash on Emmerdale
    People were killed by a real event in Glasgow, and there families don't need reminding of this, was a disaster at the Clutha Vaults, it shows the heart of the Emmerdale writers to think of even airing this.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Menellis
  • Create a Neighbourhood Plan now
    We are starting this petition because of an increasing number of threats to Minchinhampton's green fields from developers seeking to profit from turning agricultural land into housing. The Local Plan for Stroud, yet to be approved, will be an inadequate defence against further predatory assaults in our view. The Parish Council claims that those who want a Neighbourhood Plan represent a narrow interest pressure group. This petition is to demonstrate that many parishioners want a Neighbourhood Plan to allow them a say in the future of their Parish.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phil Raby Smith
  • Reduce child poverty in Wales
    Child poverty in Wales is currently at 31% and has been growing for decades. This means almost 1 in three children in Wales are not receiving the basic essential things in life that will help even their children one day get out of child poverty and the problem is getting worse. Failing to do this will see further suffering of Welsh children and they will not be able to reach their true potential in life whilst indirect costs of government such as law and order, social costs and health related costs in future will escalate.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Crutcher
  • Reform the Banking System
    If recessions are to be eliminated from the UK economy the control of money by the private bankers must be ended. Because the more money that they create the more unbalanced the economy becomes.
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Oliver Healey
  • Boris, repay the money you spent on water-cannons.
    The mayor should be held to account for wasting public funds. In 2014 the London mayor spent £218,000 of public funds on three unauthorised water cannons, jumping the gun before they were approved to be used in Britain. The Home Secretary has since upheld the ban on these dangerous weapons, so now London is lumbered with three illegal, expensive machines bought on a whim by the Mayor. Rather than keeping hold of them, Boris should sell off the water cannons and refund the public for any money he's lost us including any cost incurred in the storage of these machines.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roy Saint
  • Ikea UK - end the use of wild animals in your ads
    Ikea have released a series of images and an online advert featuring monkeys and a toucan. On the surface this seems harmless, cute animals being funny with everyday objects. However, wild animals belong in the wild. They have complex welfare needs, and shouldn't be used to sell products. In the UK we have moved past this type of advertising, no longer do we think that the PG tips ads, with monkeys selling tea, are acceptable. In the same way there is an overwhelming sense that circus with wild animals should be banned. Whilst the centre who cooperated with Ikea on this ad will have considered the animals in their care - using wild animals in this way sends out completely the wrong message. Ikea have judged this incorrectly, you only need to look at the comments on Instagram to see this. Whilst some are complaining, others are saying how cute the animals are and how they want them as pets. Something which is totally unacceptable.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Alcock
  • Bring back Merseyway clock!
    This feature was an integral part of Stockport people still look up to where the clock once stood to see the time it is nostalgic as well as practical. Sign this petition write to your MP's
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Norah Cowpe
  • Lord Sewel to be stripped of all honours
    He has ridiculed the system the standards of which he allegedly monitored. see http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/6560352/Baron-John-Sewel-drug-binges-with-prostitutes.html
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Schaefer
  • Free parking after 3pm on Wirral Car Parking & Reduced tunnel charges
    Offer the people of Wirral the same as other councils are doing in different towns and keep Birkenhead as a busy little town. Free parking after 3pm on all Wirral shopping car parks if Perch Rock is still kept free why not offer this to the shopping areas as new development keeps free parking as it busier there but the quite shopping areas have to pay to park What do our MP's Frank Field Angle Eagle To name just two there's plenty more that don't really seam to worry about they citizens of Wirral we pay for tunnel for the privilege of living here it's only the Wirral people that use it to go to work outta the areas
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Kostanczuk
  • Do MPs give us value for money?
    workers are being criticised for underperforming & not giving value for money, resulting in cutbacks and redundancies. This criteria should apply to Mp`s as well. The public have no idea how much time MP`s dedicate to their jobs
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by christopher madden
  • Extend FOI to the charitable sector - ensure volunteers have the same rights as employees
    With loads of scandals appearing on a regular basis in the press, to include excessive executive pay re: Charity Boards, complaints from staff, volunteers and clients and the inadequate response of the Charity Commission the law needs to change.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Calista Harris