• We need Jeremy Hunt MP to get NHS England to fund Vimizin for Morquio sufferers
    It gives Morquio sufferers a better quality of life and prolongs their lives. It is vital. Our 6 year old son Harvey suffers from Morquio and as desperate parents along with all other Morquio sufferers, we really need this drug funded. NHS England could not come to a decision about funding and passed the buck to NICE.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dean Brown
  • There's a housing crisis!
    Am I crazy? Surely giving social housing tenants the right to buy their homes and reducing their rent by 1% every year for four years is good news. Don't be fooled! In the short term these measures might seem advantageous to people living in social housing. In fact in the long term they pose a real threat to the very organisations that provide such housing and therefore to the tenants and future tenants. They also pose a threat to every taxpayer. Who will pay to pick up the pieces when housing associations (RPs) go under? Once lost to a social housing landlord, rent money cannot be recovered. Social landlords will not benefit financially from the sell-off of their properties - people's homes - but will have insufficient surpluses with which to replace them with new housing. Many RPs will have to shelve indefinitely their plans to develop new housing. Much social housing is old and costly to maintain. RPs might also have drastically to curtail their plans to modernise these homes. If they're really strapped for cash, routine maintenance plans will also be adversely affected. The knock-on effects of the Government's plans are serious and wide-ranging. There is a housing crisis! This is not the time to be impoverishing the very organisations that could help to remedy that.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Walker
  • Give supporters a genuine say in how their clubs are run
    Football supporters are unlike many other consumers and football clubs unlike most other businesses. A club is a vital community asset on many levels. It is therefore unsatisfactory that supporters of many teams have to live for long periods with owners and regimes which they see as actively damaging to the clubs they support. In short, supporters need recourse to football authorities. Supporters are driven to direct action or away from their passion and in any number of cases have seen their clubs taken to the brink of extinction before being able to assert a degree of control over the running of their club. It's high time the government and FA gave supporters real whistle blowing powers and backed this up with tough independent investigation and sanctions, (including the removal of the golden share or the right to own and run the business) against those running football clubs in a self interested or incompetent manner.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Jones
  • Make the SNP the Official Opposition.
    It is not inevitable that the second largest party should form the Opposition, any more than the largest single party should form the Government. It is the normal state of affairs, but many combinations are arithmetically possible and from time to time special circumstances may apply. This is one of those times. The interim leader of the Labour Party has stated that having lost the General Election, it cannot and should not vote against Bills brought forward by the Government. This is a fundamental misunderstanding of the parliamentary process at Westminster, and brings the whole House into disrepute. Adversarial politics requires a strong Opposition to hold the Government to account, by force of argument and by attempting to defeat it in divisions. An Opposition party that will not do so abdicates its constitutional role. In fairness, not all Labour MPs agree with the leader's position, and if there were so much as an even split it might be legitimate to leave the matter alone. But the 48 Labour members who voted against the Government's recent Welfare Bill constitute barely a quarter of the delegation, and are in themselves a smaller parliamentary group than the Scottish National Party. The official Opposition should be the largest party which actually opposes the Government. At present, that is the SNP, not Labour. There may be a case for reexamining the issue in September, depending on the result of the Labour leadership election and the policies it pursues thereafter, but that should not stay your hand now.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Will Pickering
  • Make it Accessible
    I am physically challenged and use an electric wheelchair, I find it increasingly frustrating when I ask why a building is not accessible only to hear that nothing can be done because the building is listed. I completely understand that we need to preserve history and beautiful buildings, but how on earth can I enjoy these buildings if I can't gain access, which is surely a BASIC human right? But here's the thing, its not only for leisure that its affecting me, its affecting me in my work. Not so long ago I had to work in a venue that wasn't accessible because it was listed, even the staff were so frustrated at the situation as it affected not only wheelchair users but also elderly, parents with push chairs and suppliers getting supplies in to the building. Its not fair, the law needs changing and can be changed.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Asta Philpot
  • Save College - No to Cuts
    Staff at Salford City College, the area’s leading provider for young people, have been presented with a Business Transformation Plan (BTP) which aims to cut vital services at the college in order to fund a forecast £1.5m surplus per annum in future years. This is despite already having cash reserves of £6m. Although it is appreciated that the College needs to find some funds for buildings and equipment, the scale of the cuts to services is too harsh and may lead to a drastic reduction in the quality of service that Salford City College has to offer young people and other learners in the area. Some areas that will be cut are as follows: · Vital mentoring and counselling support, essential for students with mental health and emotional needs · The sale of land at the Walkden Centre, which will cut provision and ultimately affect access to education for learners in the wider deprived areas around Salford · Cuts to teaching staff where it is forecast they will be replaced with E-Learning, where students will have less time in a formal classroom environment There are also serious concerns that the BTP will conflict with the new OFSTED requirements published in June 2015, which will ultimately lead to a greater level of accountability for teachers and a possible downgrading of the college.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom McCauley
  • Change Norwich City Football Kits
    Norwich City is a club with a great history and the three kits do not reflect a club as great as ours. They are unfashionable, ugly and make a mockery of the players and fans who will have to wear them this season.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Engelsen
  • Bring back the giant christmas tree to southampton
    It is important because it is a traditional Christmas icon thats been part of Southampton's heritage for well over 100 years and the main giant tree standing in the city centre brings joy and happiness at christmas to children and adults alike regardless to any religious issues. It also was lit up at the same time when the christmas street lights are turned on. If you feel like i do about the true traditional spirit of christmas of goodwill and joy to all please vote to bring it back!!
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by rebecca green
    The introduction of car parking fees are capable of destroying years of investment and hard work which has brought New Brighton prosperity, and a reinvigorated economy. The most popular answer in a poll undertaken to ask why people like New Brighton is "Free Parking", next "the best beaches this side of Anglesey"! New Brighton was dying only 10 years ago, but we and the council managed to attract investment from "Neptune development" It might be best to not waste all that time and money by returning to 10 years ago
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter flowerdew
  • End Detention and Deportation of Srilankan Tamils
    Deporting political activists to Sri Lanka poses a serious threat to their lives. The current Sri Lankan government is looking more unstable. The warmonger Mahinda Rajapaksa has confirmed that he will stand in the coming election and the political situation never looked more unstable. A no-confidence motion was passed against prime minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, and was signed by 112 MPs. It has been six years since the end of the bloody war but still no independent international investigation has taken place into war crimes and no justice given to the victims and survivors. The delay in the UNHRC report – which in March was put back by six months – is seen as a delay in justice to the Tamil people, and led to protests by Jaffna University students and many others. But the hoped for democratic breathing space under the new government was short lived. Although earlier this year there was a change of government, the rights of the Tamil minority, and other oppressed people, are still being attacked. Militarisation and land grabs continue in the north and east province, where most Tamils live. Recently, the right to protest was attacked by the government following the gang rape of a schoolgirl. This sparked a countrywide protest against violence against women but the Sri Lankan government is using this as an opportunity to spark up fear that ‘terrorism’ is on the rise. Under president Maithripala Sirisena no major change has taken place to protect political activists in Sri Lanka. They are persecuted for defending the rights of the people and continue to be imprisoned or abducted. Many still go missing and the disappearance list is on the increase. Freedom of speech and the right to protest are under attack. Tamils continue to be arrested on return to Sri Lanka. Suresh Premachandran MP and spokesperson for the Tamil National Alliance even told the Tamil diaspora not to return to Sri Lanka – http://www.tamilsolidarity.org/?p=4138 – Amongst the many returnees who have been arrested, only two have been released. These people were arrested by the Terrorism Investigation Department (TID). The newly elected president not only failed to address the issues of the rights of Tamil and Muslim people, it has continued with the agenda of the previous regime. The state is whipping up fear and xenophobia to perpetuate the military occupation, and maintains the culture of impunity through the Prevention of Terrorism Act. The recent report, ‘The Long Shadow of War: Struggle for Justice in Post War Sri Lanka’, by the US-based Oakland Institute think-tank, finds that thousands of people continue to be missing since the war ended in spite on the government’s promise to engage in a process of truth and reconciliation. Sri Lanka is not a safe place to send back those who have fled that country to save their lives. Deporting political activists back to Sri Lanka puts them at real danger of arrest on arrival, and the high risk of torture, and their disappearance.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by janahan sivanathan
  • start fielding candidates in england
    There was a cry from a lot of places, mostly the north of England, for the SNP to field candidates in England. it would provide people with an alternative to voting UKIP as a protest vote. the many former Labour voters have nothing left to believe in, with Labour and the Tories moving further to the right. it would give people in England hope, that there is a decent socialist alternative, and put the fear of god up the right wing parties.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by eric russell
  • Fair price for Milk at the Farm Gate
    This endless pressure being placed upon the dairy farmers of the UK is about to implode and will bring down the dairy industry that is unique and of tremendous value to the UK , the industry supports thousands of jobs in the rural communities across the UK for every dairy farmer and employee there are over 35 people employed in the service industries that support them, not to mention banking , insurance etc. the usual service industries we all use. The knock on effect to other agricultural sectors will also have major impacts on our economy, environment and the whole infrastructure of the UK countryside. All sectors of the food producing industry are under pressure from world prices, we are unique as a country in that we are able to produce almost 100% of our food requirements if we were allowed to, we also have growing export markets in food and food producing machinery , our produce is seen as the best and safest produced world wide. This export market will also be threatened if the home market is not maintained. UK farmers will turn their backs on food production as we can now grow crops and utilise land for renewable energy production with profitable secure long term income. This would put UK food security under great pressure and we would have a greater reliance upon imports with unreliability of supply and a lack of traceability of our food supply. If you want our unique to the UK, fresh dairy produce, fully traceable farm assured wholesome produce sign this petition and buy 'Red Tractor' assured produce when you next do your shopping. BUT if you want UHT or POWDERED milk on your breakfast and your children's breakfasts tomorrow move on.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rod MacBean