• Fair wages for W H Smith postal clerks
    I don't see why these very hard working people - mostly women - should be on minimum wages. Also they are cutting down on staff so that there are only ever two postal clerks working in any of their sub post offices!! It is very cheap skate to cut down on the number of postal clerks - so these people have to work MUCH harder than they would were there four postal clerks working in each sub post office. and they are working this hard for MUCH LESS!!
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sara Weiss
  • Ending Corporate Welfare
    George Osborne has cut 12 billion from Social Security from the young, the working poor and families. This will plunge many adults and children into poverty. Thus damaging children's physical, mental and emotional development costing the NHS much more to treat in the future. But George Osborne has given away more money for the very wealthy through inheritance tax changes and is cutting Corporation Tax for big business again, without any guarantees they will provide jobs, pay tax or benefit the communities they serve.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Maher
  • Keep pedestrians safe
    This is a blind crossing point, because of the configuration of the junction, and the fence round the adjoining property. It is much used by persons wishing to access the Sherwood House surgery at 9 Sandon Road, many of whom are elderly, disabled, or young mums. I am concerned as Secretary to the local Neighbourhood Forum that there may be a fatality at the junction if something is not done.
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Bladon
  • Keep policing public in Hertfordshire
    Policing is a public service and depends on the consent of the community. Companies such as G4S should not be given police powers to stop and search citizens.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Wilkins
  • Freedom to photograph in European cities
    Imagine if the Old Masters were not allowed to paint pictures of renaissance Venice? Or Sir Christopher Wren prevented Canaletto from painting St.Paul's Cathedral. That's what the European Parliament is considering - making it illegal for the best photographers and film makers to include the image of any modern building in their work. There is growing opposition to this from MEPs - let's make sure it's overwhelming.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Mugford
  • Prime Minister: Don't launch air strikes against ISIS!
    There is sufficient evidence to prove that air strikes are not accurate. We risk killing hundreds of innocent people with the UK's approach of a 'blanket quick-fix' that is air strikes. ISIS is an incredibly difficult movement to monitor, with an estimated membership of 200k. They're constantly moving and growing which makes air strikes considerably difficult and often ineffective.
    142 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nassar Kessell
  • Save Chilterns AONB
    If this development is allowed to go ahead unchallenged it will declare an open season for developers encroaching on protected land. Part of the development is classified as brown fields as it is on the site of the Molins factory in Haw Lane. This was originally a wartime dispersal factory which was placed here with the promise that when it was demolished it would be returned to farmland- a promise that has conveniently been ignored. The factory was situated so that it was not easily visible from the road and rail links through the valley. The new proposal, however, covers far more than the Molins site. It takes a sweep up almost to the crest of Slough Hill, one of a ridge of hills forming the south side of the Risborough gap. It will be highly visible and despoil what is at present and undeveloped area. The hamlet of Saunderton will become a dormitory village. The most concerning part of this proposal is that this is within the Chilterns AONB. Of all the AONB in the country, the Chilterns, just 30 miles from London, is likely to be under most pressure. Other AONB within the London commuter belt (such as those in Berkshire) will also come under sustained threat. A strong swell of disagreement with these plans would warn other developers and councils from making further outrageous proposals.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip Griffin
  • More social housing
    Many people are now having to seek private rented accommodation, due to there being a lack of social housing. They are being exploited by rogue, and greedy landlords, who can get away with mistreating tenants because they don`t have anywhere else to go. It`s common to read: NO DSS, NO PETS and NO CHILDREN ! Are people on benefits commiting a crime by having to accept benefits ?? Landlords are able to dictate terms, increase the rent and give you short notice to leave. We need to have affordable and secure tenancies, not expensive private lets. Previous, and existing governments, have created this dilemma, and they have admitted to relying on private landlords to fill in the gap. Right to buy is brilliant for the people that can take advantage of this opportunity, but, if there is no plan to replace these properties, they are lost to anyone wanting to rent for ever. I believe that the revenue from the right to buy was used to help pay off the national debt; which is very short sighted, and has resulted in the dire situation we have in the housing market now. I would like to reiterate, please, can we have some COMMON SENSE used before any government policies are implemented ?
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Pearl
    Rohingan Muslim refugees are trying to flee from the horrendous violence that the Buddists are perpetrating in their country, offering stories of rape, torture and execution, but an estimated 8,000 migrants have been stranded for months after repeatedly being turned back and towed away by the navies of Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. There have been reports of people being stabbed, hanged and thrown overboard and of fights for food and water. 140,000 Rohingya have been herded by the government into fetid, disease-ridden camps since sectarian tensions with local Buddhists erupted in 2012. What will my contribution offer? By keeping this evil firmly in the minds of the politicians named above, it will be hard for the world to ignore the suffering, and it will encourage the development of humanist schemes to relieve this situation and save innocent lives
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anwar Murad
  • Cruelty Free International Supported By Animal Testing ?
    Cruelty Free International aim to end animal experiments around the world yet are being funded by the Body Shop who are owned by L'Oreal a company well known for the use of animals in their research. Surely this shows a degree of hypocriticsm which needs to be dealt with and resolved. More information can be found at : https://crueltyfreeblog.wordpress.com/2015/05/08/buav-supported-by-animal-testing/
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bea Benham
  • save the last 15% of royal mail
    Scotland is the least profitable area of royal mail business and in recent months royal mail have highlighted that the long term commitment to the universal service could not be maintained indefinitely this would be catastrophic to the businesses' in Scotland and would see mass job loses with in royal mail if indeed the service could not be maintained as forcasted
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Reid
  • Make April 28th TERRY PRATCHETT DAY
    Terry Pratchett is the most accomplished British writer of the late 20th and early 21st century. His novels and their contained philosophy have had a huge effect on popular culture and the Discworld exists in the hearts of millions of loyal readers. Terry's tireless work at the end of his life confronting the prejudice and fear surrounding dementia and the choice to die with dignity mark him out as a truly extraordinary human being and one deserving of a day in his honour.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by STEVE ANSELL