• EBacc is discriminatory towards students with SEN
    The narrowing of the curriculum can only benefit the few, we are moving backwards not forwards. Students who are able in so many ways, but struggle in others, are going to find a system where they can only fail. Just because a student struggles to write today doesn't mean they wont be an excellent business person of tomorrow. Just think: Richard Branson, Winson Churchill, Walt Disney. Albert Einstein famously had specific learning needs and had a terrible memory, he constantly failed to memorize the simplist of things. In a system where students are expected to memorise fact after fact to be tested on whether they have remembered them (not necessarily if they have understood them or can adapt them) even Eistein would be classed as a failure, is that really right?
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Sandland
  • A new parliament building
    In the longer run it will be cheaper, allow for more open democracy, less pomp and ceremony and rebalance to country away from its London-centric attitude
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gareth Gough
  • Better conditions for midwives to retain them after training
    1 in 4 mothers did not get a midwife when they needed one (according to a a survey by the Royal College of Midwives and Bounty) . http://protect.rcm.org.uk/news Pressure on staff leads to low morale and nearly one third of midwives with less than 10 years’ work experience are intending to leave the profession within a year. Over half of obstetric units do not employ enough consultants to ensure appropriate cover at all times. Evidence suggests quality of care is less good at weekends. The rate of babies who are stillborn or who die within seven days of birth compares poorly with the other UK nations and some European countries – and this is just not good enough. http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/public-accounts-committee/news/maternity-services-report/ Do something now. Sign the petition before conditions get to the point where many experienced midwives are no longer there to train the students and to give appropriate care. Sign before we end up with more than 1 in 4 mothers getting little to no support at one of the most important times in their lives.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Kelly
  • Communities First
    This decision was taken at a time when Wrexham is facing severe cuts and public services are under threat. We feel that the local communities in Wrexham should be put first and these funds should be spent on local communities and not councillors allowances.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Mackenzie
  • Save Our Salmon
    Sea Lice numbers in the west coast of Scotland have exploded in recent years as a result of the increasing number of fish farms and their inability to effectively control sea lice numbers. This is not just a seasonal spike, the sea lice numbers have consistently been above the threshold set by the Scottish Government at many locations over the last 8 months, it is now time for the Government to enforce necessary 'cull orders' under section 6 of the Aquaculture Act 2007 Quotes from the Salmon and Trout Association Scotland: "Wild salmon and sea-trout are a key part of Scotland's world-renowned natural heritage, but the latest figures for wild salmon numbers are very poor indeed. We know that wild fish need a huge conservation effort. What we simply cannot afford now is fish-farms like those in Loch Fyne or Loch Torridon pouring millions of mobile young lice into the paths of migrating juvenile salmon and sea-trout. The question for Scottish Government is 'how much more evidence of failure to control lice do you need before you start to use your powers to protect wild fish?'" "Conservation bodies keep being told that salmon-farming is a highly-regulated industry, but regulations only work if they are enforced. Those parts of this industry that fail to control lice must now face robust enforcement action. The statutory powers to control on-farm sea lice numbers to protect juvenile wild fish from lethal infestations exist – they must now be used. Its time for the Minister to tell the inspectors to get tough." The levels are now upto 23 times ABOVE the threshold limit at some locations - action is needed now. Recent evidence shows that one juvenile sea trout was covered in over 500 lice which is unprecedented and almost certainly fatal. further information on sea lice infestations can be found at: www.standupforwildsalmon.org
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by kelvin fraser
  • Protect and Save Robin Hood Gardens
    Listed status would help protect the buildings and green spaces of this world famous and highly significant cultural project, the product of one of the most important socialist design eras of post war Britain and Europe. The estate stands as a pinnacle of positive and hopeful architecture and urbanism across the world, and a reminder that from such catastrophic destruction can be wrought optimism in a system such as the welfare state. The buildings, which offer generously-sized flats that could be refurbished, are of outstanding architectural quality and significant historic interest, and public appreciation and understanding of the value of modernist architecture has grown over the past five years, making the case for listing stronger than ever. The UK's 20th Century Society has submitted a paper setting out why they believe Robin Hood Gardens is a building of special architectural interest, worthy of listing. There is now a real chance to save the building for posterity but only if the Minister hears, first hand, the views of the profession on the architectural merits of these exceptional buildings by Alison and Peter Smithson.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by HUGO TARGET
  • Petition for Action Over the Comments of the Revd Marcus Walker
    A number of journalists and prominent Conservatives have recently, and gleefully drawn attention to the ease with which it might be possible for malicious elements to influence the leadership elections of political parties (parties to whom they hold no affinity). Upon exploration, I was shocked to discover that the idea was initially conceived (and propagated via Twitter), by an Anglican Priest- the Revd Marcus Walker. The following article provides a summary of the Revd Walker's actions: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/general-election-2015/politics-blog/11680016/Why-Tories-should-join-Labour-and-back-Jeremy-Corbyn.html , but does not necessarily give indication as to the full ramifications of those actions (indeed- the author seems unaware of those ramifications). The Revd Walker is effectively suggesting that anyone can interfere in the leadership choice of a political party to whom they hold no affinity. It is hard to understand how the Revd Walker could be so stupid as not to recognise the implications of this. Possibly no party will ever be able to hold a democratic leadership election again- this is how serious his actions are. How can a party ensure that malicious elements be kept out of their own process for choosing a leader? There are only two obvious answers to that: a system whereby only MPs are allowed to vote in leadership elections (a solution which would notably impinge upon the democratic process); or- limit the voting to members only and significantly increase membership rates (so that casual saboteurs are not wont to interfere). Surely the horror of this second option is not lost upon you- it would in turn lead to a situation in which, in principle, the wealthiest among us could effectively buy the leadership of all major parties). Regardless of the Revd Walker's political leanings- this behavior, at best indicates deep stupidity, and at worst, indicates a complete lack of moral fibre. Furthermore- beyond the practical ramifications of these tweets- I was also very distressed by the apparent glee with which the Revd Walker seems to be conducting himself. This in particular, I find extremely unbefitting of the church.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Evans
  • Save London's City Skyline Campaign
    The proposed skyscraper at 22 Bishopsgate is on plot earmarked for the tallest building in the City of London. This site should therefore be reserved for a building of architectural merit and be world enviable. Instead in Karen Cook of PLP Architecture, (the senior architect of the scheme) own admission to the Architects Journal "we didn't want to appear extravagant in terms of cost and design" "I wanted to do something dignified and simple, allowing the other more articulated one-off pieces (such as the Cheesegrater and the Gerkin) to remain special." This scheme will destroy the city views to millions of Londoners and affect London's appeal around the world. This particular site will be of special architectural interest to the public and the proposed scheme does not meet their expectation. The prior superior scheme gained planning permission and is a building worthy in London's skyline. The previous proposal can be found here: http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=375557 Please sign if you wish the proposal be rejected at planning or called in for public inquiry.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip Ross
  • All Public contracts to be made legally "NOT FOR PROFIT" contracts
    Its public money and therefore should be the best value and the most ethical
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by sean daly
  • EU Funding of the BBC
    Because if taxpayers money (via the EU and BBC licence fees) is used to influence the outcome of the Referendum, then the issue of UK membership of the EU, will not be settled properly - and the issue is more likely to rumble on for many years, without proper resolution.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roger Arthur
  • Let mature students access new Masters scholarships
    To restrict postgraduate funding to very new graduates excludes a vast proportion of the population who could undertake Masters level study to benefit both their own career and the academic institutions at which they study. It discriminates on the grounds of age, when arguably some of the most valuable Masters candidates are those with a good level of industry experience who can bring more than just intelligence to their chosen course. Widening eligibility criteria for government funding is essential to allow proper functioning of postgraduate education and research in the UK.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Compton
  • Ban the sale of UK Household and Tuition fee debt
    The sale of debt contributed heavily to the financial crisis that we are all experiencing. Continuing this practice is detrimental to the social and economic well being of the UK.
    126 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Lewis