• Vote For Cuts, Get The Cuts
    We the undersigned demand that in the interests of fairness, equality and social justice that the loyal Conservative boroughs, who voted for austerity and cuts to services on 7th May 2015 should have the honour of bearing the brunt of the £12bn worth proposed for the next five years. In the 2010-15 parliamentary term the inner cities and Labour voting areas suffered much more severe cuts than wealthier Conservative and Liberal Democrat constituencies, especially those with ministerial MPs. We further demand that the disparities of the previous term (2010-15) be overturned in this process over the next five years. There is a proposal for devolution of fiscal powers to the regions of England, but if the cuts continue at the same level as the previous five years, inner city areas may fall into irreversible economic decline, with no help on offer from central government. These areas have also given their fair share to the Treasury over the past five years, and this needs levelling up. Whilst this all appears disgracefully partisan and could be construed as an effort to garner votes, it would nonetheless undoubtedly have had an effect on the outcome of the election. So those who voted with clear understanding of the overall economic plan for the next five years, should now proudly accept their responsibility to shoulder their fair share of austerity cuts for the good of the nation, as they have displayed clear and open support for the proposed cuts to public services through a democratic process. Cutting services to a greater extent in Labour voting areas overlooks another glaring fact. Many people in those areas voted Conservative in both 2010 and 15. If these decisions are partisan and punitive as they appear to be, the many voters who remained loyal to the now incumbent government throughout are suffering cuts to their local services regardless. Fairness, justice and democracy are supposedly British values, and whether or not the disparities in the allocation of austerity measures have been deliberately implemented as an attack on Labour voters in England, this approach is quite simply unfair and undemocratic. By 2020 the Conservative long term economic plan will be complete and the UK will have made a complete recovery and will have "put a bit aside for a rainy day". It would be a shame for all of their most loyal supporters if they hadn't been given the opportunity to fully be a part of that economic recovery. So it's time to roll up your sleeves and do your bit for a brighter future for Britain. Those of us in the inner cities have done our bit, but we're with you all the way. We're all in this big society together! Right? Graphic of local government budget cuts 11/12 (Looks uncannily like the election outcome in 2015) http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2010/dec/14/local-council-cuts-data http://www.theguardian.com/society/2014/jan/30/local-government-cuts-poorest-areas *(Footnote for potential signers: Signing the petition does not necessarily mean that you agree with, or believe in the proposed austerity measures. The campaign is more an attempt to undermine the basic austerity premise that the country is skint, and that we all need to do our bit to help. This is a challenge to the government and their supporters to justify themselves, and bring this question of fairness into the public domain, and hopefully go some way to unravelling the austerity myth for all to see clearly.)
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Richard O'Brien
  • Boycott Russia 2018
    Because FIFA under Sepp Blatter has been unethical, corrupt and evidence points to the 2018 and 2022 world cup bids as being decided by the buying of votes.Quatar would not have been voted for based on logic and evidence as it is too hot to host a world cup
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Damien Conrad
  • Stop building on greenfield sites in Crossways Dorset
    Crossways is a village with a population of 2300 housed within 1000 dwellings. There are currently plans to build 5-700 new homes boardering the south of the village and up to 1000 holiday homes within the Silverlakes development to the west. We are now seeing a number of applications for smaller developments of between 85 to100 additional homes on green land surrounding the village. These combined developments will change the character of the village and surrounding area creating an urban sprawl. If we allow this scale of building to take place we will lose large areas of forest and open land forever.
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Hill
  • Stop Big Business turning Valued Pubs into local shops
    Nice Old Pubs were built where people meet and socialise. This happens to a much lesser extent in shops. Once a Pub is gone another is unlikely to be built in the local area, so destroying the community spirit.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Walden
  • Introduce mandatory media sourcing
    In an age of fear inducing, xenophobic, biased media, retractions, edits and apologies have become far too commonplace in many media outlets. Many newspapers have become a voice of fear and oppression, making claims, particularly about benefits claimants and immigrants, which is spreading fear, discontent and creating hostilities, only for these 'stories' to be found out as lies, or 'bent truths', with retractions and apologies published in tiny, tiny squares in the corner of pages, unseen by most, and by that time, the damage is already done. So this petition would suggest that, like students in universities are forced to, that all media outlets must provide valid, reliable and accessible sources for all of their information. This would mean: *Where they got the information, i.e. a person (and how they verified this person, with links to another verifiable source, unless it presents an obvious risk to the person involved, and that risk can be 100% proved), which website they used (for statistics), links to studies used, etc. *How they verified and cross referenced all information before processing it into an article. *Having accessible links to all sources used, where reasonably practicable. This petition would also like to suggest that when/if an error is made by publishers, the retraction/apology is printed on the front page of their publication. The public gain all news knowledge from the media, and when an article is posted which stirs emotions such as anger, fear, hatred, etc and could be seen to promote xenophobia, racism, etc, it is important that the publishers take responsibility for that and inform the public of the truth. This idea could be the foundation for legislation to keep the media unbiased, truthful, informative and in the public interest. For too long, people have been hurt, shamed, stereotyped and damaged by slanderous and false media reporting, as well as discontent introduced by certain publications who insist on inflammatory headlines stating that we as Britons are being 'stolen' from by immigrants, while running adverts for anti-poverty charities on the same pages. The media needs regulation for public interest, and a public forum should be opened for everyone to express their views, so genuine, positive legislation can be formed to protect the public from being fed falsities and tearing our multi-cultural society apart because of misinformation and fear. Thank you for your time.
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dani Bedding
  • Get international cricket back on terrestial televison
    Sky sports are ruining the beautiful game for the sake of money. Empty grounds, dwindling support and being limited to short highlights on terrestrial television is slowly undermining a great British tradition. We urge Helen Grant to step in and see to it that all sports of "National interests" be given to the masses and not just those who can afford to pay Sky Sports extortionate monthly charges.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Ibison-Steele
  • Remove monarch as head of state and head of church (CoE)
    The majority of the seats in Parliament are currently held by upper-middle class white males who attended public school and therefore do not represent the average Briton. David Cameron is related to the Queen (fifth cousin once removed). Thus, both the head of state and the head of government have only a vested interest in maintaining the status quo, i.e. the maintenance of the richest 1 - 5% in positions of power in the United Kingdom. The citizenry of the UK deserve representation in government. The Queen needs to be removed as head of state and, ideally, to be replaced by a president, elected by and for the people of the United Kingdom.
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Josh Bealey
  • We Want Political Education
    This is important as without political education or information then some young people do not believe that voting or which political party in government affects them. Politics has changed over the past decades, more people are interested in activism politics and not traditional politics. Without political information being given to young people early then they can have this knowledge for the rest of their lives. In the past, politics was past down from generation to generation, but now this isn't happening then the education needs to step in with advice. Education would be on how government works, voting systems, role of MPs etc, in order to keep the ability for teaching to be unbiased then it will not include information on ideology and political parties. Without political information then who knows what might happen in the future, will voter turnout drop like it did from 1997 to 2001? Sign this important petition to get the secretary of state for education to listen!
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Johnson
  • Don't destroy the BBC
    The BBC is a crucial public service broadcaster in Britain and across the world which millions of people rely on everyday. We call on you to protect this British institution by ensuring it has the necessary governance structure which is free from interference and the required resources to remain a strong, independent and inspiring broadcaster.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Souter
  • Ivf funding for asexuals
    I think its unfair that straight couples and gay couples can have ivf funding but an asexual person who wants to be on their own cant have ivf funding. I want to change that i think asexual people don't have enough rights either and their needs are just dismissed just because people think its weird or wrong for them to not want a partner. I want equality for asexual people. I want asexual people to be able to have a family to. Why should we not be allowed to have a family just because we are not part of a couple. Also some asexuals are actually diagnosed as infertile and it is a shame to be denied he right to be a mother. To make ivf funding avaliable for asexual single people. I think its unfair that straight couples and gay couples can have ivf funding but an asexual person who wants to be on their own cant have ivf funding. I want to change that i think asexual people dont have enough rights either and their needs are just dismissed just because people think its weird or wrong for them to not want a partner. I want equality for asexual people. I want asexual people to be able to have a family to. Why should we not be allowed to have a family just because we are not part of a couple. Also some asexuals are actually diagnosed as infertile and it is a shame to be denied he right to be a mother.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stacey Vosilius
  • The public should be able to fire MP's
    MP's are paid out of taxpayer revenue - the vast majority of MP's are the product of a selection process in which the public plays no part - so we extend them a considerable degree of trust when we believe they will work in the best interests of their constituents and the wider UK population. When it becomes apparent, either through assessment, admission or exposure, that this trust has been broken we should not expect these people to fall on their swords or allow them to be dealt with by their party - we need an empowered body who can terminate their employment and if necessary, refer their conduct to the police.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bernie Connarty
  • Bring Awareness about HRT Premarin
    Premarin is a form of HRT, widely prescribed to alleviate symptoms of perimenopause. It is harvested from pregnant mares using a catheter. The mares live their entire lives in a stall and forced always to stand up. They are repeatedly impregnated and their foals are killed at birth.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georgia Morandi