• Rebuild the Carlton Tavern
    Foreign investors (CLTX is an Israeli-based development company) should not be allowed to ignore with impunity local regulations in this country, relating to the development of sites which already have historically important and locally cherished buildings on them. If this action goes unchallenged, it may set a precedent and then who knows what other buildings and places of historic interest will be targeted and ruined?
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Awdry
  • Universities Stop Fleecing our children. Reduce Student Accommodation Costs
    The accommodation charges levied by UK universities on students today are astronomical and out of balance with those charged by the private sector on tenants. Most universities charge thousands of pounds for a single room smaller than the average kitchen. In many cases a student’s accommodation charges exceed their maintenance loan and this is on top of the £9000 a year tuition fees. The price charged for student accommodation is putting an intolerable burden of worry and debt on the student and their families who have, in effect, already paid for the accommodation through their taxes. This is leading to many students being forced to remain at home and attend the local university or not attend university at all, to theirs, and the nations, detriment.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David sables
  • Telegraph Newspaper - Apologise for Misleading 5000 SME UK business Conservative testimonial
    The letter was shown to have been written by owners of small UK businesses, instead many of the "owners" were non existant, no longer owners of the businesses, or simply denied that they ever signed anything. It is important for the integrity of both the Telegraph group and the Conservative party to apologise for the misleading article, which appears to have been deliberately created to be deceptive.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Sneddon
  • Justice for murdered child
    The victim deserves justice to be brought against her murderer (no matter who that is). Allowing the Metropolitan Police to hide crucial information prevents this and sets a precedence that protecting a murderer is acceptable. This petition aims to do the right thing by Joyce and her remaining family and looks to prevent such cover ups from being made in the future.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kylie Byrne
  • Children Against Global Warming
    To halt the warming of the planet which is getting dangerously near to the 2 degree 'tipping point' unless something is done in the next 5 to 10 years. This is a petition set up by 12 year old 'Laurel' who presents her appeal at cagw-uk.org. Rightly she is concerned about her generations future if we continue to ignore the warning signs of climate change. Laurel is now becoming a leading campaigner and spoke at the recent climate change march in London which can be seen on You Tube. This is a petition not just for children but for anyone who is concerned for their future, and that of the planets,
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Smith
  • STOP Paypal Operating within the UK
    For those of you who don’t know this, PAYPAL IS NOT A BANK. It is officially classified as a "Money Service". Therefore, PayPal does not have to follow Federal Banking Guidelines. These guidelines are in placed to help protect an individual's bank account from being frozen without warning, explanation, or recourse, for months at a time. Sadly, PayPal continues to do just that, to thousands of PayPal accounts, every month. There are numerous stories from Ex PayPal Employees and Managers who resigned because of PayPal’s business practices, as well as thousands of detailed horror stories posted all over websites about people being Robbed, Abused, Unfairly Treated, Lied To And Cheated By Paypal. Why is the goverment allowing this company to Operate in the UK? Every day there are tons of emails from people who thought they could trust PayPal with their business only to discover, as so many before them already have, that there account has been limited and their funds frozen, money held, or money pulled right out of their account. These people placed their trust and livelihood in PayPal's hands only to be told that their accounts have been locked indefinitely without appeal. Explaining your version of what happened, in most cases seems to make no difference. PayPal can refuse to provide you with detailed information from their investigation and does not have to disclose documents they relied upon to make their decisions. You can expect to wait AT LEAST 6 MONTHS before you see your money again. In some cases, the wait time can EXCEED 6 MONTHS and run into a shady Grey area, where "NEVER" Seems To Be A More Realistic Time-Frame. People who complain about it have reported experiencing terrible Customer Service including extra long hold times, delays, and dead-end auto-responder e-mails. 100,000 COMPLAINTS OUTSTANDING AT PAYPAL. In many instances disputes can run on for months leaving people frustrated and out of pocket as they are unable to access their accounts. A common allegation is that the company brushes off or stalls customer grievances for months and meanwhile freezes the customer's account and pockets the interest (So that's how they make their money!). No wonder they freeze so many accounts! When you open a paypal account, you agree to allow PayPal to play Judge, Jury and Executioner in every dispute situation. Your money is taken from a customer’s credit card, or paypal account, and transferred into a paypal account, not your bank account. Make No mistake about it: PayPal profits handsomely, earning interest on the millions of dollars left sitting inside thousands of frozen paypal accounts. From worldwide users vast experience in trying to get Paypal to pay them their rightful money is that PayPal completely ignores user complaints, phone calls, faxes, & email, but does respond to government investigators and private lawyers. This company requires a Full stop and not welcome to trade upon holding UK citizens money illegally. Please sign this petition, share on Facebook and on Twitter, tell your friends and family most particularly those who have businesses and who use Paypal. They may well have had no problems so far, but this can happen without warning and so quickly and without justified reason.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leonard Davies
    All main party leaders should acknowledge the reasons for, and make urgent plans to adequately address, the current crisis in the teaching profession so that teachers are allowed more time and freedom to teach our future generations, rather than spending endless hours on pointless paperwork, worry and illness. I have been a primary school teacher for 13 years but now work as a supply teacher only, having left contracted teaching some five years ago due to stress and illness. The education of young people today is being jeopardised by the unmanageable workload now placed on teachers, much of which consists of pointless paper exercises that seem to serve little or no purpose. There is also a genuine fear of the inspection process which stifles the creativity needed for the best teaching and learning to take place. How can a teacher give of their best and inspire young people when they have no life outside of schoolwork? They have nothing new to bring to the classroom and no energy to excite young minds. It is no wonder that so many newly trained teachers leave the profession so soon, nor that so many retire early. Teachers should be allowed autonomy, without having to constantly provide proof of their expertise. Under such circumstances, recruitment and retention of very good teachers should improve dramatically. Surely, the following article in the Independent would have been signed by far more than 1200 teachers, had the opportunity been available. I know that I would have signed it: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/teaching-profession-headed-for-crisis-as-numbers-continue-to-drop-and-working-lives-become-unbearable-10203085.html Sign this petition if you are a teacher and you agree with the contents of the article in the Independent.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina Pritchard
  • Show HSBC that we're not putting up with threats!
    After years of consecutive scandals: LIBOR , money laundering, currency exchange manipulation, tax evasion – and that’s just from the last four years. HSBC announces this week it’s reviewing whether to move its HQ out of the UK. If they move, not only will the UK lose billions in tax revenue, but it could also prompt others to follow suit- hugely damaging the UK’s financial industry. As a customer I’m disgusted. HSBC generates $16.1 billion revenue in the UK, and pays a modest $2.4 billion tax on the money it makes. Yet despite these favourable arrangements, and despite the UK being its biggest market, it decides to make these veiled threats. HSBC point to a wave of regulatory changes, and the prospect of Britain leaving the European Union, as to the reasons behind its decision. I understand the concern stemming from the UK leaving the EU, but to point to regulatory changes, changes that in no way go far enough, and changes that were brought in because of the rampant criminal behaviour across the banking sector, as a reason, beggars belief. I say let HSBC move its HQ. And when it does, HSBC customers should move too – move to another bank. If HSBC can throw around threats without regard for its millions of UK based customers, then we need to show that it can’t. Sign up now and let HSBC know that you’re willing to make threats too - that if it leaves you’ll move to another bank, one that’s based in the UK, and one with more regard for its customers.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Byron
  • Say no to Sports Hub in Greenbelt Walton-on-Thames Riverside
    The site is 50 metres from the river Thames in a peaceful part of the river in Walton-on-Thames. Between the site and the waters edge sits the Weir Hotel, a public house that was built in 1856 and is frequented by many on a summers evening. The floodlighting will delete the night sky, causing so much light pollution , the bats that use the Thames Corridor for navigation will become confused. A noise survey was carried out in 2012 by the Weir Hotel proving the bats are here. The constant noise from 6 football pitches, 4 rented to the public until 10pm every night will cause noise pollution and destroy the ambience of this area. This proposed site is Council land and Elmbridge Borough Council are applying for planning permission for themselves. Please help us stop them.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by teresa desantis
  • Keep the NHS free at the point of access
    Obesity is a threat to good health and is best controlled through exercise. Diabetics can lower their blood sugar levels with exercise. Exercise also improves mental health. (Exercise releases a hormone - Serotonin - which reduces depression.)
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Santanu Pal Picture
  • Scrap Trident and its replacement
    An amount of £100billion has been touted to replace the UK's Trident Nuclear deterrent. It is important to scrap this for two reasons: 1) The amount of money involved is vast and can be spent in other much more needed areas, such as schools and hospitals. More importantly this money can be used to fund the British Armed Forces and buy much needed equipment. 2) We no longer need a nuclear deterrent. Wars and battles are not fought with nuclear weapons but with men and modern equipment. Any future deterrent should include a well equipped and modern army.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by graham jolly
  • Call for your local candidate to support a "Robin Hood Tax"
    The Austerity programme the last coalition Government implemented, has hit the poorest and most vulnerable in our society the hardest. You might have noticed that the economic crisis and the recession have left a massive hole in the UK’s public finances. Frontline services and jobs are at risk. Many other developed and developing countries face a similar struggle. The financial sector is responsible for a big part of the mess we're in. So our merry band of hundreds of thousands of Robin Hood supporters believe that banks, hedge funds and the rest of the sector should pay their fair share to clear up the mess they helped create. For more information, use the link. http://www.robinhoodtax.org.uk/
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Ball