• Motion of No Confidence in Conservative Government
    In the past five years under a Conservative/ Liberal Democrat coalition, many things have changes, and the majority of them not for the better. Austerity, we are told, is our only option, but instead of taking from the top and putting the squeeze on people living extravagant lifestyles, the welfare system for the poorest, most vulnerable, youngest and the disabled has instead been hacked away at, pushing millions into poverty. University level education is once again moving towards being for only the privileged few at £9000 per year, pricing out many who wish to study key subjects such as medicine, sciences and teaching, pushing the remaining doctors, nurses and other NHS employees, research scientists and teachers to their limits as no fresh talents enters their job pools. The NHS itself is being broken apart and is failing on so many levels, with many points of service stretched beyond breaking point, staff overworked, underpaid and undervalued, money cut from an essential public service where the alternative is one of the most expensive outgoings possible, and completely unrealistic to expect people to pay in times of austerity. We are also facing rising cost of living while wages stagnate, making life a struggle for those who work full time hours and do not qualify for any benefits or help, and with rising food, electric, gas and fuel prices, it is not a surprise that so many families are being forced into poverty, not to mention the younger generation who are trying to strike out into the job and property market for the first time, only to find their wages do no cover basic living needs and the job market is stretched beyond belief, with hundreds of people applying for single job positions, all desperate for a job while the Conservatives gleefully cut away at their support with a mantra of "If you had a job, this wouldn't be happening." The truth is, our country is broken, and further welfare cuts to the disabled, the vulnerable, the young, new mothers (statutory maternity pay is one of the items on the list the Conservatives with to get rid of, leaving even working mothers with nothing while they recover from having their child, and leaving no time to bond with said child,) and those seeking jobs that simply are not there, not to mention the victims of ATOS, a system which recalls claimants who have lost limbs in case they will grow back, and that declares cancer sufferers fit to work on their death beds, and has driven people to suicide. This all on the back of the fact that Iain Duncan Smith, a man who refused to take part in an experiment to see if he could survive on £58 per week (JSA), as he knew full well he could not, is being investigated for human rights violations in regards to the cuts to disability benefits and ATOS, along with the disastrous 'work for your benefits' schemes which were found to be unlawful. The whole point to this is, unfortunately, due to fear and a lot in part to media manipulation, we have a government who is utterly out of touch with the working class, and refuse to cut from their own pockets for the good of the country. Lowering the 50p tax rate, tax cuts for the richest, the richest in Britain being able to double their fortunes in 5 years, bankers bonuses still being awarded despite it being them who started this ball rolling for the recession. And all of this while children are going to bed hungry because their parents cannot afford the rising cost of housing, food, petrol, gas, electricity, essentials. This is why I submit that a vote of no confidence to this Conservative government. This government is out of touch with their electorate, and have benefited from misleading the general public. Now, it's time to take a stand a form a national government we can all be proud of. We need a government that looks out for the interests of the many, not simply of the few, and we need our messages to be heard. We need welfare cuts to stop, and bankers cuts to start. We need financial equality, and we need more public forums and public meetings from the government to address national and local issues and help to deal with them effectively. The era of being locked away behind a black door needs to come to an end. Politics needs to be for the many, not simply for the few.
    133 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dani Bedding
  • Make the Tax Credits Helpline fit for purpose
    As a hardworking parent I know how important this is. A recent change to my wages led to me trying to get through to the Tax Credits helpline to report my change in circumstances. After 3 weeks of trying, giving information to the automated system and being told they were too busy, or getting through to a queue and kept on hold for over a hour then unceremoniously cut off I was frustrated, anxious and left with a large phone bill. I resorted to writing to HMRC and did eventually also get through on the phone, however the information I had given them was applied incorrectly and again I was left trying to contact the helpline with no success. I have since given up, however I know of many people in vulnerable situations who are finding the extra pressure of this unbearable, it's time this system was made fit for purpose.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Frater
  • Proportional Representation
    The outcome if the 2015 general election has shown how unfair the present system of first past the post is - the UKIP party received over 3 million votes and only got one seat in Government and yet the SNP got half that number of votes and got 56 seats!! How is that fair representation? The voices of a huge number of voters are not being heard. This has also affected all of the smaller parties - they are not being heard either.
    86 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jane Chandler
  • Scrap "First Past the Post"
    The General Election of 2015 shocked me. The SNP claimed 56 seats and got 1,454,436 The Liberal Democrats claimed 8 seats and got 2,415,862 HOWEVER UKIP got 3,881,099 and yet only retained ONE SEAT. To me this doesn't seem fair at all. Many times today I have heard people thank goodness UKIP has only one seat as they are a "racist extreme party" or heard the odd person comment that they are glad Greens only have only seat as they are "a bunch of tree huggers whose policies don't make sense". If you don't agree with a political view of a party then you every right to express that as your opinion. What I don't find acceptable is the attempted smothering of many voters who have voted for these parties and won't hear the desired people in Parliament simply because their support wasn't concentrated in areas. Are we just supposed to ignore nearly 4 million people who have voted UKIP (more than SNP and Liberal Democrats put together may I add) because there votes weren't in the right places? What about the Green Party? 1,156,149 votes, 300,000 short of the SNP yet they only get one seat as well. We do have democracy in this country in this country and we are lucky to have it but now more needs to be done so everyone's opinion through out the country will be heard. Let's do something sooner rather than later. Of course this is only a rough idea and perhaps some may find faults in it but I suggest that the seats gained in Parliament is simply awarded by proportional representation. The local constituency vote should be separate to the national vote with the local consistency voting for a politician who will work in the local area and communicate with their own party about findings and suggestions for their area to bring up in Government but won't have anything to do with being a MP or voting in Parliament. LET THERE BE CHANGE SOONER RATHER THAN LATER.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by holly newman
  • Legal high regulations
    Every year hundreds of people die as a result of the readily available legal highs, many believe that as the substance is legal, it is safe. It's quite the opposite in fact. The exact ingredients will never be known, and we are unaware of the effects of theses substances. However, despite this, the council still proceed to licence shops selling legal highs. No age restrictions are in place. A child as young as 5 could purchase these lethal drugs, all at the owners discretion. I for one am not going to sit back and watch more and more children become another death statistic. By making it illegal to purchase these substances under the age of 18, we can start minimising casualties. Tight sentences and fines should be implemented to anyone found selling legal highs without a license or to anyone with out verification of age. The fight back starts now.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lara Fergie
  • Saving Iraqi Heritage
    We would like your support to stop the destruction and trade of Iraqi antiquities. Iraqi artefacts are of critical importance, not only for the region but the heritage of the whole world because they are more than 5,000 years old. This illicit trade in stolen artefacts could be worth 7-10 billion dollars worldwide and is possibly second to the arms and drugs trade. In Iraq, the artefacts are going through neighbouring countries such as Turkey and Jordan and then passing through transit countries that act as markets, final destinations might include US, UK and Switzerland. We are asking the UK government to:- 1 - implement the UN Council Resolution 2199 of 2015. and have recently asked the Iraqi government to:- 1 - set up a database of artefacts (demolished and remaining) and all sites. 2 – register all sites and have a trained police force to protect them. However, the Iraqi Authorities are lacking the expertise and resources to do this as ISIS occupies some of the sites so are not under the control of the Iraqi government. If there is no demand for these ancient antiquities then there will be no supply. Now we would like your support to condemn this destruction of our heritage and add your names and signature to our list of supporters.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Porter
  • Stop Forcing Lariam on British Troops
    The reason behind my urgent appeal is because this medication is the cause behind so many soldiers suffering from mental health breakdown. Responding to the new statistics published recently, General Lord Dannatt, former head of the British Army, said: “It is extraordinary that the MoD continues with this policy given the mounting evidence as to the harmful effects of Lariam. The MoD should decide as a matter of urgency to no longer prescribe Lariam but use some other malaria prophylactic.” I thoroughly agree with this because it is very wrong to put our loyal troops through this predicament which is very much uncalled for. Therefore I implore the Ministry of Defence to ban the medication and not prescribe it to our troops with immediate effect. You can read more here: http://www.channel4.com/news/labour-vows-review-after-994-troops-stricken-by-lariam
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Torres Picture
  • Lets end the Parking nightmare for residents in West Hampstead!
    Parking on weekends in the CAQ zone on Medley and Iverson Road is already a nightmare and is set to become even worse when the new developments and shops open. While we support the growth in the area this problem needs to be remedied NOW before the new developments open. I've lived in West Hampstead now for the last 8 years and LOVE the area. While i fully support the growth in the area i am some what worried about parking going forward when the new blocks open on Iverson Road and West end lane. I live on the lovely road medley just off iverson. Parking has always been tricky but in the last few months it's been near impossible to park near by due to the building works taking place during the week (for the new developments) and the farmers market on Saturdays. Sundays are less problematic. I am however aware that this will become even more tricky once the new flats open. As it stands i'm aware that the new blocks haven't been granted residents parking but that if restrictions aren't enforced now for Saturdays then parking will be near impossible at the weekend. With that in mind i have been talking to neighbours and we want to start a petition to enforce restrictions that parking in the CAQ area for Medley and Iverson is brought forward to Saturdays also (as it is in highly populated areas in the CAP area).
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicole Taylor
  • End Breast Cancer Now through Breastfeeding Awareness
    One in eight women develop breast cancer in their lifetime. If breastfeeding can help reduce the risk of breast cancer, then women need to know about that. According to the research, women who have breastfed have a 5% increased chance of not experiencing breast cancer in their lifetime. The numbers become more significant for women who have already been diagnosed and women who have already beaten the cancer once – women diagnosed with cancer who have breastfed can expect a 28% reduced risk of dying from the disease while women who already survived it have a 30% chance of not seeing the cancer recur if they have breastfed. This information is important, given that one in eight women are diagnosed with cancer. It could save more lives if more people know about it. I am requesting the Department of Health to look more deeply into this research and create campaigns around it.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beverly Tarver
  • Demand Divestment at the Tate Gallery
    For over 100 years the Tate gallery has displayed contemporary and traditional British, and contemporary international artists. It has become a cultural cornerstone in Britain's art scene and has a responsibility to defend the interests of the people to whom it represents and receives funding from. As we face the greatest moral dilemma of our age, private and public institutions alike must take responsible actions on behalf of billions of people worldwide, present and future generations. The production and consumption of oil, coal and gas is not sustainable and will have devastating effects if left at its current monstrous rate: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2015/apr/10/how-much-fossil-fuel-are-we-using-right-now As shown by The Guardian's 'Keep it in the Ground' campaign, dubbed 'the biggest story in the world' an estimated 1/3 of known oil reserves, 4/5 of coal reserves and 1/2 of gas reserves must be left untouched if we are to remain below an already dangerous 2 degree rise in global temperature. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-interactive/2015/mar/16/the-biggest-story-in-the-world The time to act is now. We must divest from these archaic, destructive institutions, and we must begin by showing them that they no longer have a place in this world if it is to remain habitable. BP is still demanding that fines that are yet to be issued are cut due to a proposed lack of finances, and must be made to take responsibility for their actions. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12124830 http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/02/03/us-bp-trial-idUSKBN0L724420150203 Oil spills in the Gulf of Mexico and Azerbaijan are devastating symptoms of a greater, catastrophic disease, condemning the inhabitants of our planet to agricultural and financial collapse, fracturing an already fragile ecosystem on the brink of collapse. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/gallery/2015/apr/18/bp-deepwater-horizon-oil-spill-five-years-on-gallery http://content.time.com/time/video/player/0,32068,83190883001_1987392,00.html It is an industry that you subsidize, an industry at the forefront of corporate lobbying, an industry that supports undemocratic trade 'agreements'. It is time to take a stand. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/04/business/04bptax.html?_r=0 http://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/press/speeches/energy-for-europe-time-to-reflect.html This is just one small step to the greatest of victories. Your comments, suggestions and actions are welcome. Thank you for visiting.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Marshall
  • Give Children A Choice In Religion
    In a society with freedom of or from religion, it is unfair and abhorrent to force religious views onto children and young people-- especially in schools that ostensibly welcome those from every walk of life.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Jackson
  • Stop the cuts to the police
    The British state will no longer be able adequately to protect the public from criminals and the growing threat of homegrown terrorists if the Conservatives push through their plans to cut further into police numbers. The coalition has already slashed the police budget by around 26% over the last five years, at a cost of 35,000 officers, and has signaled its intention to maintain that rate of cuts. New figures from the House of Commons library show that if Tory spending cuts announced in last year’s autumn statement – which would lead to public spending falling to just 35% of GDP – were applied equally across un-ringfenced departments, they would lead to the loss of 29,900 police officers and 6,700 community support officers by 2019/20, bringing the ratio of officers to population to its LOWEST level since records began. David Cameron says "But crime has fallen". I think you will find "Recorded Crime" has fallen. This is because of a loss of faith in the police by the public to report crime, officers managing to tactically write a job off as their workload is already piled sky high and with response times dropping massively the incident is normally done and dusted before an officer is ever on scene. The police rely on metal "Operation in progress" signs instead of physically patrolling an area as they don't have the resources. Villages at left in harms way with a response of 20 minutes at times due to shutting local police stations and removing the community's sense of being "safe". Unpaid special constables are being relied on to back up the front line, they are merely paving over the cracks as they are under-trained. The police is at breaking point, stop the cuts, before its too late.
    139 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Wing