• Scottish Gov to stop routinely arming police officers
    Despite gun crime being at a 34 yr low, officers are now being armed as a matter of routine, I for one don't see the logic in that. It would seem that the Police Scotland Chief Constable and the Secretary for Justice have over-stepped their remit by not putting this to a parliamentary debate. And we the public have not been consulted. Democracy ?
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jacqui McIntyre
  • Palestine--Not in my Name! Cameron
    Genocide is wrong and i can't sit back while Cameron condones it in my name...
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jimac Macphie
  • amendment to law, addition to CPR
    This may save many hundreds millions pounds in cost to the justice budget. This measure may prevent at least 50% of all bankruptcies being made. The tyranny and torture imposed upon families who have faulty and incorrect warrants and legal documents issued upon them can be reduced by 50%, by having a proper check list in place, with proper sealing procedures. Millions of fellow citizens are suffering unjustly, by a faulty system that can be used in a corrupt way by immoral and greedy traders and corporations. mis -cases trouble
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by lee cant
  • Sensible Energy Tariffs
    Fuel poverty, Climate Policy, Energy Security, Resource Depletion, even the Balance of Payments Deficit and much-needed support for energy efficiency, they all argue that we need to encourage LESS energy use. But we have tariffs that generally encourage more. Meanwhile billions of our money has been proxied into the complex UK smart meter project for homes, which the Germans decided was a very poor investment. We could achieve something better, something fairer for society simply by inverting the way that tariffs encourage more energy consumption.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Jones
  • Make MEPs tell us what they do
    I asked the MEPs for the North west what they did, by email before the last election, only two of them out of 8 replied, only one with a thoughtful response. I am prepared to believe that some of them work hard to earn their money but I receive no direct evidence of them representing me on a day to day basis. We have a website 'theyworkforyou' that tells each of us when our Mps ask a question in the House of Commons. Using this as a template, it ought to be quite cheap, given the resources of the EU, to set up a system that keeps all EU voters better informed.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret Ingham
  • Ethical Sponsorship in Football
    Football is traditionally a working class sport with a significant proportion of supporters being of a low income background. This is particularly the case where Blackburn Rovers FC are a relatively small club, where the majority of its fan base is in Blackburn itself. The town arguably has more social deprivation than many in the UK, and as such, the population is likely to be more vulnerable to be taken advantage of by fee charging claims management companies, debt advice companies etc. Blackburn Rovers FC is the most important organisation to the town of Blackburn in the 21st century, and there is therefore a moral duty for it to reflect the needs of the community around it. The football club would gain significant respect if it were to display charities such as the Citizens Advice Bureau and Step Change or an ethical private company such as Payplan on its shirts. This would be a statement that the club acknowledges the level of financial difficulty a large proportion of the town and its fan base faces. It would also encourage other football clubs to do the same where fans are feeling increasingly distanced from their football clubs with television deals coming into hundreds of millions of pounds and accusations of tax evasion now commonplace.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Godley
  • Abolish Road Vehicle Licence Tax
    It is an outdated tax that now has no other function than to support the department that administrates it. The equivalent income to treasury could be added to the price of petrol at the next budget at zero financial cost.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Jefferson
  • Boycott Israeli illegal settlement produce and business
    Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories cause harm and poverty to Palestinians, and are an obstacle to peace in the region. Israeli settlements are illegal under international humanitarian law. This is important because the Palestinians are currently under violent attack and need resources to rebuild their lives, home and future. They cannot do this if their produce are stolen from them and sold to the Americas and Europe. According to a study conducted by Dr. Majid Sbeih from Al-Quds University for the Democracy and Workers’ Rights Center in Palestine, 82% of Palestinian workers have the desire and willingness to leave their jobs in the settlements, provided that a suitable alternative is available. However, suitable alternatives will not be found as long as the Palestinian economy is under occupation. We are calling on companies to withdraw investment in and end trade operations with Israeli settlement businesses.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shah Muhmud
  • All MP's should donate their 11% pay rise to charity
    At a time of austerity, when almost a million people per year in the UK depend on food banks and when the average wage is stagnating, it's completely inappropriate for MP's to be getting a pay rise. We are not 'all in this together'. http://www.trusselltrust.org/stats To be fair to them, most MP's have already criticised the pay rise. Let's make sure they put their money where their mouth is.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Khalil Secker
  • The BBC should report what's happening in the world and the UK not what it thinks we should hear.
    Next time it may be an issue you feel strongly about that is reported less than fairly. You may not agree with my politics but everyone on 38 degrees seems to agree that we should always get the best information. On the 15th of July there will be 1000's protesting outside the BBC. See if they report it, because they did not report the 10,000 outside the Israeli embassy last Friday.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by karen bett
  • EPSRC, do you still cover up academic fraud in the UK?
    EPSRC is a branch of Research Council UK, the largest public funding agency in your country. It supplies hundreds of millions of pounds in funding every year. See www.epsrc.ac.uk. The pretense is that this money is given to Research Organizations with adequate procedures to tackle scientific fraud. This is not so. In fact, fraud in publicly funded research has promoted the careers of incompetent people at British Universities. I know most of you won't know much chemistry, but there is Wikipaedia to check up simple scientific facts: what would you think, after checking that aluminum sulphate is Al2(SO4)3 and phenol an acid, I told you that two academics at two of the top five Universities in the UK wrote a research paper where they gave phenol as an alkali and aluminum sulphate as AlSO4? (Pst! Now that you are at the Wikipaedia site you could make a donation... ;-) ) And remember, corruption only spreads...It is therefore in your interest that public funding is not abused. Also, by claiming that organisations funded by EPSRC have procedures to deal efficiently with fraud lends legitimacy to such institutions when dealing with people they have damaged. For example, I want to confront EPSRC with a range of allegations which includes those made in this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2umhkGxHbasY241U3huLUZQTzA/edit?usp=sharing in an example case which still affects me.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Federico Talens Alesson
  • Job Centre staff should have DBS cover
    It is important because everyone who works with vulnerable adults and children should have a DBS check and be vetted. Why should there be rules for us and rules for them. Surely if I as a teacher have to have a DBS check paid for and a certificate in my hand before I set foot in the building I am working in then so should they. If you have been to the job centre recently you will notice that it now looks and feels more like a drop in centre. It is full of despairing people , hopeless lives trying to get out from under. I feel it is paramount that the staff not only have DBS checks complete prior to working there but they also need extra training and to have regular skills up dates too. The job centre is a difficult environment to cope with for the best of us these days but particularly for the vulnerable in society more so. And ironically most of the vulnerable people in society are unemployed and they are on the verge of becoming homeless and suicidal as a consequence of these punitive and unreasonable cuts. This is why the staff need to be properly equipped and show a professional duty of care.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by thomas wilson