• Lower University Tuition Fees to reduce UK debt
    Students cannot afford tuition fees. It's not ok for them to have to pay huge debts when they start to earn a living wage. It is not ok for graduates to have to stay living at home for many years after graduating because they cannot afford to rent or buy.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joanna Crane
  • Stop Referring to Migrants as 'Illegal'
    It has been almost forty years since the UN recognised that referring to migrants as 'illegal' is dehumanising, discriminatory, and above all, incorrect. Since 1975, the UN has used either 'undocumented' or 'irregular' to refer to migrants that 'do not fulfil the requirements established by the country of destination to enter, stay, or exercise an economic activity'. As Editor-in-Chief of the BBC Tony Hall has the mandate to implement this change and correct inaccurate reporting. The BBC continues to use the term 'illegal' with no justification. A headline as recent as 15 May 2014 reads: 'Illegal migration to EU rises by nearly half'. As a public service broadcaster and influential media organisation the BBC ought to abide by its own clear editorial guidlines that say: 'We...are committed to achieving due accuracy in all our output...Impartiality lies at the core of the BBC's commitment to its audiences'. Unfounded discrimination against migrants is a clear breach of these standards. Human Rights Watch recently observed, 'The term “illegal”...reinforces prejudices about nationals of a particular country or persons of a particular race.' The term incorrectly suggests that migrants are criminals and encourages prejudiced views about those individuals. Cecilia Malmström, European Commisioner for Home Affairs clarified the issue in 2010. She said, 'Let me be clear about my vocabulary...illegal migrants do not exist. People may come to the EU and might be required to use irregular ways...but no human being is illegal'. This petition supports the use of the word 'undocumented' instead of 'irregular' as 'irregular' retains connotations of otherness and deviation from a perceived norm, marking individuals as abnormal and continuing to estrange migrants. For more information see: http://www.hrw.org/news/2014/06/24/dispatches-why-we-should-outlaw-illegal http://picum.org/picum.org/uploads/file_/TerminologyLeaflet_reprint_FINAL.pdf http://www.un.org/esa/population/migration/index.html
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Bevington
  • Stop loud aviation at Bristol Balloon Fiesta
    The four-day event every August is Europe's largest balloon fiesta, and is a celebration of a gentle and fairly low-carbon way of getting up in the air. It's a wonderful sight to see the balloons in the sky above Bristol. As such it is a lovely event that local people can support and be proud of. Having a helicopter flying noisily around disturbs the peace of the area, going on all day long on an otherwise peaceful summer weekend. Visiting fighter jets make a horrendous noise for tens of thousands of neighbouring residents, and terrify wildlife. The jet that buzzed over for 20 minutes on the Friday afternoon this year made a deafening noise, shook the earth, shattered the peace over a wide area, and left the unpleasant smell of burnt aviation fuel. These noisy forms of aviation burn huge amounts of fuel, flying in the face of Bristol's credentials as European Green Capital 2015. The extreme noise they produce is at odds with an otherwise peaceful and beautiful event.
    114 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Bill Roberts
  • We need constructive dialogue regarding Kadcyla
    This drug is a last resort for many people suffering from Breast Cancer, it provides a quality of life to sufferers who may be left with more aggressive forms of treatment. It can extend not only the quality of life but the length of time remaining to sufferers. Sally Greenbrook from Breakthrough Breast Cancer said ' It is a brilliant drug but hugely expensive' ( BBC News 08/08/14) More info here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-28688311
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Kirby
  • Send Urgent Aid and Vital Self Defence Materials to the Yazidi People of Iraq
    This is a humanitarian crisis on the same scale as Rwanda or Srebrenica. The Yazidi people are being hunted down purely for their beliefs
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Borris
  • Balfour Day Service
    Because I used to go there but can't because of the 2005 criteria set by managers in council
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daren Terry
  • NO charges for contacting the Police
    The charging of citizens for contacting the Police for non emergency calls is counterproductive as it deters people from reporting suspicious activity. It is also grossly unfair and unjust to ask people to pay twice for a service that should be available for everyone to use. Charges for non emergency calls are listed here: https://www.gov.uk/call-charges
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Riley
  • Stop unnecessary non recyclable food packaging by Sainsburys
    Our beautiful planet is being choked in waste detritus from human beings. It is constantly in the press about this and that hugely expensive way we could dispose of it. Surely the answer is to not produce it! Supermarket packaging appears to continue to increase to the stage where you can buy hardly any fruit or veg in particular without it being unnecessarily packaged in some way. I think we should boycott such food and give the mighty supermarkets the message.
    150 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Carol Clifton
  • Save Doseley Wildlife Habitat
    The area is one of abundance wildlife and varied plant life and wild flowers. It holds a huge population from shrews to badgers. Aquatic life,songbirds, grass snakes, slow worms, common lizards, adders, it is regularly used by members of the local community and walkers. There is a public right of way/footpath which it seems developers want to incorporate into their site, the pathway existed in 1840 for certain and possibly before. This area also forms part of the Dawley Heritage trail. Road access is poor as is street lighting and it would create a significant hazard having the entrance impede the junction with an historic railway bridge which is currently suffering from vehicle strikes even now.
    106 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Victoria MacLean
    The current floor to roof height is low and a passenger is not going to always realise that the height of the vehicle is low that they will bend over and duck their heads to sit in the rear of the bus, especially as all buses other than this newly introduced bus have relatively ample head height when accessing all bus seats. A passenger made a complaint that they literally hurt themselves experiencing neck and head pains approximately 3 days after the incident, that they felt the need to make a complaint after stepping up on a step to access a rear seat they hit themselves firmly on the head on the low floor panel of the bus. Contrary, to the findings of the Automotive Engineer - Defects Investigation, Andrew M Tudor, in his letter dated 4 August 2014, who feels "VSB accepts that the head room at the rear of the vehicle is restrictive, however, this should be clear to occupants, as the roof panel remains level, the floor level raises as it progresses down the bus with a number of steps in it and the view clearly shows that the amount of head room for the rear seats is restrictive." Obviously, this statement that VSB accepts is not the case for all passengers travelling on the bus that choose to make their way to sit in the rear seats for any reason, which in the case of the person that made the complaint was to sit in one of the only available seats on a crowded bus.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Lanning
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by NICOLA BOWE
  • Boycott Israeli Products
    Hamas is regarded as a 'terrorist' organisation because it is fighting the Israeli blockade of the Gaza strip. If the blockade was lifted, there would be no need for Hamas to fire rockets into Israel, and thus no reason for Israel to continue with its programme of ethnic cleansing in the Gaza strip.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave de Santis