• Ditch the salt on Happy Meal Fries
    Parents want the best for their children's health, and we don't want them addicted to salt which can lead to health issues. There is plenty of salt that is harder to remove from their diets, but not coating their fries in salt is a simple action that we can take in reducing their salt intake.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clare Seek
  • To secure a piece of land for the community
    The above narrative explain how important is this
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amal Basu
  • Reduce threshold for qualifying petitions
    A recent petition against the closure of Sure Start children's centres containing 6,000 signatures was insufficient to trigger a debate in full Council. This stifled debate and thus undermined democracy. 1500 signatures should be sufficient evidence of widespread public feeling on any given issue and therefore should be enough to trigger a debate in full Council.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by robin symonds
  • Fair Pay For Nurses and other NHS Staff
    Lets get nurses and other hardworking grassroots NHS staff the pay rise they deserve. MPs have had a 10% pay rise in the last year, cost of living is said to have gone up by 13% in the past year or so, yet nurses have been refused a 1% pay rise. Some hardworking nurses are having to visit food banks to get by, is this right ?
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luke Hipkins
  • Parents in reciept of PIP care componant should receive Free School Meals
    As a person entitled to the Higher rate care componant, I receive an 'allowance' towards my own additional costs, but not the additional costs I have to pay for the care of my children. This is yet another example of society forgetting that disabled people can be parents too.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Tilly H
  • Ban Luis Saurez for life from playing in English football
    Luis Saurez has proved himself to be a poor role model and ambassador for the sport on a number of occasions. 3 biting incidents are by far the worst examples of his behaviour, but he is also well known to dive, kick out and break rules such as handball with impunity and then celebrate the success of the team after doing so. I do not want my children to watch these acts and believe that they are acceptable in the field of sport.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andy Gray
  • Manslaughter option for death by dangerous driving offences
    I believe that as a prosecutable offence the sentence available for manslaughter would be more of a deterant than the current sentence for death by dangerous driving.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Bradshaw
  • Get FIFA to give Luis Suarez a lifetime ban
    Because he has done it before and will undoubtedly do it again and no player should be able to get away with a blatant assault such as this for a third time. Three strikes and your out in my opinion. Not to mention the health issues involved as well that can be spread through biting someone else.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Worship
    This is extremely important issue as it is the governments first step in it's attempt to take full control of the internet in the U.K.. If they accomplish their goal... the internet will no longer be the fantastic tool for research, education and just about everything else we like about the internet?.... If the government takes control of the internet... you may as well switch it off and go back to watching the soaps & B.B..... which is exactly what the government wants us to do....... become the non-questioning, obedient couch potato, that does what it's told, when it's told, and NOTHING else!.............is that what we want or deserve?... I know I don't.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicholas Denby Picture
  • Say no to Amazon taking over Tube station ticket offices
    Amazon has avoided tax in the tens of billions of pounds and it is inappropriate for them to be given such high profile locations to promote themselves and sell to the public whilst starving the public purse of much needed tax revenue and taking advantage of job losses at TFL with the closure of ticket offices.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by chris smith
  • Help wildlife stop cutting verges
    Bees and insects need every bit of help that we can give them or we loose their pollination of our food crops. We should be planting wild flowers all over the verges to help increase numbers. Saving money by not cutting the verges until late Autumn and only then if it was really necessary.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Avril Green
  • There is no point to The Point
    The future of Milton Keynes should be more than preserving a few teenage memories of a gloriously tacky icon to consumer culture. Let The Point die an honourable death rather than a slow slide into irrelevance.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Fenton-O'Creevy