• EU: Leave Google censorship notifications alone!
    The Internet is the world's greatest platform for free speech. I accept the need to censor a few things, but not the need to do so in secret. Far from it. Why should the applicant have an automatic right to censor another's work without being held accountable for doing so?
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Wilson
  • End Systematic Political Corruption of politicians and mega corporations
    These companies (only a very few of which have been named and shamed in the press, and that is ALL they have suffered as the politicians are still doing nothing about it!) are pouring money out of this country, with full collusion from our politicians who are clearly doing nothing to prevent it. I would not be surprised if the entire deficit could be paid for by legislating to stop the sicking levels of tax fraud and evasion.. Next time you check your wage slip, ask yourself if you are ok for a portion of your tax to go to some fat cat corporation owner so they can have a slightly bigger yacht in the med..
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve hunt
  • Remove VAT from children's shoes
    Parents are often paying this tax for ten years; during which children can need three pairs of shoes a year. This is an unreasonable burden on household budgets already under strain.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann Goddard
  • We want ethical care for our elderly & disabled people in North Somerset
    We believe that elderly and disabled people in our community deserve the best possible level of homecare to help them live independently and with dignity. In order to make this happen homecare workers need to be treated fairly and decently so they can do their jobs to the best of their ability. UNISON are therefore calling for this by asking North Somerset Council to adopt our ethical care charter. Across the country too many people who need care and too many care workers are not treated with the dignity they deserve. A number of other councils such as Islington and Reading have already done the right thing and adopted UNISON’s Ethical Care Charter. Please add your name and ask that North Somerset Council take responsibility for ensuring better care for our elderly and disabled people and for better treatment of our homecare workers. We are all going to need care at some point in our lifetimes, it is only right that the people who need it and the workers who provide it are treated with dignity and fairness. For updates visit www.northsomersetunison.blogspot.co.uk & follow @nsunison on twitter or North Somerset UNISON on facebook.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Thornton
  • Save Strood's Bryant Road Library
    It's in quiet place here.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daren Terry
  • Save Strood's Bryant Road Library
    Because The Library here is quiet and 302 people petitioned against the move and The Council took no notice of 5000 signed signitures We had tones of meeting with them still no notice was taken We have to stop them David Cameron would not interveen with the Medway Council our Facebook page get ignored so what next please
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daren Terry
    Following the recent bout of flooding, yet again affecting many householders and businesses on this Island, we now believe it is time to make our voices heard. We want and need to get results from Essex County Council, Castle Point Borough Council, Canvey Island Town Council and the Environment Agency, to ensure that the present infrastructure of drainage is upgraded to be able to cope with the increasing number of homes and businesses on the Island and to ensure proper maintenance of the pumps around the Island keeping them fully operational at all times. Too many people have been affected too many times by flooding that could be avoided. Loss of personal belongings, damage to buildings and property, losses to businesses - this is a problem that will not go away without these agencies addressing it fully and that time is now.
    99 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Earl
  • End the ARMS TRADE
    Self evident to anyone with a conscience
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Ireson
  • Re-link the UK's State pension with earnings or inflation, whichever the greater.
    It’s important because if it had not been for our War veterans, none of us would be here today. People should support my petition because we should respect our elderly people. And we should fight on their behalf. I started my petition because Britain's elderly people have been forgotten. If enough people sign, Parliament will be forced to discuss the issue and put it on the media spotlight.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Michael Thompson
  • No house building on London's Green Belt
    London is a huge city which could spread out for many miles more if allowed to. The Green Belt was created to allow Londoners to have some fresh air and nature, trees, plants and animals which is vital for our mental and physical health. London does not need to be any bigger than it already is.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Almeida
  • Stop HGV's and Buses using Queensway
    Constant flow of children in area. The road serves 3 Primary Schools and 2 High schools. The present speed ramps do not deter vehicles to slow down in fact the opposite. A 7.5 ton weight limit would stop lorries and buses and Chicanes would reduce the speed of all other vehicles
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Dick
  • Bring back our kerbs and pavements...please!
    Rosenau Crescent and many areas of Wandsworth where this pavement and kerbstone replacement "work" is being done by council contractors are handsome streets where residents care about their environment and work hard to make it look good. Many are designated Conservation Areas. Pride in one's surroundings is an important part of being a healthy human being. The council is destroying this important part of residents' lives and has not bothered to reply to many letters and emails of complaint over several months. There is no accountable democracy here, only institutionalised vandalism and blatant disregard for the electorate. Nor is the council's "long-term solution" to tree roots disturbing the paving effective. Within several months of laying tarmac the pavements are so uneven that the trip hazard is worse than ever. We have spoken to one of Britain's top arborialists who says the trees are unsuitable for the site and that, in any case, they need replacing at their age. We need the council to replant with appropriate types of tree and replace the pavements as they were. We have asked repeatedly over many months where Rosenau Crescent's historic granite kerbstones have been taken and had no response from Wandsworth Council. Council contractors are still taking these away.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Louise Ireland