• One price for all
    A) Equality B) support rural areas C) support local communities by keeping open small fuel stations D) helping businesses and individuals to budget travel costs wherever they live - not by asking oil companies to lose money, simply to create a level playing field.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan Humphries
  • End Telephone Number Withholding by Telemarketing Companies
    Companies phoning up without leaving a telephone number makes it impossible to effectively report them to Telephone Preferance Society etc. There is no reason for commercial firms to have the facility to withhold the number they are calling from, so the facility should be withdrawn as so many of them abuse it.
    185 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nick Godwin
  • Hold Banks and bankers accountable
    It is important for the people of this country to know that no one is above the law. The current situation where the tax payer is bailing out the financial institutions is intolerable. How did banks end up selling and purchasing unsustainable mortgages if no fraud was committed.
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by David Nicholson
  • Stop cuts to legal aid.
    We need to protect are criminal justice system. The government plans to cut 30% from the cost of high court cases and 18% in other crown court work. Barristers and solicitors need to recieve a fair wage equal to the demands of the job. They are not nearly as high paid as those working in civil law, yet they are the ones ensuring the protection of our fundamental rights and guaranteeing that all are fairly heard. The demands of the job need to be properly remunerated; already they are thin and asking for more is unjustifiable. The courts, our criminal system and the people will suffer at the expense of the budget if this is allowed to go ahead.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joshua MCCAFFER
  • Why can't we cash in our small pension pot?
    Vast numbers of people are frustrated by restrictions on cashing in small pension pots, forcing them to take incomes of less than £5 a week, or in my case £72 a year! Government rules restrict us to taking just a tiny slice of our money, when we could cash in an amount of £2,000 or more, making a real difference to our lives.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Sencier
  • Whitemoss Landfill Western Extension - Say No to Toxic Waste
    The World Health Organisation's Declaration of Human Rights talks about everyone having the right to clean air. This development thus infringes upon the basic human right because it will have a 24/7 burn-off of gases. With Stocks Hall Nursing Home not 100 yards away, football pitches where hundreds of children play right next door, and houses looking onto it, vulnerable people, children and families are under threat of losing this basic human right, not just in the surrounding area but further afield too because of prevailing winds and underground water courses and extensive old coal mine workings. Strange odours already exude from the existing tip and can be smelt in the area, so obviously these emissions, with an unknown cocktail of chemicals, will adversely affect public health. People in the area have not been notified because of a loop-hole in the law as it is a national infrastructure plan rather than a local plan the latter of which would go through normal planning application processes with proper consultation. So local people have not had much time to raise objections before the dead-line of 11.59 p.m. on Friday, February the 28th, 2014, but the feeling of opposition is strong that there is a rising tide of protest.
    299 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline Smith
  • Families For Clean Air
    Pollution, even from Defra approved stoves, invades neighbours' homes and has a significant, detrimental effect on their well-being, especially those with conditions such as asthma. Neighbours are unable to open windows and vents and it is impossible to remove the accumulative pollution. There is no safe level of particle emissions.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by fiona stevens
  • Review legislation that creates by-ways
    In the area that I live in north Wales there is a large network of by-ways principally due to old drovers and other historical routes. These are now all open to motorised vehicles and are being destroyed by large numbers of trail-bikers and off-road vehicles. This use is unsustainable, dangerous, unregulated, uncontrolled by the police or local authority, and is resulting in significant damage to the countryside and our historic heritage. Furthermore where large numbers of vehicles are frequently used the routes become too dangerous for other user groups and so walkers, horse-riders and cyclists are excluded.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Knight
  • Make the BBC allow comments on their Scottish politics stories on their website
    The BBC are shutting down debate in a profoundly undemocratic way. If they don't open up their website to all comments they will be accused of bias in favour of the British establishment. The people of the UK deserve a fair and democratic national debate, and the people of Scotland deserve the right to ask questions and discuss opinions. If this situation was happening in Syria or Ukraine it would quite rightly be criticised as unjust by the BBC, yet they practice this gagging of their own people in the UK. It really is a shameful way to behave.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by tom Duffin
  • Co-operate with the Co-op
    The Co-op, in all its dealings endeavours to be fair, and is a breath of fresh air when compared to the big banks and businesses. We will regret it if this long standing institution is allowed to fall now, when help could be given to save it.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Pasha
  • Bring Bradford into line with other Councils
    I think it speaks for itself as to why it is important. Bradford Council claim to be in line with all other Councils. How is £85 in line with £10 for exactly the same thing? The Council made 3.33 million pounds doing this in the council tax year 2012/2013. Un-waged people are struggling just to pay council tax they also have to pay bedroom tax if they are renting privately, benefits do not take these taxes into consideration and neither do Bradford Council. Bradford Council have already announced Council Tax rises for the 2 years to come. During the Council Tax year 2012/2013 Bradford Council summonsed 1 in 4 households for Council Tax. With the current economic climate more and more people will be summoned as less people are able to afford to pay Council Tax, why should people already struggling be charged £85 per summons whilst others are charged only £10 for exactly the same thing?
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenny Priestley
  • Allow people to choose their own water supplier
    "Competing companies have a clear incentive to get all of these elements right, so consumers do not take their business elsewhere.This puts them under constant pressure to improve in order to win and keep customers, and to gain market share. At present, water and sewerage services in England and Wales are not subject to this kind of competition. Most consumers are served by one of 21 monopoly companies. Only large business consumers can switch supplier if they can get a better deal elsewhere." (p. 3, "Putting water consumers first – how can we challenge monopoly companies to improve? Water today, water tomorrow" - http://bit.ly/1k53LjF ) Checking that all the 21 water companies do meet the basic service standards is not acceptable when the documentation unveils that some of those companies are often not able to even meet the targets set (as Pollution incidents sewerage, Serious pollution incidents sewerage, Pollution incidents (water), Discharge permit compliance, Water supply interruptions - hours per total properties served and Internal sewer flooding incident often appeared to be below the customer expectations or, worse, significantly below target or expectation for the year 2011/2012). [source: http://www.ofwat.gov.uk/regulating/reporting/rpt_los2012table] Nevertheless, as customers we are unable to counteract the poor customer service, the rising costs for water and sewage as we are forced into a contract with the company serving the local area. Further reading here: http://www.ofwat.gov.uk/pricereview/prs_web_1007pricelimits http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2487626/Dont-water-bills-ministers-plead-suppliers.html
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roberta Saliani