• Abolish political parties to reinstate democracy
    We must take steps to improve our democracy. Our MPs are generally elected through a deal with the devil. Well, I say devil but I mean political parties. In order to gain money for campaigning and to gain the votes of people who vote along party lines, most people who want to become MPs are forced to join political parties. Unfortunately, if they do get elected then they are now in the pocket of the party that helped them get there. They have to obey what is known as "the whip". This means following the party line. They are no longer free to represent the views of their constituents - instead they represent the views of the party. Political parties are also open to lobbying. Big business and trade unions can suck up to the political parties and tempt them into adopting policies that suit them. Now your MP is not just failing to represent you - they're actually representing other interests entirely that may be anathema to your views. The role of an MP should be to represent their constituents. It is so rare that this is the case. Far too often, an MP's main relationship with their constituents is to send them the party line whenever the constituents ask for representation and deluge the constituents with leaflets around election time! This is not how our democratic system should work. The abolishment of political parties may seem an extreme step but I believe it is necessary if we are to have members of parliament who fulfil their remit and represent their constituents. Please sign this petition and pass it on. We can at least show our MPs a sign that we want real democracy in this country.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Stewart
  • Stop the Building of any new Nuclear Power Plants in the UK
    We have seen what can happen when things go wrong in Japan and Russia and there is nothing they can do to stop the Contamination.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Cowell
  • Solar Britain
    It's clear from the constant debate about household energy bills, that the British public are unhappy with the way energy is being managed in the private sector. There is also concern about relying too much on fossil fuels which pollute the environment and are expensive. Wind farms in the right places certainly help, but the potentially cheaper and less controvertail way to produce energy is with solar panels, which have improved greatly in recent years and are now much cheaper to produce. The facts and figures are irrefutable: If most rooftops, including factories, warehouses, supermarkets/shopping centers, stations, schools, hospitals, libraries etc, as well as appropriate household roofs, were fitted with solar panels, we would generate more than enough energy for our needs. In order to achieve this, the main energy companies may need to be renationalized, because it is the 'profiteering' mentality which tends to favour fossil fuels. Clearly there will be costs to the public purse, but we are already paying huge costs in the form of energy bills. With longer term planning and an economy deriving most of it's energy from the sun, energy costs will plummet to an all time low, not to mention the cleaner air and healthier environment! Many jobs would be created, especially during the main installation period and we could even manufacture new panels ourselves, creating further jobs and lowering costs. Come on Britain! Let's dare to dream a better future.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by paul moss
  • Diclofenac the Vulture killing drug is now available on EU market
    Diclofenac is a powerful anti-inflammatory drug that has wiped out vulture populations in India, Pakistan and Nepal. Now, a repeat of this ecological disaster is threatening Europe. Despite the fact that safe alternative drugs are readily available, Diclofenac has been authorised for use on domestic animals in Italy, and in Spain where 80% of European vultures live, and is now becoming widely available on the EU market. According to experts in SEO/BirdLife (BirdLife in Spain), RSPB (BirdLife UK) and the Vulture Conservation Foundation, this may cause a European mass die off of endangered and ecologically valuable wildlife. Vultures have long suffered from unfavourable public opinion in Europe, but as species that are built to do the dirty work of ecological recycling, they are essential to the health and well-being of ecosystems. In Europe, four rare vulture species exist and are continuing to face threats to their survival. Egyptian Vulture is listed as Endangered by BirdLife on behalf of the IUCN Red List of Species while Cinerous Vulture is listed as Near Threatened. Fortunately, thanks to decades of conservation efforts and millions of euros invested, vulture populations are recovering. The introduction of Diclofenac now puts these efforts and investments in jeopardy. In India, Pakistan and Nepal, Diclofenac was regularly used in the 1990’s to treat cattle. When the animals died, Diclofenac remained in the body and was eaten by vultures, causing their almost immediate death. In about 10 years, the vulture populations in these countries has declined by 99%, bringing some of the most common and iconic large birds of the Indian subcontinent to the verge of extinction. This also led to serious human health consequences as the availability of unconsumed carrions led to an increase in stray dogs and spread of diseases such as rabies. Thanks to joint campaign efforts from the RSPB and its partner SAVE, Diclofenac has been banned in India and we are beginning to see signs of recovery for the Indian vulture population. The EU and its Member States have a legal obligation to conserve vultures under the EU Birds Directive and EU Veterinary Drugs legislation that require avoiding ecological damage. An immediate ban on veterinary Diclofenac is needed to protect our vultures from the fate of their Asian cousins, and would also send a crucial signal encouraging African countries to stop the spread of Diclofenac, which is already affecting the highly endangered populations of African vultures.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Gilbody
  • End endemic racism in the media, film, tv, theatre & fashion industry
    BME people are significantly under represented in all forms of media, even though 1 in 6 people are of an ethnic minority in the UK. The endemic racism that exists in the TV, fashion, film, theatre, media & advertising sectors has been tolerated for too long & things have to change. Please sign this petition to ask the media & creative industry to stamp out racism & rethink its use & portrayal of BME people!
    87 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessie Jacobs
  • Fame 3rd season
    Because the 1st and 2nd season is already out on DVD i think the fame series should continue to be brought out on DVD BOX SET until it is finished.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by victoria nicol
  • Reintroduce the local link 406 bus service!
    The decision to cut the service, ignored public opinion and contradicted the local authority's own comments just a few years ago, when in a press release it was announced that ‘due to a high number of passengers using the Local Link 406 service, these buses will run half-hourly rather than hourly on a three-month trial basis’ – So why remove a much needed and required service for local people! A local link bus service, like the 406, not only helps address the ever increasing number of cars on the road, thus reducing the cost of road repairs each year and burden on the local tax payers, enables people to be able to travel around the city and visit commercial premises, thus supporting the local economy, but more importantly helps reduce harmful pollution and impact on our city's environment.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darren Fower Picture
  • National service - a very bad idea
    National service "conscription" was introduced leading up to WWII and was abolished 15 years after WWII for good reason. It did more harm than good to those who were forced into a minimum of 2 years service. For many it would have been easier to spend 2 years in prison but then they would still have had to do the term of service after. Many got out by faking long term illness, or by suicide but the rest had to get on with it. Those who endured the grueling 2 years of service and survived the regime mentally unscarred were few if any and a generation were brought up by the men who endured their time in service. It has a long lasting and generational effect on society. where cruelty is a tool for training those in service like electric shocks on a lab rat. A reintroduction of National service "conscription", serves for cheap labour for what ever means the government of the day sees fit and with those having to serve, forced to do what ever training the controllers set. There is no benefit for the individual to serve a term of service and no long term benefit for society. although those presenting the bill will disagree it is something that is so abhorrent to any critical thinking free person that someone should be enslaved for a period of time for what ever reason. if you are reading this on face book please sign
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by nikki mitchell
  • Protect Assistance Dogs
    All dogs should be on lead at all times on public paths/pavements. These dogs are our lifeline and if they are injured severly enough that they cannot work, it is so traumatic for dogs and their owners also we can wait up to 2yrs for another dog to be found and trained to suit our needs All that time without our lifelines. So please sign and kelp us keep our dogs safe
    233 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Irene Fyfe
  • Ken dodd for Knighthood
    Because he has stayed true to his roots and fights for local campaigns
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Frost
    I am amazed that with all the damage the current Government is doing to our great British institutions, like the NHS, education, public services generally and now the BBC; with all the protests by GP’s, economists, unions, teachers, the government pushing ahead with its privatise everything dogma, we have no new party standing up for the things 38 Degrees members and many other believe in. We need to challenge the political system as a whole, which no longer represents the people of this country, but has become self-serving and the instrument of special interests. If we simply wait for the election in 2015 with no alternative to the current parties, our great British Institutions could be dismantled by then and once broken up and sold off piecemeal it will be very difficult to put the pieces back together. No party is calling for these assaults on our society to be stopped in strong enough terms- not Labour, not any party.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Schaffer
  • Take away the world cup final from Russia.
    We must fight bullies wherever we find them
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Wingham