Israel appears to be gearing up for War in the Middle East by striking at Iran false flag or not. We will not be dragged into this forced Armageddon/World War III with war mongers. The ONLY way forward is Peace.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by julie lowe
  • Action On Fukushima Now!
    Chernobyl was a 30% meltdown, it was also 1/3 the size of the smallest containment failure at Fukushima. When you add in the horrendous 'Mox' fuels, the many hundreds of thousands of spent fuel rods and the instability of the whole site with it's six compromised reactors and numerous shoddy contaminated water storage tanks, Fukushima is a monster worthy of attention and great respect, some 20 million times the potential of the Chernobyl disaster. It has already released 10,000 Chernobyl’s into the Pacific Ocean and the Whales have stopped singing completely. Dealing with Japan's leadership and TEPCO'S inability to progress this situation is vital. We are already 3 years into the projected 6 year time frame that will see the complete break down of vital and interconnected systems supporting all life in the Pacific ocean due to uncontrolled highly radioactive releases directly into the Pacific waters. The sheer magnitude of the problem is matched only by the certainty that the type of contamination released from the plant is unsurvivable for anything it comes into contact with, if not immediately then over time. Our World is in fact under the very real threat of being stripped of many of the vital attributes that make it inhabitable and the Nuclear Industry has shown it's self to be completely unaccountable. There is an iceberg of Data supporting my view that should be shared and taken seriously. There has also been a concerted effort to play down the dangers and a sea of misinformation surrounding the issue has been allowed to flow freely around in the mainstream media. So far, even testing and scientific data research has been sporadic and actively discouraged, with any data gleaned thus far being actively spun to render the results less alarming. Air, Land and Sea...Fish, Grain and soil, Young and old alike..in fact all life from the smallest to the largest forms across the planet will in time fail to flourish in accordance with their natural 'God given' potential, the kind of mutations we can expect are already starting to show in Sea life in the Pacific and along the West Coast of the States and this is only the very start. There are already plenty of examples of problems for Humans due to higher levels of Radiation, especially for young girls and the evidence base is mounting all the time. Must we wait until it is so bad we have no options remaining? Japan meanwhile presses ahead with plans to send people back into the Fukushima prefecture to live and plan to restart their vast number of Nuclear plants across the country, having done little to educate their own Citizens to the immediate dangers this will expose them to whilst shooting for the 2020 Olympic games in complete denial of their failures. The stories of corruption and mismanagement are rife concerning TEPCO but they are far too powerful to challenge and are allowed to simply lie to us all about their real situation passing a law strictly forbidding comment. That is until 38 degrees came into the picture! With a half life in the billions of years, the relentless nature of Fukushima's Radiation releases can and should not be ignored any longer. I believe it to be the single most important Global problem mankind has ever encountered. We need millions of people to voice their concern and for Japan to be held to account. The Nuclear Industry can not be allowed to continue to ignore the very real danger they have put us in for the convenience of their shareholders and commitments within the global Military Industrial Complex. Action groups like CND have become blinded to their purpose, so it has come down to us...the people..the huge pool of engaged people within the 38 degrees community to start putting heavy pressure on our elected leaders to act. Time is of the essence....we have less time than anyone could ever imagine. Three of the projected six years have already passed for all life in the Pacific ocean, this however is just Fukushima's calling card. Do not for one moment think it will not impact Great Britain. The best...as they say...is yet to come. Please follow the situation closely and stay informed. http://enenews.com/ http://fairewinds.org/
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Robinson
  • Bring in VIDEO EVIDENCE to help Referees
    Wrong decisions are causing Clubs to lose points, and therefore could cost them millions in lost revenue in the future, players are being suspended because of wrong decisions and cheats are getting away with their antics. Managers could lose their jobs because of Refereeing mistakes, it only takes a second or two to get the decision right. The Referees need this help because they too can be demoted etc for these wrong decisions we are seeing all too frequently lately. The F.A. needs to act now or millions could be lost by relegation, Managers lose their jobs and Referees are castigated and demoted.We are now in the 21st Century, Rugby uses this system so why not Football. Please vote for VIDEO EVIDENCE, it can only help all Clubs.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JOHN TYLER
  • Decriminilize and regulate the supply, cultivation and consumption of cannabis
    Thousands of doctors and patients across the world have confirmed that cannabis is an effective medicine that can treat and cure a number of problems from aches and pains and sleeping problems to cancer. cannabis has a ridiculously small negaitive impact on communities compared to alcohol and tobacco. millions of pounds are spent every year by the police and courts processing 'criminals' found in possession of small amounts of cannabis. thousands of people are taking up space in prison for cannabis related 'crimes'. cannabis can cause significant amount more damage to peoples health when criminals are able to weigh it down with glass, plastic, sand and chemicals. hundreds of millions in tax could be collected yearly. tax made could be used to counter serious drug addiction. massive boost in tourism.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick C
  • A Nationalized Bio Fuel Electrical Generating Organization
    For too long now the big six have monopolized power generation and so have had us held to ransom, yes there's a few small firms but they don't and can't really challenge their monopoly and the only true way to challenge them is with another large generating company and why not one that not only will be GREEN but also producing very cheap electricity for it's customers and producing funds for the Treasury yes a Nationalized one. I know that amongst many the word nationalized is a dirty word but look at the East Coast Rail Line nobody could make it work when it was privatized as soon as it became nationalized again it has made money and lot's of it sadly George Osborne thinks it will do the same privatized so he plans to sell it so I imagine it will go bust fairly quickly. The Bio Fuel Generating system that some have claimed in the past isn't green have been proved wrong on all counts, not least the fact that Sweden which is Scandinavia and Europe's Greenest country and which produces almost all it's electricity via Bio Fuel but Sweden isn't the only country Germany for instance also has a large number of Bio Fuel Generators, there are also a number of other countries in both eastern and western Europe using them. They produce cheap electricity this sounds like a dream claim but it's true simply because Bio Fuel Electricity can be produced from anything such as rubbish to poo and one of the by products is compost which can also be sold to keep the costs down. If you agree with me that it's about time that the people of this country deserve to be given the option of having cheap electricity that doesn't rely on outside influences then I hope you will sign my petition, sadly because of the way British politics are today if Parliament did introduce this it would probably start in England, but there is no reason why with a petition like this that the Welsh Assemble or the Scottish Parliament couldn't accept these proposals and go it alone so giving the people of Wales or Scotland the benefits and also seeing their coffers increase with the new wealth, so please sign my petition and let us get the country moving forward to a cheap, green future
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Lake-Muller
  • No Confidence in UK Government
    Our country is being destroyed, our lower and middle classes are being victimized by a government that only cares about the wealthy and ensuring that that wealth is rewarded with more wealth that is taken from those of us who can least afford it. They continue to lie, cheat and steal from the British Public and from those that have worked their whole lives. They continues to put massive barriers in front of the people in this country who wish to work by taking tax credits from those who need it the most in order to survive. If this is allowed to continue the way that it is then the Britain we know will be lost to crony capitalism and we will never see it back again. Now is the time to act to get rid of the current government and start repairing the mistakes and incompetent leadership that we have been forced to endure. The only way that this can be done is to hold immediate elections and get the current government out of the way so that we can move on without their whoring our country out to the rich.
    99 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carl Martin
  • De-restrict childrens law legal aid
    What is more important than your children? What in the world is more important than children and their welfare. How can it be that in this day and age in this country a childs future can be decided on whether you can afford a lawyer or not? Faced with the daunting trauma of court proceedings regarding the future of your child, you know your ex-partner is not capable of giving a loving, caring upbringing to your child but they can afford representation and you cannot. You may come away with the right result, you may not. What is certain is that you are entering a fight with the odds stacked against you. This is not right! Children deserve to have their future decided fairly.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leigh Davies
  • Help citizens manage electricity demand
    This would help to reduce CO2 emissions and conserve gas supplies.
    76 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Jarrett
  • Close The 'Tax Gap'
    Our tax system is open to massive abuse by individuals and corporations of all sizes. Whilst the government works very hard to target those who supposedly milk the benefit system, they are less than vocal in their crusade against those who defraud the taxpayer by avoidance and non-payment of tax. It is time to close the tax gap.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Jeffery
  • Stop UCAS selling PRIVATE DETAILS of applicants to advertisers.
    Immoral! Not acceptable! Making money from this action. It's not their info to share, is it? "Access to the data of more than a million teenagers and students and thousands of their parents is being sold to advertisers such as mobile phone and energy drinks companies by Ucas, the university applications body. The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service received more than £12m last year in return for sending targeted advertising to subscribers as young as 16." Have a read of this for further details: www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/mar/12/ucas-sells-marketing-access-student-data-advertisers More on David Willetts here: https://www.gov.uk/government/people/david-willetts
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aly Hemmings
  • Protect vulnerable adults and children
    These emergency cards display emergency contact details for an appropriate adult, and health conditions including disabilities. The cards were designed with the intention of accompanied training several years ago in conjunction with the National Autistic Society and Police forces nationally, to prevent incidents I have personally had to endure. They are simply NOT enough, officers are proving hostile to third party involvement and they remain patrolling our streets unequipped to deal with disabled people. The Home Secretary has to take a proactive approach in providing adequate sources of standards fundamentally protected in legalisation.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel McCormick
    This must lead to thousands of children returned to their birth parents. Thousands of children placed for fostering and adoptions are suffering psychological illness as a result of adoption targets based on fictional opinion. Forced adoptions are a gross-breach of human rights and social dangerous. HER MAJESTY has acknowledged a plan for a NATIONAL APOLOGY. The courts are waiting for a sucsessful response to this national call. Social workers managers also have the power to return children home. This new campaign is backed by undisputable research evidence. Dont allow the forms of holocaust to continue being listed at the International Criminal Court in the Hague. ACT NOW - JOIN THE CAMPAIGN.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roy Fox